The incoming US President was asked pointedly if he supported removing Donald Trump from office….
His answer was ‘it’s up to Congress’….
His second point was he IS busy trying to get ready to deal with the mess Trump’s admin has NOT dealt with….
The Pandemic and the Economy…
Democrats and the media , led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are running around saying Trump should dropped by Pence, knowing THAT is NOT gonna happen….
The idea of a second impeachment will make a lot of people happy , but those same people do not ‘get in’ that a impeachment will NOT get Trump gone…
Like the first one and the one for Bill Clinton and impeachment is just a CHARGE by the House against a sitting President…The jury is the Senate…And Trump is NOT gonna be the first President to lose his job from those charges….
Mitch McConnell has made it clear that an impeachment vote from the House would essentially ‘freeze’ the US Senate ….
People are saying well incoming US Senate leader Democrat Schumer could un-freeze things…
But not so fast….
The two Georgia Democrats elected do not become available to BE Senator’s until Georgia certifies their wins…
IF that is before Jan. 20?
THEN with the swearing in Vice President Harris ?
The Senate can move ahead with Democratic control…
If Georgia drags its feet?
McConnell could be the Majority leader for several days into the Biden admin….
Joe Biden CERTAINLY does NOT want That….
It would leave the running of the country try in limbo for several days….
Delaying votes for confirmation that will a routine with Schumer and Democrats running the Senate….
Delaying other action that Congress might need to do to help Biden ‘move ahead’…
People gotta thing things thru ….
It’s bit more complicated then the media and Pelosi would lead ya to believe …
And we voted to move ahead with Biden and Harris…
Not still have McConnell calling the show after the new President is sworn in….
….Biden also offered an oblique response about his views on congressional Democrats’ attempt to impeach or otherwise remove Trump from office.
“I think it’s important we get on with the business with getting him out of office. The quickest way that that will happen is us being sworn in on the 20th,” Biden said. “What action happens before or after that is a judgment for the Congress to make.”…
image…CNBC/Joe Raedle | Getty
New Open Thread is HERE…..
Fifty-seven percent of Americans want Republican President Donald Trump to be immediately removed from office after he encouraged a protest this week that escalated into a deadly riot inside the U.S. Capitol, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll….
Democrats to vote on Impeachment II early next week
House Democrats plan to move on a second impeachment of Donald J. Trump as early as Monday — and on Wednesday at the latest, depending on member travel, Hill sources tell me.
The state of play: There’s just one article in the four-page draft: “Incitement of Insurrection.” More than half of House Democrats instantly signed on.
Speaker Pelosi told Lesley Stahl for Sunday’s “60 Minutes” that Trump is “deranged”: “[S}adly, the person that’s running the Executive Branch is a deranged, unhinged, dangerous president of the United States.
” And we’re only a number of days until we can be protected from him. But he has done something so serious that there should be prosecution against him.”
Senate Majority Leader McConnell’s office notes in a memo to Republican senators that the Senate won’t reconvene for substantive business until Jan. 19, the WashPost reports. So an impeachment trial couldn’t begin before Inauguration Eve….
Democrats NEED Georgia to certify the two Democratic Senator votes as soon as possible ….
Failure top do so WILl complicate things for the incoming Biden admin….
There will be only one charge….
“Incitement of Insurrection.” More than half of House Democrats instantly signed on.
The wording of the charge makes it impossible for Democrats to get a ‘super majority’ of 60 senator to vote to convict…
But Trump COULD be banned from running for President agains and certain benefits he should get as a ex-President could be striped from him…
Without the 2 Ga US Senate winners sworn in?
McConnell would still be running the Senate on Jan 20/21 one would presume….
Even if they are sworn in, he will be Majority Leader until 1/20.
If they aren’t certified until Jan 22nd the Senate would be 50/48 GOP….
McConnell would be the majority leader unless Schumer got two GOPer’s to vote for him…….
I don’t know what difference that would make anyway. The vote on the Trump conviction will not happen until the new Georgia Senators are in office anyway.
I am also pretty sure Perdue is officially no longer a Senator as his six year term ended.
Yes, Perdue is officially no longer a Senator. That seat is vacant. January 22 is the latest the winners can be certified, but it may happen before.
Raffensperger has to do his job, according to the books, which is something you and Trump need to realize. He has to wait for all the 159 counties in the state to certify their results first. It will be here before you know it.
Theoretically, Kemp could pick someone to replace Perdue, but I do not see that happening. They would only serve 1 day or something.
Check this CG….
Which is why I think Pelosi is charging HARD on the impeachment and would make me wrong….
Donald Trump WILL be impeached I now believe, and there will be a vote in the US senate TO STOP DJT from running for President ever again….I doubt they can get the 60 votes for a convection after he has left office which when the Senate would vote on this…But just the effort could make him damaged goods….BTW?…I do NOT think Joe Bide with the dragging out of this ….
…Trump’s term ends in just 12 days, which doesn’t leave much time for impeachment and a Senate trial — especially because there’s enough Republican resistance in the Senate to slow down the process or stop it entirely. But there is a case increasingly being made for proceeding with impeachment and forcing a Senate trial of Trump that would conclude after January 20 in order to ban him from holding office in the future.
There is no question that the Constitution authorizes a ban on future officeholding as an option for the Senate as a “sentence” after an impeachment trial. Sometimes it is imposed after elected officials have been convicted of impeachable offenses, and sometimes it isn’t. Indeed, Senate rules provide that such a ban may be enacted by a simple majority vote after two-thirds of the Senate has voted for conviction in an impeachment trial. It has never happened to a president before because none has been convicted. …
The first step, which is mandatory, is 2/3 for conviction.
If you get that, the other one will be easy, assuming Democrats are willing to let him go as a potential opponent for years to come.
Not if he is not convicted, it can’t.
But do not assume he will not be convicted. It’s a fluid situation.
Perdue has been a former Senator since Sunday, two days before the runoff election . He was quarantining anyway so he might not have known the difference. Had he won the runoff, he might have lost some seniority for organizational purposes. Had both Republicans won, Loeffler would have become the senior Senator technically. It’s a very weird law in Georgia with a January runoff.
So both you and Trump want Georgia election officials to change the way things are always done to suit your wishes.
They CAN certify BEFORE Jan 20th….
I understand they MUST by Jan 22….
I would count on them being sworn in on 1/19 when the Senate returns. They will vote in the Trump impeachment trial.
My question is whom will be classified as the “Senior Senator” from Georgia, but I am pretty sure it would be Ossoff.
Does it make a difference who is the senior senator?
Joe Biden will begin his new journey as the 46th President of the United States in a familiar way: riding Amtrak from Wilmington to Washington.
A day before he is sworn into office, Biden is planning to make his way to the nation’s capital on a family train trip that will be part of the festivities leading up to the inauguration on January 20, people familiar with the plans tell CNN.
While plans for the inauguration were shaken this week by the violent attack on the Capitol, along with unrelenting complications from the coronavirus pandemic, Biden and top advisers have instructed their team to keep moving forward, without being deterred by the steep challenges….
A friend of mines in talking about Trump and Biden going forward?
He made a strong point to be about Biden reaching out for those Donald Trump and Republicans ignored…
He wants Joe Biden to stay middle /left….Not middle/right…
He and his wife don’t care about impeachment and the 25th….
They just want Trump gone and America moving on….
Oh, and lock up those who damaged the countries Capitol….
Seniority makes a big difference with Committee assignments and things like office assignments, and that would extend to the Senior and Junior Senator of any individual state.
Seniority issues have gone back and forth and now there are term limits for Committee Chairs so that has changed the nature of it.
I really wish that James would take that class.
Of COURSE they CAN….
Congress gave them and can take them away….
Benefits for ex-Presidents is NOT in constitution…
U might want to check out this link...
Nothing can be done to prevent him from running for office in the future, unless that is voted upon by 2/3 of the Senate.
Please show me that link…
Congress cannot make a law just for Donald Trump. It would have to fall under the category of Presidents who were removed from office, which related to the Wikipedia piece you showed.
They can apparently remove him after the fact. The Senate would have to vote as to if he can ever run for federal office again. Perhaps that only takes a majority, I am not sure, but he will not have been “removed from office” without 2/3 of Senators present and voting…
When the time comes, how many former Trump supporting Senators might skip the vote to allow it to happen?
He, he, he….
Of COURSE they could CG….
If they could get the 2/3’s?
You just write the law to read a ex-president convicted of ‘treason ‘….
Trump better hope the polling numbers don’t support impeachment charges….
Cause yea…
Maybe 10 GOPer’s might want Trump out of the picture?
Cruz, Cotton, Murkowski, Romney, Toomey, Collins, Sesse ….
We could be about to see a real INTERESTING show coming up….
The Senate cannot convict Trump of treason. I think you might need a military tribunal for that?
The “losing benefits” thing only applies if he is “removed from office”, which I suppose can happen after the fact.
Congressman Meijer should be congratulated. But we should realize that he called over 120 of his fellow House Members liars (and of course they are). His party has a serious problem, serious.
Rep. Peter Meijer (R–MI), the Republican successor to the retiring Libertarian Justin Amash, told Reason he blamed many of his Republican colleagues for the violence at the U.S. Capitol this week because they misled the rioters.
Said Meijer: “They were being lied to. They were being misled. Some of my colleagues in Congress, they share responsibility for that. Many of them were fundraising off of this Stop the Steal grift.”
He added: “I don’t understand how you can look in the mirror and go to sleep at night without that weighing on your conscience, I fundamentally do not. I’m just at a loss for words about how some of them have acted in ways that are just knowingly, provably false. And they know they’re lying, too.”
So this evening I saw where the Republicans in Arizona have passed a recommendation condemning Cindy McCain and reference her past issues with drugs (from years ago).
They complain that she has endorsed “leftists.”
Why do Republicans so totally fixate on the past when their own party is quickly going down the road to sedition in the present?
I think we should all join together to condemn these horrible accusations.
One can only imagine what this AZGOP crowd would have thought of Barry Goldwater.
I was going to write “and what Barry Goldwater would have thought about them,” and then remembered how he and his campaign advisors roused up that crowd (“May I remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice … ” ) in the San Francisco Cow Palace — many of that crowd so sympathetic to the John Birch Society and the KKK that lifelong Republican Jackie Robinson no longer felt at home in his own party.
And I also remember the way that Barry’s campaign in the South has been described.
The John Birch Society was a little bit before my time. I recall references to them, but I don’t ever recall them being a serious movement. In the 70s my recollection of conservatism had to do with the beliefs of William F Buckley. In fact, I literally had to look up who John Birch was.
Supposedly, the John Birchers were big supporters of Donald Trump – which must shock CG and James who think that Trump was a more of a Democrat.
It’s according to what you mean by “serious.”
They were nationally known ,had chapters in most states ,and had bookstores around the country.
Their strength was mostly out west,particularly in California,notoriously Orange County ,where two Congressmen,John Rousselott and John Schmitz were avowed Birchers.They werev prominent in the Wallace movement.Indeed they essentially coopted Wallace’s American Independent Party in 1972 and made Schmitz the presidential candidate (he polled over a million votes).
The Birchers were the forerunners of the conspiracists of today.They were known for labeling prominent people ,including President Eisenhower as either a Communist, a Communist sympathizer or a Communist dupe.
They literally embodied the term”Right Wing extremists.”Their heyday was the sixties and they began to fade as the seventies moved on ,although they and their remnants still exist today.
Actually I think it was Maricopa County Republicans, although it appears that incredibly Arizona Republicans will also be taking up this issue later this month.
One of the grievances was that Cindy McCain supported marriage equality. I would have thought that most Republicans were past that, but I guess not. Cindy McCain had past issues with pain medications.
Yes, one County in Arizona, soon to be the whole State Party run by nut case Kelli Ward.
Clearly they are trying to smear her ahead of her potential appointment to a position in the Biden Administration.
Why are they haters like this?
ABC News Poll….
71% of Republicans believe Donald Trump will “preserve democracy.”Only 25% believe Mitt Romney will.
Incredible, simply Incredible.
The “reports” of Trumps political demise ,particularly among rank and file Republicans ,appears to be greatly exaggerated.His position has certainly eroded among the Republican political class.It will be interesting to see how these numbers go over the next few months.
If the Maricopa County GOP condemns Cindy McCain for supporting marriage, equality, what should they say about those far-left super-Bohemian counterculturalists Richard, Lynne and Liz Cheney?
Just shake ur head…..
Morning people…..
Down to 71% with the Republican supporters, eh?
Strong in the House….
But bleeding off in the Senate?
The Impeachment serves only one purpose for Democrats. To get every Republican on record on their final vote of loyalty or disloyalty to Trump and the Constitution…Trump handed this final gift to the Democrats, I thought it was going to be the Stimulus vote, but this is one more vote…the worst President and the one guy who didn’t know how to play politics at all because he thought he was bigger than the game…and for a while he was.
“I don’t care if it’s one hour left, let’s impeach him.”
— Rep, James Clyburn (D-SC), in a USA Today interview…
Most Arizonans (as I just learned recently) live in Maricopa County (4.4 million out of 7.3). Maricopa County also elected and re-elected America’s Meanest Sheriff Joe Arpaio time after time.
Sarah H. Sanders
I’ve lost 50k+ followers this week. The radical left and their big tech allies cannot marginalize, censor, or silence the American people. This is not China, this is United States of America, and we are a free country.
Peter Baker
Trump to travel to Alamo, Texas, on Tuesday to highlight his construction of border wall.
Trump WILL be impeached a second time….
The question will now move to when to send the indictment to the Senate
Donald Trump continues to give reality the middle finger ….
Trump on Monday plans to present Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), one of his staunchest defenders in Congress, with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, according to the White House.
It is the latest in medals being presented by Trump in his final days in office. Last week, he bestowed the honor on Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), another leading congressional ally, and Thursday, he plans to award one to New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick, according to a White House official….
As of Sunday morning, 210 of 222 Democrats — nearly a majority of the chamber — had signed onto the article of impeachment drawn up by Representative David Cicilline of Rhode Island, Jamie Raskin of Maryland and Ted Lieu of California. It charges Mr. Trump with “willfully inciting violence against the government of the United States.”…
The twitter world is going crazy over possible more Trump protests on Jan 17 AND Jan 20….
Big Majority Say Democracy Is Under Threat
A new Quinnipiac poll finds that 74% of voters say democracy in the United States is under threat, while just 21% of voters say that democracy in the United States is alive and well.
Said pollster Tim Malloy: “When it comes to whether American democracy is under threat, both Republicans and Democrats see a raging five-alarm fire, but clearly disagree on who started it.”
A majority of voters, 56%, say they hold President Trump responsible for the storming of the U.S. Capitol, while 42% say they do not hold him responsible. A slight majority, 52% to 45%, say President Trump should be removed from office.
And 70% of the Republicans still support Trump. Pretty high for a seditious son-of-a-bitch don’t you think?
Amusingly, James’s remark to this yesterday was to notice that Trumps support had fallen from around 90% to around 20 points.
Just think,at this rate?
Three more attacks on the Capitol might bring it down to almost zero!
Status of Warnock and Ossoff certifications down in Ga….
They don’t get sworn in until this is complete and certified…
McConnell is STILL the Majority Leader until this is done….
in Georgia, counties are working to wrap up last week’s Senate runoff election. So far, according to figures at the Georgia Secretary of State’s website, 40 out of the state’s 159 counties have certified their results….
Trump CAN STILL fire this guy….
But it won’t matter…
Jim Sciutto
New: DC AG says he’s looking at potentially charging Trump & others for inciting violence in speeches to crowd that later breached Capitol Jan 6.
Racine told
charges apply “where there is a clear recognition one’s incitement could lead to foreseeable violence.”
More reason for Trump to try to self pardon or step down on Jn 19 for a Pence pardon if the VP would go thru with it?
He also took shots at the Speaker because he thinks that Trump shouldn’t be impeached again and thinks she shouldn’t have called the Pentagon to warn them not to be used by Trump to keep himself in office.
Now, I ask you, does anyone here think that Trump won’t do anything he thinks he can get away with to stay in office. His behavior and the complicity of the military during the BLM protests in DC this summer should be evidence enough that Pelosi did the right thing.
Biden just suggested that the Senate work half day on his agenda and half day on impeachment.
Sounds like he is down with what the Democrats are doing.
Illinois House Speaker and subject of a federal investigation Michael J. Madigan, the longest serving Speaker in U.S. history, has ended his bid to keep power.
Madigan is “suspending” his campaign and it is possible he sees this as a procedural move to rise later again into the job, if nobody else can find the votes, but I doubt that will happen.
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — Illinois lawmakers elected their first Black speaker Wednesday, elevating state Rep. Chris Welch to a post that has been held for nearly four decades by Michael Madigan, a quintessential Chicago South Side Irishman who became synonymous with Democratic machine-style politics.
Welch, elected to the state House in 2013, steps into a government quagmire on Day One. Illinois is no stranger to financial crises, but after an economic upswing in 2019, the state is now saddled with a $4 billion budget deficit amid the Covid-19 pandemic, and a redistricting process where Illinois will likely
Welch is a Madigan crony. He is also under attack for a series of allegations and lawsuits involving domestic violence and sexual harassment, some of which just came to light last night.
The “conspiracy theory” is that Madigan set him up for a quick fall, only to swoop in and return to power.
It is huge news though that Madigan’s reign is no more. Whatever happens with Welch, I cannot imagine them going back to him.
Welch is the first African-American Speaker of the House in Illinois, but the state had a black State Senate President all the way back in 1975, who served just two years in that post.
and then, years later, Emil Jones, who served as Senate President and was Obama’s main political benefactor.
Morning People..
Georgia official’s maybe able to certify the Senate runoff elections results by Tuesday…
If so?
Biden appointee’s could sworn in right after Harris is sworn and Schumer moves into the Senate Majority spot….
I’ll have post later on Biden’s effort to deal with running things from Tuesday…
That seems to have already begun…
Trump people moving stuff out of the White House…..
Josh Dawsey
Trump is taking departure photos with various teams on the White House staff today, per admin official.
will sing the national anthem for the
inauguration on Jan. 20;
also set to perform.
Talking Points Memo
Dem Reps Request Cots For National Guard After Photos Of Them Sleeping On Capitol Floors
Ah, Yes…..
Biden is wondering if the House does get the impeachment article ?
Can the Senate break the impeachment deliberation into half day sessions, with the other half of the day devoted to his admin confirmations and other actions….
If McConnell has anything to do with this forget it … Somebody can check but i thought i saw any breakaway has to unanimous..
The Democrats need to think this out and not end up screwing Biden and themselves to vote in something that can wait…
More dropouts….
Trump acting Homeland boss Wolf just quit…
Homeland failed to do anything on last weeks Capitol protest and Wolf’s criticism of the President…
Homeland IS involved in next weeks security op for Biden’s swearing in…
Bill Belichick says he won’t accept Presidential Medal of Freedom from Trump
The rush to impeach Trump has Biden asking McConnell to push thru his National Security picks while dealing with the impeachment….
Schumer will have to wait for Georgia as has been pointed out…
This unless Pelosi can hold going to Senate …
Trump trumps gets the Democrats to keep him ahead of Biden after he leaves office?
Ya can’t make this shit up!🙄
McConnell has not indicated if he’ll go along with Democrats on confirming Biden’s people before shutting things down or even doing both…
From my point of view?
Pelosi let this get out of hand…
Pence will NOT 25th amend Trump out so her leverage was never there
Trump will only leave if he gets Pence to pardon him and that is NOT out of the game…
It’s STILL McConnell’s ball…
My wife just set me straight on Pelosi
I missed the view that people actually went into her office and vandalized it…That she probably feels that Trump sent people after her…That Capitol cops DID have shoot someone…
Put that way?
I understand her hard push…
Biden probably also…
My apologies on coming down on her…
They will figure something out until Ga certifies the two …
I’m busy right now ….
Posts coming in a few…..
Trump has knocked the ‘protest’ of last week today , but ‘forgets’ the part about him inciting it….
GOP Candidate Apologizes for Hitler Chant
A Republican candidate for Staten Island borough president issued an apology for reportedly shouting “Heil Hitler” in a Facebook video while calling on people to push back against local coronavirus safety restrictions, The Hill reports.
“ Apology” not accepted you piece of garbage.
It’s way past time that when these Right Wing creeps run their slimy mouths and then think a fake apology makes it all ok they should be met with continuing disdain .
Ur senator is back hanging Trump again Jack….
Gee I’m shocked!
Lyin Lindsay is flip flopping again?
Who would have thunk that!
Liz Cheney, the House Republican Conference Chair will vote to Impeach Trump.
As will Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) and John Katko (R-NY). It is not easy to be among the first, even when doing what is right.
Senate sources are saying that there are nearly 20 Republican votes that might vote to convict and that was before Leader McConnell set the signal out that he is in favor. I said way back during the last impeachment, that all of this is transactional in politics. When politicians realize that they have nothing left to gain from Trump. they will find strength in numbers, and what was once thought an unpenetrable dam can break fast.
I think the GOPer ‘convict’ numbers are part of a ‘deal’ to get Trump to not run again,,,
Katko is from a relatively Democratic district. So it is easier for him than most.
Morning All….
President Donald J. trump gets to make the history books as the only President to be impeached TWICE durning ONE term in office…
See his approval drop in toilet also going oit the door…As he carries a majority of the party regular in his backpack…
Hillary Clinton may have lost…
But she can smile and say…
‘ I told ya so’…..
The impeachment process begins in the House chamber as up to 20,000 National Guard, Federal , State and local cops get ready to go on post in and around the nation’s Capitol
I live it! My opinion of Georgia Republicans goes up a notch!
There will be many fronts to the Republican Party “Civil War.”
Hope you are right. Time will tell.
There’s a photo of somebody carrying an Abe Lincoln bust out of the Oval Office today. Who is supervising this? The raiding of the White House on the way out will be the next scandal.
I saw that. But just to be fair are we sure it was White House property and not someone’s personal bust they brought into their office?
The only bust in the White House that Trump legally paid for is Melania’s.
Good one.
The Capitol protest seems to have not been much of a protest and more of a cover for a move to destroy the American Congress and even capture and hurt the American Vice President…
Donald Trump SHOULD be tried and convicted of aiding and abetting as should be several Republican lawmakers….
This MUST be followed up and put down forcefully by the ‘Justice Dept’ and the courts..
Accepting a political reality…That the Senate Trump trial will come first…
It appears that Biden’s people are reaching down into cabinet dept’s to find civil servants to run things until the Biden cabinet people get confirmed…
Biden’s spending bill isn’t going anywhere anytime soon…
The Trump stink will linger…
Hoping Schumer can do split sessions…
Boston Globe
Vice President Mike Pence has called Vice President-elect Kamala Harris to offer congratulations and assistance. More updates:
Ted Cruz Will Attend Biden’s Inauguration
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) will attend President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration on Jan. 20, sources tell KXAN.
“Calls for Cruz to resign mounted in the week since rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol after Cruz called on his colleagues to object to certifying the Electoral College vote.”
Cornyn will also be present at the Biden swearing in…
I continue to be stunned that the Georgia Republicans penalized those Republicans who voted against certifying the election. This is one of the most (if not the most) encouraging things that the GOP did in the last 12 years. I invite others to comment on things that the GOP did in the past 11+ years that shows more integrity than this development in Georgia. What am I missing?
The fact that the Republican legislature is planning to limit absentee balloting in future elections. Their legal form of voter suppression.
People HAVE TO keep working hard to get around those efforts like they did in November and Jan in Ga….
It will be a bit harder with no Trump to run against though….
I am aware of a lot of instances that the GOP took action to permanently separate children from their parents, stack the courts, make it more difficult for black and younger voters, make it easier to practice corruption, facilitate global warming etc.
What I am looking for now is something where the GOP placed the country’s interest over themselves, Or are ya’ll as unable to think of examples as I am?
Well I think Mitt Romney has on several occasions and I have praised him for his actions.
And of course the Lincoln Project, which is led by some present and past Republicans has been effective in calling out Trump and other Republicans for their outlandish behavior.
I was also heartened by the courageous stand of Rep.Tom Rice, the Republican Congressman from S.C. who has literally put his political career on the line by his vote to impeach Trump.
Fraying around the edges…..
Some hope maybe?
New Open Thread tonight….
Right now I am watching new footage of the rioters in the Capitol and being told that they were 60 seconds from reaching Mike Pence.
Does anyone doubt that they wouldn’t have killed Pence and Pelosi if they captured them?
Does anyone doubt that Trump would have declared martial law if that had happened?
Republicans need to say publicly that the election was far and honest. Until they do they are part of the problem.
This coup attempt is all on them.
Trying to take Pence would have resulted in a blood bath…
That was the point James. Right?
Still restating the obvious I see.
After reading about this,it was deemed “payback” by Georgia’s Lt. Governor.Also,apparently this type of thing happens often in the Georgia statehouse ,according to the Atlanta newspaper ,and is more reflective of simple political maneuvering than indicating any broad “changes.”
In essence these guys pissed off the LG by playing patsies for Trump and questioning his integrity and he got them back
However, Keith is right.Far more noteworthy is a Republican led effort to limit absentee balloting in the future.That, to me at least,is of far more importance that the fact that a few Republican legislators lost committee chairmanships to other Republicans.
If the LG and others oppose this type of action which will result in fewer people being able to vote?Then I will be willing to applaud them.
I seriously doubt that they will Jack. It’s reflexive with them. Cannot let those black people vote.
Unfortunately I think you’re right.
They likely will move forward to restrict absentee balloting , subtly implying ,I presume that,despite their denials, there was something “wrong” with the voting in Georgia.
Ot ,at least, conceding that the more people that vote,the less Republican chances for success .
But we have been told there isn’t any voter suppression in this country Jack.
Remarkably, the Georgia Republicans are exhibit A as to voter suppression.
Here we have Georgia election officials ,all Republicans,vigorously (and correctly) defending the 2020 election results as “fair.” These results included thousands who voted by absentee ballots which were greatly expanded due to the pandemic.
Now ,these same Republicans want to once again restrict absentee voting.
If it worked well and fairly in 2020 ,is there any reason to think it won’t work well in the future?
Of course not!
Accordingly,the only logical reason for wanting to return to more restrIctive rules is to suppress the vote.
I am aware of the dark history of Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp. He invalidated over 1.4m voter registrations and the black community was disproportionately affected. stacey Abrams would have won that race if it was fair. I did not expect Biden to win Georgia because of the state’s successful efforts to disenfranchise blacks – which was led by Gov. Kemp.
But the example of penalizing reps who voted against certifying the vote is literally the only example I could think if in which the GOP did something to benefit the country over itself. I am and was aware that Georgia is just one state and they have a horrible history of voter suppression, and it won’t get much better.
But if my comment that the GOP is largely (I just added that word to satisfy CG), then shouldn’t we be able to think of more examples than this?
I know certain senators or reps did some decent things; I am looking for examples in which the party did the right thing.
I’m uncertain what you mean by “the party.”
I mean on the national stage the senators and reps are pretty much “the party.”
If you’re talking about at the grassroots level?Its more difficult to find such examples unless one personally knows about them as they are unlikely to be well known.
There are several layers with the ‘party’…
Trump lawmakers
Supporters that have got pissed about Trump and last week
Republican media
And so on … And so ..And….
Well then answer Zreebs.
The warring factions in the freshman class mirror the broader rift in the GOP, where there is a widening gulf between a Trump-loving base and the moderate wing that can help make Republicans a majority party in 2022
An individual senator’s vote on a bill doesn’t mean that is what the party supports. So Mitt Romney supported impeachment, but that doesn’t mean the GOP supported impeachment. The vast majority of the GOP opposed impeachment.
An assumption in my question is that there are some actions that a political party (or majority of a political party) could take that is clearly the right thing to do and shows some political courage. The best example is when did a majority of the GOP support a bill that disproportionately favorably impacted blue states.
I guess my original question was too vague and requires too many qualifications to be meaningful. Thank you for your efforts to answer.
It’s an eccentric question, but maybe I will take a stab at it over the weekend.
For clarification purposes, can you provide examples of how you would answer as it relates to Democrats?
Happy Martin Luther King (Jr)’s Birthday [15 January 1929 – 4 April 1968]