The Obama/Biden featured a rough time for state Democrats , who gave each other ‘high fives’ with wins in 2008 only to see things walk away from them 2 years later….
Barack Obama spend less then 2 years as a US Senator…
He never really embraced the down ballot Democrat party thing….
Joe Biden was his wing man….
Obama was his boss….
Bide, as we know IS a creature on the legislative branch…
Politico has a piece about Biden’s pick of Jen O’Malley Dillon as his ‘first ‘on domestic politics….(Susan Rice is the lead on Domestic Policy)….
Some state Democrats are not happy…
She has been looked as part of the Obama policy that cost the state Democrats hurt…
This IS an issue…
While Joe Biden and Kamala Harris carried the day in the national election and helped the the remarkable Georgia wins?
Democrats took a surprising drubbing in House races….
Biden is gonna need to try to work his magic for down ballot Democrats going forward…
“I do not perceive Ms. O’Malley Dillon as being an ally to the grassroots,” said Colorado-based DNC member Jeri Shepherd. “I would like to be proven wrong.”
State party leaders complain of being underfunded during that period, and point to Dillon as the person negotiating with them at the national committee. Biden’s rollout of his slate of DNC officers last week — which some party officials complained came without adequate consultation — was viewed as a throwback to that era.
“All of us are wary of Jen Dillon and how she managed this for Obama, and it appears to be the same operating procedures,” said a DNC member who requested anonymity to speak freely. “There is no love there on either side. … She’s a Beltway person, not a grassroots investor, and treats us all like village idiots frankly.”
Biden announced his preferences for DNC leadership roles around 6 p.m. Thursday, only a few hours before contenders for the positions were required to file statements of candidacy. That led to grumbling about a lack of advance notice, and frustration among those who were not asked for their input on the choices. They also said it prevented any opposition from organizing for vice chairs….
“The President-elect has been an enthusiastic champion of Democratic candidates up and down the ballot and local Democratic committees. He made empowering state parties a priority as the Demoratic nominee for president,” said TJ Ducklo, a Biden spokesperson. “The President-elect and his entire team will be close partners with the DNC under Jaime Harrison’s leadership, so state parties can thrive and continue to elect Democrats at every level of government.”
Still, Biden’s history — and Harrison’s presence — has not completely ameliorated some Democrats’ concerns.
“The biggest concern state [party] chairs have is that Jaime will be hamstrung,” said the DNC member. As for Biden, he “is a bit busy.”
O’Malley Dillon’s supporters said her critics will soon realize they’re wrong about her….
I don’t think it is fair to say that Obama “never really embraced the down ballot party thing”.
Obama was not able to transfer his personal popularity to wins in other races in which he campaigned, but he certainly campaigned for other races, and he campaigned aggressively.
He did THAT….Yes….
But the piece says what the issue became for the state party people….
Ref :
2010 midterm results
Presidential influence on “down ballot” races is much more prevalent in elections where the President is on the ballot(often referred to as coattails) So I’m not quite sure what the point is here.
As to state party people being “unhappy” about this or that selection for some position?
What’s new?
As in last November….
Down ballot ?
Democrat made no significant gains and for Obama hemorrhaged loses…
I guess you’re saying that the Democrats didn’t do well down ballot in November.
Then you throw something in about Obama.
Biden had no “coattails .” I think we all know that.
Once again ,what exactly is your point?
The deplorable surge that prompted “Morning Joe” to apologize to Hillary Clinton as this year’s count was recorded brought in down ballot Republicans on a Congressional map that still favors the Republicans because of gerrymandering.
The Georgia runoff, one that was originally expected to favor the Republicans, elected black and Jewish Democrats. The fall off, without Trump on the ballot, for the Republicans was greater than the fall off in Democratic participation.
The conventional runoff voting patterns didn’t hold.
That’s why it’s important to get everyone of the twenty Republican Senators up for re-election on the record on impeachment.
Expecting all of this to go back to Pre-Trump era behavior patterns in both legislative and voting habits may be premature.
I agree Keith….
The party needs to CONTINUE. In the same efforts Stacey Abrams the Obama’s mounted for voter registration actually voting….
Ur right ….
It worked in Georgia ‘s runoff….
One hopes that even without Trump in the White House Democrats , Indies and disenchanted GOPer’s WILL help make America Great Again without an crooked asshole in the White House…