American’s and the world watched as President Donald Trump’s supporters descended on the American Capital, the home of it’s Federal legislative bodies and overrun the police there and proceeded to move thru the buildings hallways , smashing windows, vandalising offices in a effort Ito disrupt the final process of confirming the November Presidential election that had millions of Americans choose Joe Biden to replace Donald Trump as the next President….
With his customary wink….
There is no doubt Trump egged the mob on to go their mission….
The action did not stop legislators from doing their jobs, even as lawmakers still seeking the support of Trump voters, pushed things out to the early morning before the final action to affirm the Biden/Harris admin start in less than. two weeks…
People are angry and embarrassed that in an America that holds judgement over other countries to how democratic and orderly elections?
We could have a protest and effort to destabilise its own government from its own President….
Yesterday was the countries lowest point in more than a century ….
And it happened during a pandemic to boot….
The mob of Trump supporters pressed through police barricades, broke windows and battered their way with metal poles through entrances to the Capitol. Then, stunningly, they breached the “People’s House” itself, forcing masked police officers to draw their guns to keep the insurgents off the chamber floor.
“I thought we’d have to fight our way out,” said Representative Jason Crow, Democrat of Colorado and a former Army Ranger in Iraq, who found himself captive in the House chamber.
What unfolded at that point, at times on national television, was a tableau of violence and mayhem that shocked the nation, one of the most severe intrusions of the Capitol since the British invaded during the War of 1812 and burned it down.
An armed standoff ensued in the House chamber, with police officers drawing their weapons. A pro-Trump protester casually monkeyed around at the dais of the Senate. Intruders in Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s suite overturned desks and smashed photos. Others ripped artwork in Senate hideaway offices.
“This is what the president has caused today, this insurrection,” Senator Mitt Romney, Republican of Utah, said as he and other senators were hustled off to a secure location.
Some of the protesters gawked at the grand and storied building they had unlawfully flooded while others looked at it with contempt.
“I don’t trust any of these people,” said Eric Martin, 49, a woodworker from Charleston, S.C., as he marveled at the opulence of the Capitol and helped a friend wash pepper spray from his eyes. “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
But if some only stared at the Capitol, others resorted to violence. The Capitol Police fatally shot a woman inside the building, according to Chief Robert J. Contee of the Metropolitan Police Department, and multiple officers were injured. Another woman and two men around the Capitol died from separate medical emergencies as the mob charged to the building.
Two explosive devices were found around noon near the headquarters of the Republican National Committee, then destroyed by a bomb squad. And the federal authorities arrested a 70-year-old man from Alabama near the Capitol in possession of a firearm and materials to make several Molotov cocktails….
image…James Keivon/NY Daily News
I once said the party of Lincoln and Reagan is off taking a nap .The nap has become a nightmare for our nation.The GOP must awaken.The invasion of our Capitol by a mob ,incited by lies from some entrusted with power, is a disgrace to all who sacrificed to build our Republic.
Former House Speaker John Boehner
He was smart enough to get out Jack.
Now the leaders of the Congressional Republicans are folks like Kevin McCarthy, Gym Jordan, and Josh Hawley.
What an embarrassing bunch of would be thugs and terrorists.
Yes ,didn’t McCarthy who would be Speaker of the House if the Republicans had won a few more seats support the evidence less challenges?
Another profile in courage
And Mitch McConnell and Liz Cheney and many others who opposed the stunt, even as they faee massive pusback from the Trumpists in the party.
Even Democrats should root for the correct side in this Republican Civil War. Combining them all under one banner distorts from what will be going on.
I would gladly “root” for Mitt Romney .
In my view, he’s the Only Republican still in the Senate who has consistently shown any integrity in the Trump years.
Others ,such a Jeff Flake and Bob Corker are no longer serving .
I agree Romney towers over the others in the Senate in that regard.
But it was only a few years ago, when I was told by one of our posters here that by voting for Mitt Romney in 2012, I was no different than a Nazi sympathizer.
Nobody else here said they agreed with that characterization but the only person who mildly criticized the person who leveled that comparison was DSD.
The tearful mea culpas for supporting Trump will be coming at a fast and furious pace, in relatively short otder, as I have always said they will eventually be.
I can practically see Marco Rubio at a podium now.
CNN aide reporting that Mike Pence will attend the Biden inaugural.
Pence walking….No….Running away from his boss?
Can Trump fire him????😳
All the Biden “46” memorabilia will either be worth a lot of money or nothing. Might have to change things fast to “47”
National Review is absolutely livid; you might be forgiven for mistaking it for The Nation.
At least half a dozen different writers in “The Corner” are calling for Trump’s head and death to Trumpism. Not very kind, either, to his enablers, collaborationists and connivers (or those who just acquiesce).
but for some, it has to be from 100 percent of everyone on the right, or it doesn’t count.
If it’s not unanimous, it doesn’t exist.