This is NOT a surprise….
Trump’s leaving…
It’s back to fiscal restraint for the Republicans who helped Trump break the government piggy bank…
Why not let Biden & Co. fail so Republicans can run against that in 2022?
Why raise the min wage and actually help state a local; governments?
Who cares if the economy keeps goeing to shit?
Democrats will have a narrow Senate majority and could pass a relief package without any Republican votes. But doing so would require a parliamentary Senate procedure that could take weeks and may require Biden to jettison key parts of his proposal, such as the increase in the minimum wage. Approving a relief package solely with Democratic votes would also fly against Biden’s repeated campaign pledges to unify lawmakers and cut bipartisan deals across party lines….
If they really want to stick it to Republicans…vote on each aspect of this bill separately…and when they start to object and vote no for minimum wage, they got them on record and can hammer them in 2022…then take the whole thing and pass it as a budget reconciliation deal where it will only need Democratic support…fuck’em twice…