The checks will be half the first check amount ….$600 Max…..
The Treasury Sec is probably a little ahead of himself on how fast this will go…But the computers programs are already set up from the first run….
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Monday that he expects Americans will start receiving stimulus checks as early as next week from the COVID-19 relief package that Congress is poised to approve.
“The president wanted direct payments, so we will be sending out next week direct deposit,” Mnuchin said on CNBC. “I expect we’ll get the money out by the beginning of next week.”
Lawmakers and the White House reached an agreement on a $900 billion coronavirus relief package on Sunday that includes direct payments of up to $600 for adults and children. Congress still needs to vote on the bill, whose text had not yet been released as of Monday morning, and President Trumpstill needs to sign it….
Mnuchin’s timetable for the second round is faster than the timetable was for the CARES Act payments. The first round of payments was enacted on March 27, and taxpayers whose direct deposit information was already on file with the IRS started receiving their payments in mid-April.
Mnuchin called direct payments a “very, very fast way of getting money into the economy.”….
Then there’s the “three martini lunch!
When I first entered the industry, it was very common to have a drink at lunch. In fact, when I was first hired, my company took me to lunch – which included drinks.
But those days are long done. With the exception of company holiday parties, drinking during working hours is very strongly discouraged and very few people do it even occasionally The industry is too competitive and people who do drink at work won’t last.
A few years back we had a business lunch and the server seemed taken aback that our table wasn’t inbibing, even though we explained it was a working meal and we were heading back to the office.
It was weird to me as the server seemed fairly young. I could see if he were a seasoned old steak house waiter fondly recalling the Mad Men days when a few pricey lunch martinis or bottles of wine along with a nice tip were put on the company charge without HR batting an eye.
I read a story about how many people are drinking at work these days, since they are now working from home.
I am not one of those people. I am merely busy enough to be stuck in a chair for hours and hours without the past physical activity of walking that was part of being in an office. So, that’s not good either.
So what did the story say? Can you summarize or send the link?
Even though I work from home, I actually dress up (without a tie or jacket of course) in the event there is an impromptu webinar that I need to attend.
The productivity from my company has remained incredibly high during the pandemic.
I would not even think of drinking during working hours – even when at home.
It said people are drinking while they are working because nobody knows.
While there are some positive aspects of working from home, I hope to one day get to return to the normalcy of what life was like one year ago. I expect I will be working from home still for several more months.
I won’t have to miss a single Bowl game though over the next two weeks, even as I work!
This Myrtle Beach Bowl should be scintillating.
Will your expert prognostication of the Myrtle Beach Bowl (reinforced by close study of Nate Silver and STATS) be posted on the world-famous CG blog?
Do you remember the classic, time-hallowed Bowl (later renowned as the Houston Bowl) ?
Generations of otherwise restive alumni rooters would forget a dismal season if only their fondly-remembered alma mater could seize that hallowed trophy. The streets in two college towns would be utterly empty as every inhabitant clustered around TV sets, in sports bars, in university clubs or at fraternities & sororities, primed to roar or moan at every play with a volume so loud they could be heard in the next county.
I did my Bowl post yesterday on my blog. I am rooting for North Texas (not that I really care) but Appalachian State (worst uniforms in college football) is winning big as expected.
Perhaps jack is at the Myrtle Beach Bowl, taking part in a socially distant tailgate and looking for some more red-hat wearing Republicans to vote for statewide office?
Are you a Republican?
Sen, McCarthy, I am an American, and that is all that should matter.
Oh Yes I see.
Last week you said you were pretty much out of politics or something similiar.
I guess that’s why you are here at a political site.
This site is not exactly important.
I am “out of politics” to the extent that I do not attend events for the party or candidates or take part in campaigns. That was a big part of my life for many years, but I stopped once Trump took over the party, resigning as a precinct captain, etc.
I do not know what else to do. We do not have party registration in my state.
For some reason, I have recently gotten on some email list and I get at least 20 a day from Trump or people associated with him begging for money to stop the coup, etc.
Yo CG?
This site is NOT important to millions that come here ?
Well ok….
It’s not millions
But I’d like to think it IS important to everyone who drops on everyday to read posts and to comment….
Boy, am I tired of this utterly pointless, endless wrangle over who’s a Republican and who’s a Trumpist (or a Trumpism-enabler).
Wading through all this futile dialogue is the kind of thing that must turn away any participation outside the Magic Half-Dozen (ours not to reason why…)
Who exactly is going to change whose self-idenfication?
Who else in the world cares two cents who’s a hypocrite? (After all, we obsess over politicians, whose profession or avocation almost requires some sort of guile or hypocrisy — not religious leaders.)
¶ As for a substantive point, I do admire all those Republican officeholders and election officials (even, heaven help us, Brian Kemp) who were and probably still are ardent enthusiasts for Trump and Trumpism at the same down as they flatly and completely (at not only political but also personal risk to themselves) rejected Trump’s attempts to disqualify, overturn and steal last month’s election. They may own MAGA hats but they don’t lick boots.
Amen DSD!
Ya votes fir who ya want…
Your party choice IS ur choice
And SOME people put Country and process first when they should….
NOT a ‘loyalty’ to one crooked knucklehead
Goons from mobbed-up unions (not my kind, btw) would sometimes plant a hat on a sports spectator in order for their colleagues to recognize him for suitable treatment when he left.
Were we both not unalterably opposed to physical-political intimidation, maybe Jack could plant a bright red hat at the Myrtle Beach Bowl on a deserving bare-headed licker of Donald Trump’s boots.
But then it might be hard to distinguish his target among all the bootlickers already wearing red MAGA hats.
America, by the way, will stop being Great in a mere 30 days. With the Winter Solstice past, every day will bring more sunshine.
I don’t “admire” Kemp .He begrudgingly signed their certificate of Election after making some idiotic statement that essentially backed up the lying Republicans who claimed ,with no evidence whatsoever, that there were all sorts of “problems” with the voting pga in Ga.
There weren’t.
The MAGA red hat wearing bootlicker was trying to thread the needle.It didn’t work.Trump blasted him anyway.
Save your admiration for the doctors and nurses On the front lines of this pandemic.
I haven’t been to a Democratic Party event in about twenty years.
ok, so we are maybe sort of alike though I do not know your reasons.
If you were to attend one, I am sure they would be mortified that you voted for Trumpists statewide in 2018 and may do so again in 2022.
No they wouldn’t.
Lots of Democrats supported Molly Spearman .
The Democrats weren’t supposed to run anybody against her but some goof filed at the last minute.
She’s done a good job.
You’re the one who invented this “thing” that once someone supports Trump (every Republican officeholder in SC that I’m aware of did) one should never vote for them..You then amended that to it being ok to vote for a “bootlicker” after Trump is no longer in office.Now I think your position is that the “bootlicker” can only be supported if they renounce their support of Trump.
I will vote for who I want and your opinion of my vote has as much meaning to me as the price of tea in China.
There was at least one other one you voted for in 2018 that you are now leaving off.
Party stalwarts are supposed to vote for the goofs to.
If a red-hat wearing Trump fan not a “goof?”
Perhaps you are just more generous to them in real life than you are on the internet.
Can Molly Spearman (along with the one other one at least that you voted for) be an ardent Trump apologist and still do a “good job” as you say?
Perhaps, although I would not have voted for her in a non-competitive race under that circumstance.
But if you allow that standard for yourself, you have to excuse any other Republican voter who is voting for someone because they think they have or would do a “good job.”
if the Democrats nominate a “goof” against McMaster, will you maybe vote for McMaster?
In my state, next year, if Republicans nominate a “goof” against Pritzker, I will neither vote for the goof or Pritzker.
I never claimed to be a “party stalwart.”
Like I said I haven’t been active in party affairs for years.
Do I usually vote for tye Democrat .Yeah.
Indeed I don’t even understand what this conversation is about.
I’m up front about my views and who I support .Often I will vote for someone just because I like them and I’ve mentioned that in the past.
Apparently my “conscience “ is not as sensitive as yours.
What it is about is that you have consistently (long before Trump) spoken of Republicans online here and back at P1 as if they were sub-human.
But I guess those are not your real views and you just like to blow off steam online.
I’ve never called anyone sub human.
What this is about is your childish picque because I coopted that “MAGA red hat wearing bootlicker “ thing of yours and I ignore your pompous babblings.
At long last why don’t you get over yourself.
For one thing, you shouldn’t adopt a phrase as your own without attribution.
The issue with you is hypocrisy. Otherwise, you have to admit that conservatism is not always “bunk” if sometimes you can vote for them and sometimes they do a “good job.”
Online you often paint with as broad of a brush as possible as if you were imitating a professional wrestler at the mic.
I blow off as much “steam” here as anyone else, you included.
See I knew that got to you.
I gave you attribution in a post this morning.
As for hypocrisy?Your “I’m not a Republican “ routine tops anything I or anyone else here has ever said.
As for “conservatism?” Yeah it’s all bunk .However, if I want to vote for someone who calls themselves that,I will.Its a meaningless word anyway.Trump proved that.It must really gall you that Trump is now the leading “conservative “ in the country and you?
Just a RINO.
The point I am make is proven by your obsession with trying to label me a “Republican.” It it very McCarthy-like.
I have tried to be as honest as possible about my party identity.. it’s complicated presently, but it should not matter. I have never claimed to be anything but a conservative, but you are obsessed with the label “Republican” and think that if you can paint me as one, then anything I say could somehow be discredited. If you want to attack me for being a “crazy right-winger” or something, at least it would be more intellectually honest, but you know and have conceded in the past that my views are “mainstream.” So, you harp on “Republican” as if you are trying to settle some sort of decades old grudge against the party itself.
But at the same time, you will vote for Republicans (more than one, despite what you tried to claim today by just listing one of them, I assume the other one you voted for has disappointed you since) and that they are capable of being superior to Democrats for a various office or that they can do a “good job” even if they have bought into Trumpism.
Look I promise not to call you a MAGA red hat wearing bootlicker when you start praising and defending all these Past Trump supporters which you will be doing sooner rather than later.
I call you a Republican in a humorous vein because you jump through so many hoops claiming you’re not.
I have never once said I was “not” a Republican either, but somethings are complicated. A person’s partisan identification should not define them personally or ideologically. I think that is where we have the largest point of disagreement, and which makes it even more confusing that if you are so reflexively anti-Republican as a label, you are willing to vote for them and demur yourself when called a Democrat.
People sometimes ain’t just one thing🙄
I am curious to know how CG defines “conservative”? Is expanding the deficit conservative? How about reducing carbon standards? Was the recent Texas lawsuit conservative?
The definition of “conservative” has changed dramatically in my lifetime, and if there once was an agreed-upon definition, there no longer is.
Yeah “labels!”
So James what is Biden?
A Democrat?
Maybe he’s also a Republican?
How about a Libertarian?
What are you?Lets have some fun.List all the Uh “things” you are!
James sometimes ain’t just one thing.🙄
James, Let me know if you want me to help you answer Jack’s question on the things you are. I’ll be happy to help you out.
James, But don’t expect me to help you out if you don’t ask for my help. I got other things to do, ya know. You need to be reasonable in your expectations of me.
Scott, Alcohol has one of the biggest mark-ups in a restaurant. I’m sure the servers are encouraged to promote alcohol, and I suspect it also increases tips.
We are tentatively scheduled to return to work in April, but I’m pretty sure they will postpone that date … again.
I’m hoping they will let me work out of our Chicago office. Originally, they said “no”. I’m not a big fan of NJ.