Almost half of all Americans came out voted last month…
Republicans led by Donald Trump efforts to limit the vote was a dismal failure….
Joe Biden’s win answers why the there was an effort to stop certain people from voting….
The ironic thing was that the 3xtra votes actually helped Republicans down ballot, eh?
It would appear the mail-in voting IS going to grow across America….
It would also appear that Donald Trump is dead wrong…
The America vote counting system works fine….
Nearly 160 million Americans voted in the 2020 elections, by far the most in history and a level of turnout not seen in over a century, representing an extraordinary milestone of civic engagement in a year marked by a devastating pandemic, record unemployment and political unrest.
With all but three states having completed their final count, and next week’s deadline for final certification of the results approaching, the sheer volume of Americans who actually voted in November was eye-opening: 66.7 percent of the voting-eligible population, according to the U.S. Election Project, a nonpartisan website run by Michael McDonald, a University of Florida professor who tracks county-level data.
It is the highest percentage since 1900, when the voting pool was much smaller, and easily surpasses two high-water marks of the modern era: the 1960 election of John F. Kennedy and the 2008 election of Barack Obama. Since the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920, which gave women the right to vote and roughly doubled the voting eligible population, turnout had never surpassed 64 percent.
The shifts that led to this year’s surge in voting, in particular the broad expansion of voting options and the prolonged period for casting ballots, could forever alter elections and political campaigns in America, providing a glimpse into the electoral future….
I might be wrong though…
With NO Donald Trump to juice up voter’s?
Things might drop back down in numbers….
Republicans will continue to try and suppress the vote of minorities and urban dwellers whenever they can.
It’s like tax cuts for the rich. Those two tenets are the only constants in the GOP.
Some Democrats are saying (perhaps tongue in cheek,Perhaps seriously) that the first thing Biden ought to do is call Mitch in and tell him of his priorities.
When Mitch naturally objects to almost all of it ,tell him if he will go along ,then Biden won’t veto a huge tax cut for the wealthy!
Could Mitch resist?
After all the supposedly “populist” Donald Trump?The first thing he did was sponsor a huge tax cut for the wealthy, perhaps the most anti Populist move imaginable.
I think U may have read Biden’s playbook…
With how Covid-19 has particularly hit low income workers, I just don’t see much support in the Democratic house for a tax cut for the wealthy – especially after campaigning for a tax increase of those making more than $400k.
I don’t either.
I took it more as a tongue in cheek thing.
I posted it more to indicate my view of the Republican Party and how their mania for tax cuts for the wealthy is so great that they would be willing to adopt much of a Biden agenda just to get them.
Who knows what the Biden agenda is? Biden mostly just campaigned that he was not Trump. I don’t think his covid-19 response will have any teeth in it, and I don’t think that the public option will have the votes – even if McConell agrees to a vote.
I agree Z….
I did a post about this….
Biden is NOT gonna do earthshaking things….
He’s gonna get whipsawed by the lefties…..
Biden WILL put money and Federal help to the virus effort which Trump neglected ….
The fact that Biden won’t be able to accomplish anything of substance has little to do with progressives. More likely, he will have difficulty in getting the votes of Manchin and perhaps King. Of course, That doesn’t mean he will always get progressive votes – as there will be no one always votes with a Democratic president.
You blame every problem on the people you hate.
It was Claire McCaskill who stood in the way of the public option, thus undermining much of Obamacare’s market competition, not Bernie Sanders or Al Franken.
Just because they want Obamacare doesn’t mean that Senators Sanders or Warren would undercut more modest reforms in the right direction. There aren’t so many moderates in the Democratic caucus now after the GOP has knocked off both Nelsons, Claire McCaskill and Doug Jones, but as Zreebs said, there’s just as likely to be a rightward pull from Joe Manchin and Amy Klobuchar (and perhaps any Georgia Democrats who win on Jan. 5th) as a leftward lurch from the progressives.
I do NOT agree that that Manchin and Kloubchar are the problems….
The Jan 5th Georgia results will give us a clear picture of the lay of the political land in Congress….
The HOUSE is gonna be worry for the Democrats….
Democrats get the Senate those two go along with the program and Biden, by his nature is NOT gonna put things where the GOPer’s can beat people up…
Biden came from the Senate…
Manchin has actually stayed with the fold for sometime….
So has King….
I do NOT ‘hate’ progressive Democrats…
I DO believe that ‘some’ of their wants are unattainable and worst could cost the party their House majority….
Biden IS smart man…
He IS staying the course of dancing in the middle….
A little right….
A little left….
A bit more middle…
It has got him the nomination and Presidency
You just don’t like them very much.
Certainly those labelled “progressive” have used terms that are way too inflammatory.(see Defund the Police)
Far better to have said that way too often cities simply fund Police Departments without the same scrutiny other parts of Municipal governments receive ,a true statement.
Now as to “progressives “ in general,they are a major subgroup in the Democratic Party ,maybe as high as 50% or so.They are often fragmented however and insist often on a”purity” that actually hurts their cause.
For a Democrat to attack them is the equivalent of a Republican attacking Evangelicals.
They are and will remain a major factor in the party.Joe Biden well understands that and he was certainly pay attention to their program and parts ,not all, will work its way into his priorities.
Look at the nomination race vote totals…
Maybe 30% my guess…
He needs them no doubt…
But playing exclusively to them would lose the House from Dem’s in 2022….
Like I said,you don’t like them.
The nomination vote totals are meaningless because Biden was conceded the race fairly early.
Anyway the percentage isn’t important .The fact remains they are a major factor in the party
You don’t like that.
Too bad.
I said nothing about playing exclusively to them, nor has anyone else.
Once again though, you don’t like them and I think everyone here understands that.
I will agree that Biden was probably the only Democratic candidate who could have won this election.
He did…..
Like Obama ..
Danced with the left but won the nomination and President job with the middle…
There WILL BE adjustments in the 20127 tax cut/giveaway Tax Law….
Especially since the work from home deduction went out the window….
Tax legislation comes out of the House….
Democrats NEEDE the Senate
Sure on the suppression …..
But Trump actually defeated the suppression effort…..
Maybe he’ll do his magic again and Democrats will overwhelm the Georgia GOP we’d AGAIN!