And his admin WILL be hands on….
Not the half hearted effort like the Trump admin effort…
The Biden effort could amount to two trillion dollars….
He’s looking for mass vaccine sites…
A coronavirus action plan being unveiled by President-elect Joe Biden centers on a mass vaccination campaign and closer coordination among all levels of government.
The Biden plan comes as a divided nation remains caught in the grip of the pandemic’s most dangerous wave yet. So far, more than 380,000 Americans have died.
Biden hopes his multidimensional strategy, expected to be detailed in a Thursday evening speech, will put the country on the path to recovery by the end of his first 100 days. “It’s going to be hard,” Biden said Monday after he got his second vaccine shot. “It’s not going to be easy. But we can get it done.”
A more disciplined focus on vaccination is the new and widely anticipated game-changing element, but that’s far from the whole story. Biden is asking Americans to override their sense of pandemic fatigue and recommit to wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and avoiding indoor gatherings, particularly larger ones. That’s still the surest way to brake the COVID-19 wave, with more than 4,400 deaths reported just on Tuesday.
Biden has also talked about asking Congress to pump more money to states, to help their efforts to contain the pandemic and replenish depleted coffers that pay for basic services. And Democratic lawmakers are eager to push for $2,000 economic stimulus payments to Americans.
Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer of New York said the Biden COVID-19 package will be the first order of business this year.
But Biden’s biggest challenge is to “win the hearts and minds of the American people to follow his lead,” said Dr. Leana Wen, a public health expert and emergency physician….
“Winning the Hearst’s and minds of the American people?”
This doctor is naive in the extreme.
Anyone who thinks that Trump voting Republicans are going to listen to Biden is an idiot.
Those who aren’t practicing the public health measures that have been voiced over the past almost year now are not going to all of a sudden jump on board because Joe says to.
Making the vaccine available to those who want it .Thats the issue now.Those who don’t want it?Let them go.
It past time for Fauci and the rest of them to get in the real world.Those bastards view this as some kind of “political” thing.
10.3 million people have have received one dose of the vaccine in the U.S.
More than 1.1 million people have been fully vaccinated in states reporting.
29.4 million doses have been distributed….
I’m going along with the idea ,expressed by Fauci and others ,that this is just getting started and things should be improving as we go along.
But these improvements need to be fairly rapid because what is happening now is totally unacceptable.
We need to be vaccinating at least a million a day ,ramping up to two million a day by say April 1 or so;otherwise, all this “happy talk” about things returning to “normal” by the fall is nothing but a chimera and Biden will be blamed.
THAT IS where Joe Biden wants to Go Jack….
I hope he does.
What has happened though is that the outgoing administration has made all sorts of promises that now appear to have been false.
As recently as a month ago,Secretary of HHS Alex Aznar claimed that within three months anyone who wanted a vaccination could get one.That doesn’t appear to be true.
Biden earlier set a goal of 100 million vaccinations in a hundred days.That too appears to be wildly optimistic ,unlesss things change drastically soon.
It’s past time for straight talk ,rather than dribbles from various “spokesmen”,” official and unofficial.
I’m not being critical of Biden.
He comes into office in the worst circumstances of the modern times,with a raging health crisis that the outgoing administration has in many cases belittled and out and out lied about.
Also, the greatest opportunity for a perceived “slam dunk” than any incoming President in history.
We’ll be hearing about Biden’s almost $2Billion
Pandemic program rollout in a gee hours…
Biden’s presidency probably will ride on him handling the virus and economy….
Everything is good will be gravy
Biden moving to have the military ‘build’ clinics?
But wisely will move to try to get vaccine shots down the healthcare ladder to pharmacies across the country try…
In a speech on Friday in Wilmington, Del., Mr. Biden told Americans that “we remain in a very dark winter,” allowing, “the honest truth is this: Things will get worse before they get better.”
“I told you,” he said, “I’ll always level with you.” But he also tried to offer hope for an end to a pandemic that has taken nearly 390,000 American lives and frayed the country’s economic and social fabric.
“Our plan is as clear as it is bold: get more people vaccinated for free, create more places for them to get vaccinated, mobilize more medical teams to get the shots in people’s arms, increase supply and get it out the door as soon as possible,” he said, calling it “one of the most challenging operation efforts ever undertaken by our country.”…
Biden to Deploy National Guard to Distribute Vaccine
“President-elect Joe Biden plans to use FEMA and the National Guard to build coronavirus vaccine clinics across the United States,” CNBC reports.
“The Biden administration will also ‘quickly jumpstart’ efforts to make the vaccines available at local pharmacies across the U.S., which should ensure that Americans have access to doses at facilities only miles from their home.”