Seven out of 10 Americans say they will “definitely or probably” get a COVID-19 vaccine, a new survey has found.
The new statistic — 71 percent — is a considerable jump from September, when 63 percent said they’d get the jab, according to a poll Tuesday from the Kaiser Family Foundation.
The nonprofit health research organization surveyed 1,676 adults amid fears from experts that not enough Americans trust the coronavirus vaccine.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious diseases expert, has said around 75 to 80 percent of the population would need to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity….
Biden ands Harris vaccine shots….
President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris should get the new COVID-19 vaccineas quickly as possible, Dr. Anthony Fauci said on Tuesday.
“For security reasons I really feel strongly that we should get them vaccinated as soon as we possibly can. We want him fully protected as he enters into the presidency in January. So, that would be my strong recommendation,” Fauci, the nation’s top infectious diseases expert, said on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”
He also urged President Trump to get the coronavirus vaccine even though he recovered from a bout with the disease in October.
“If he were asking me, I would recommend that he do that, as well as Vice President [Mike] Pence. You still want to protect people who are very important to our country right now,” Fauci said….
I expect it to go even higher.
By next year at this time,likely 90% or so will be vaccinated.
That’s a VERY HIGH number Jack….
There are all sorts of imponderables here.
It’s one thing to say you don’t like getting vaccinated.
What happens if health insurers for employers say that they won’t cover employees who aren’t vaccinated?
There’s all this talk that the “government” can’t make me.”
No they can’t.
Maybe your wallet can though.
Private employers can certainly require proof of vaccination to get or continue employment.
I expect all sorts of wrinkles to play out as this thing progresses.
I agree with James actually that it is unlikely that 90% will get vaccinated.
There are logistical issues in having HR monitor whether people got a vaccine, and what happens when the employee has a good reason for not getting it – such as an Allergy? What happens when someone doesn’t want to get the vaccine, but then dies from the vaccine because of an unknown allergic reaction? I am not aware of employers mandating that employees get a vaccine for other diseases.
It IS a touchy subject Jack….
Already some of the municipal unions in NYC are
complaining about possible ‘mandatory’ vaccines…
Public school student will probably have to get shots as they have to already do mostly…
I still think 90% IS high….
that level isn’t even for the flue shots …
Pence, McConnell and other officials receive vaccinations….
I am not sure 90 percent is the target, I doubt you will get that much compliance, and this wont’ be just about deep south red noncompliance, there will be solid inner city blue areas that are as weary of the vaccine as much as MAGA country.
They were talking earlier that if 70 percent got the vaccine it would create a relative heard immunity, with the effectiveness of the vaccine being much higher than they thought, I think that number will be the number they shoot for, if they get above that, then that is great, if the get slightly below it, i think things will be fine…
But if I was to make a semi-educated guess, I am going to say by September 75%…Only bump in the road would be children and vaccine since it has yet to be tested on them…