While her husband Donald is crying about losing his job and asking all sort’s of people to get it back for him?
The man’s third wife wants out of fish bowl of the Presidency she probably NEVER thought would come to her….
As time runs out….
She IS packing the families things and shipping them to the Trump new home in Florida…That includes things from Trump Tower in New York City…
(It is NOT what people say…But what they Do….)
In mid-November, as President Donald Trump railed against the election results, his wife, first lady Melania Trump publicly agreed with his sentiments. But privately, a handful of days after the final state tally, the first lady tasked an emissary with discreetly finding out what was available to her in terms of budget and staff allocation for post-White House life.
Meanwhile Republican Congressman Mike Johnson of Louisiana sent an email frim his personal account to other GOP lawmakers encouraging them to sign on to the Texas lawsuit attempting to overthrow the US election.
Yep. Republicans sure are “moving on”
and the part that was left out was the he received pushback from Republican House members for doing this as they objected to the concept of being the party of “list takers.”
There are wide divisions in both parties, The fact is that Trump is leaving the government and that would typically tend to mean something. We will see what happens. Of course Democrats want him at the forefront as long as possible. Completely understandable from a political aspect.
Which House members “push backed?”
I guess you would need to see the email replies.
Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois has been very visible online and on television pushing back against those who are refusing to admit Trump lost.
In other words the same small number of Republicans who have “pushed back” on Trump for awhile now.
The only thing I’ve seen as to Johnson’s gambit was a one sentence blurb on CNN that “a Republican “ made the comment about “list takers .”
Trump still enjoys Overwhelming support among his fellow Republicans.
And yet in spite that, you will probably vote for a couple or so of those red hat wearing MAGA bootlickers in South Carolina in 2022 for State Agriculture Commissioner or Sate Comptroller or for the Palmetto Preservation Council or whatever office, right?
One things for sure as Scott continually points out…
You will be voting for hundreds of those bootlickers in the future.
You’re just all worked up because you know that you are a member of a political party still dominated by Donald Trump .
I doubt it. I have not yet and I will not vote for anyone in 2022 who wears a red MAGA hat or is going around praising Donald Trump.
You voted for them in 2018 and seem willing to do so in 2022.
Or you could put your money where your mouth is and just say you will never vote for a Republican again,.
In 2024,you will vote in the General Election for President of the United States For a MAGA red hot wearing bootlicker or maybe Donald Duck.
If I am alive in 2024 I will not be voting for anyone who in anyway wants us to return to Trump.
That’s no answer .
You will vote for the Republican nominee and you know it.
You even suggested that Nikki Haley,the ultimate MAGA red hat wearing bootlicker, was a likely nominee
And you will vote for her in a minute and everyone here knows it.
So climb off your high horse.
No, I don’t know it.
I did not vote for the Republican nominee for President in 2016 or 2020. I skipped voting for other Republican nominees in 2018 and 2020. Why wouldn’t I do the same again?
You seem perfectly content to vote for red hat wearing MAGA bootlickers for state office while you attack all Republicans online, but probably still yuck it up with Bubba and Billy Bob at the Elks Club.
If Haley is the nominee in 2024, it depends what she runs on. If distances herself from Trump, then she can maybe earn my vote in a general election, whether enthusiastically or not. If she calls for a return to the Trump era, then she would not get my vote.
it’s quite simple.
Oh gee an elitist!
You are making fun of Republican loyalists like Bubba and Billy Bob.?
Without them and those like them you “guys” couldn’t win an election.
You’ll vote Republican next time,you know it,we all know it.
I make fun of everyone. It’s all in good fun.
Why not just make a pledge jack that in 2022 you will not vote for *any* Republican no matter how much of a dope their opponent may be?
Otherwise, you are open to enabling the red hat wearing MAGA bootlickers.
She ll run as a damn Republican and you’ll vote for her.
I will do so.
If you will make a pledge that you will never vote for anyone for President who supported Donald Trump.
Depends what the Republican Party stands for.
Frankly, if Nikki Haley has become the nominee in 2024, that is already a sign the party has moved away from Trump.
The Trumpists hate Haley. She said something in support of thc concept of “Black Lives Matters” and to them that makes her an Marxist sympathizing opportunist.
My pledge is to not vote for anyone who voted for Trump and expresses zero remorse.
Under your definition,not mine, anyone who endorsed Donald Trump is a MAGA red hat wearing bootlicker.
Are you revising your definition?
Nikki not only endorsed Trump but served in his administration.
Haha That’s funny.
Of course no Republican who supported Trump,about 98% of National Republican politicians ,is going to do that.
You better give up politics.
Have you thought of stamp collecting?
So, you are open to voting in 2022 for people who will remain proud Trump supporters for statewide office.
I am not.
There is the difference.
What is your rationale for voting for a Trump supporting Republican nominee for State Treasurer or whatever office?
Your excuse seems to be “well, you will do the same thing. We are alike.”
Not entirely. Nobody can name a single Trumpist Republican I have *ever* voted for because none exists.
If I give up politics (which in many ways I already have) and take up stamp collecting and there are politicians on the stamp, I will get confused which side to spit on.
U guys REALLY think the Grand ole’ Party would nominate a Brown/Woman for President 4 years after Trump?🙄
I could maybe understand a reason or two that might cause you to vote for Nancy Mace.
More than 100 Republican House members didn’t uh
“Push back
They signed an amicus brief supporting the Texas garbage.
Yeah real “push back “there.
All in for Trump!
This is an understatement in my opinion.
A majority of GOP House members are willing to end our democracy in exchange for an increase in their election chances to remain in power. It is really nothing short of that. In my opinion, The US is on the road to be a far right dictatorship – probably as soon as 2024. Given the backlash in 2020. I don’t think that most red states will allow the GOP to lose a major election in the future. And don’t think that if the next “President” is someone like Cruz , he will be different than Trump.
Based on your statement I presume you don’t think that these Republicans possess
“Conservative values?”
what do Republicans want to “conserve”?
They weren’t named McConnell or McCarthy now we’re they Jack?
Or the 17 Republican Attorney Generals that joined that lawsuit to overturn the election results. Ted Cruz can’t wait to argue the case in front of the Supremes.
Yep, moving on.
Cruz gives the term “MAGA red hat wearing bootlicker “ real meaning!
And, of all that team, Ted Cruz has by far the least excuse: by nearly all accounts, he was an outstanding student (if not the most outstanding) at Harvard Law School, including Laurence Tribe’s Constitutional Law class.
Reese Witherspoon will not be portraying him; nor will her cousin Vinnie.
I agree with ya on the Trump helping Democrats mobilize…
Worked like a charm last month….
Might work again next month…
Had Trump croaked from the virus, in spite of everything, Pence would have won the election in November and Republicans would have been in control.
Trump was too unpopular to win but Election 2020 did not go very well for Democrats as a whole. So yes, obviously lifelong partisan Democrats are wanting Trump to hang on to the other party by any means necessary.
Pence beating Biden?
We will never know, but look at he exit polls. Pence just would have needed to win via the EC of course.
Trump’s unfavorable number was 52%. Pence’s unfavorable was four points lower at 48%. Biden’s was 46%.
That difference certainly could have made a lot of difference in the states that wound up close that made the difference in the EC (Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, et al)
I will also be fair and say that Tim Kaine probably would have beaten Trump in 2016.
he, he, he….Kaine, eh?
That seems to be what the election results indicate what would have happened, especially since he would have just become President of a “mourning nation”, etc.
Trump did better in defeat than almost anyone (myself included) expected. Republicans not named Trump absolutely did better up and down the ballot from coast to coast than anyone (myself included) would have expected.
Trump lost in 2020 because he was Trump and people are justifiably sick of him.
I agree that almost everything Donald touches turns to shit….
Including his second race for President…
When one dabbles in counterfactual history one has to remember that the linchpin event (in this case Trumps death) could have set off whole other series of events.
Just assuming that everything else including nominees ,turnout, etc would have remained static is highly unlikely.
A lot of Republicans who held their nose and voted for Biden against Trump would have held their noses and voted for Pence.
How many MAGA conspiracy nuts would have thought it was murder and thought Pence was behind it as a power grab?
The right-wing conspiracy version of Barbara Garson’s MacBird ?
Good ole CG–Democrats win with over 300 Electoral votes and win the popular vote by a larger margin than any Republican has since his age was in single digits and all he can do is say that 2020 “did not go very well for Democrats”.
Not many objective Democrats walked away from the 2020 election results as a whole feeling very good about what happened, especially down ballot.
As mentioned, you should be very glad Biden won and feel fortunate you guys did not nominate Warren or Sanders.
Over 40 replies to a thread about the First Lady’s household arrangements.
Whoda thunk that so many guys would be so absorbed in this blog’s Women, Home & Family section?
Strange times, eh🙄?
I agree with CG that the election did not go well for the Dems. The GOP essentially won all the tossup races, and while I am happy Biden won, Biden won all of the close states that were decided by 2 points or less. The winning electoral margin for Biden was as deceptively large in 2020.
I also agree the in Retrospect, Biden was the right candidate for winning in the year 2020. In the 2020 race, Biden’s weakness was less relevant in a year that candidates mostly campaigned through paid advertisements. Part of the strength of Sanders and Warren is that they would have had big campaign events in a Normal year – something Biden would not have achieved. But in 2020, neither of those candidates would have won.
It came down to getting rid of Trump….
Policy wasn’t what Biden sold….
A LOT of House Republicans actually ran away from Trump in Obama districts…
Of course in regular Blue districts Republicans kissed up to Trump, however crazy the guy’s actions where…
I don’t think it is that simple actually. The Senate map this year was not one that was that favorable to the Democrats (other than they blew Maine and NC). The rest of the country was red territory. The same, in essence, applies to the House. Everyone forgets because of a huge Pelosi powered comeback in 2018 that the House is gerrymandered to the hilt. The difference, the uneducated crackers came out to vote in the rural areas and far suburbs to vote for Trump and then down ballot Republicans. Their votes were not enough to swing states like Pennsylvania or even New York to Trump, but they help House Republicans. I subscribe to the theory that off-year elections will now be more favorable to down ballot Democrats because the deplorables will go back in their holes since the Great White Hope is no longer in on the ballot, and the educated people will turnout to vote Democratic.
Also, we were fed some bullshit earlier today that there was pushback from Republicans in the House over the Texas bullshit lawsuit to overturn the election in three battleground states. As I type this over 100 House Republicans have signed on to the lawsuit. Some pushback.
106 at last count….
Knowing this IS a ego stunt for Trump and his supporters 4 days before the EC throw down I guess the more the merrier ?
I gonna assume the GOPer’s in purple or blue districts are NOT on the list?
I agree Keith. The more educated you are the more likely you are to vote in midterm elections. And now that the Republicans and their leader Trump have proclaimed how much they love the poorly educated Democrats are in better shape in non Presidential elections.
Soon to be dead doper Rush Limbaugh says that red states are moving closer to secession.
Because it worked so well last time around.
Please proceed Governor(s)…….
El Rushbo will be a hateful bigoted prick til his last labored breath I guess.
Make no mistake. Limbaugh paved the way for Trump
Underneath the vast majority of those MAGA hats lie Ditto Heads.
Yes and make no mistake,despite what one reads here…
Rush Limbaugh and those like him in the Right Wing media have much more influence in the Republican Party than Romney,Sasse, Hogan, etc.
That Oxy is good stuff!!!!!!
The Democrats have failed in two elections, 2016 and 2020, to achieve what seemed more than doable: flipping enough Senate seats, despite the popular-vote strength of their presidential candidates.
In 2016, which should have been a favourable year [and maybe might have with another presidential candidate], we turned over or gained back only two GOP Senate seats (Mark Kirk’s in Illinois and Kelly Ayotte’s in New Hampshire) out of five or possibly seven (Wisc., Ind., Pa, N.C, Mo.)
In 2018 (a mid-term during a Republican presidency) Democrats unseated Dean Heller in Nevada and Martha McSally in Arizona, but lost four moderate Senators from red or purple states: Heidi Heitkamp (N.D,), Claire McCaskill (Mo.), Bill Nelson (Fla) and Joe Donnelly (Ind.)
This year Democrats defeated Martha McSally again, and unseated Cory Gardner (C0lo.) but, as expected, lost the Jeff Sessions seat in Alabama that Doug Jones had won in a special election.
Republicans have won a popular-vote plurality (which was in fact an absolute majority) in only one election out of the past eight.
But the Democrats seem to have equally poor results in the Senate.
N.B. when you total up nationwide popular votes over any recent six-year election cycle, the Democratic popular votes outnumber the Republican ones (putting the lie to Republican claims that the GOP had a popular mandate to sit on Merrick Garland and confirm Amy Coney Barrett).
The distortion comes partly because of the distribution of Senate election cycles among the several states, but mainly because (under the New Jersey Plan of 1787) many less-populous states each elect just as many Senators (2) as large ones such as California, New York or Michigan.
It HAS been pointed out in the tweeter universe that the Senate is about STATES NOT population….
Reading this gave me a good chuckle…
MAGA Bootlicker…
DSD: Reese Witherspoon and Cousin Vinnie, that was funny
And whoever is 2024…they will certainly look and feel a lot like Trump…Nikki Haley, would be tough competition for any Democrat, but not sure she is Trump enough to win the nomination, but I think she could bring home a lot of middle class women that Trump lost because of his who he is…
Now there’s a great entrepreneurial marketing idea in the mode of Trumpy Bear:
Ready-to-lick* MAGA boots !!
Buy a case for your Congressgoper’s whole office while supplies last.