This is actually a normality….
Body guards work closely with their protectee’s….
It is not unheard of that family members end up in relationships with them after….
Joe Biden lost his Secret Service protection less than 4 years ago….
Vice President’s, unlike President’s , do not get protective security for life….
So Biden lost his 6 months after his 8 years as Vice President…
But for the nomination run and up to now Biden and Vice President -Elect have been enveloped in a protective ‘bubble’ ….This country has a history of Presidential candidates becoming the target of those who differ with their politics….In other countries political candidates have been the subject of violence and intimidation ….
With such a short time between Biden being in the care of the Secret Service it is natural that the incoming President gets some of his ole’ protection detail people back guarding him and his family…
The Trump agents will probably be asked if they want to stay with Trump or be given a choice of where they want go back to…..
The Palace Guards change with the occupant of the Palace….
Staff changes are typical with the arrival of a new president and are designed to increase the trust and comfort the incoming president feels with his protective agents, who often stand by the president’s side during sensitive discussions and private moments.
But the shifts underway occur at a particularly contentious time, as Trump has blamed his reelection loss on unfounded allegations of voter fraud and has sought to block his administration from treating Biden as the president-elect. Some in the Secret Service also came under criticism during Trump’s tenure for appearing to embrace his political agenda….
Meanwhile, some well-respected supervisory agents who worked on the protective detail for Biden and his wife, Jill Biden, during the Obama administration are set to join the presidential protection team come Jan. 20. That includes Darryl Volpicelli, who will become the second-in-command of President Biden’s detail, and Brian McDonough, who will become a senior detail supervisor, according to the people familiar with the changes.
“That is smart to give the incoming president the comfort of the familiar,” said one former Secret Service executive, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive personnel changes. “You want him to be with people he knows and trusts, and who also know how he operates.”….
Biden detail grew just before Election Day to almost the size of a full Presidential detail…
The Secret Service indicated Monday that it was investigating an officer who posted comments on Facebook in which she accused lawmakers who formalized Biden’s win of treason and echoed Trump’s conspiracy theories about the rigging of the election….
Several other federal , state and local law enforcement agencies are checking with their own for those who might have joined last Wednesdays actions and could be getting ready to do something else next week…
I would imagine a majority of law enforcement officers at least voted for Trump and a significant number a fairly rabid supporters.
President Biden’s Secret Service Protection detail ‘lead agent’ appears to be a Asian-American male agent..