The above IS from a Fox News poll….
President Donald Trump has been a hot mess….
He IS the definition of someone in a job WAY over his head….
His approval in office NEVER went above 50%….
A new Fox News poll finds that 42% of voters say history will remember President Donald Trump as one of the worst presidents ever.
An additional 8% say he will be remembered as below average, while 22% say one of the greatest, 16% say above average and 10% say below average.
What’s the point: With the Trump presidency coming to a close, historians and Americans alike are starting to put Trump in historical perspective. How they think of him now versus in a few years may change.
Still, it’s very clear that historians and a lot of voters believe history will remember Trump as one of the worst ever, while a not insignificant amount will see him as one of the best ever.
Pollsters have been asking Americans about how history will take stock of different presidents at the end of their presidencies since Gerald Ford.
No president has garnered as many strongly negative feelings as Trump. The only president who came even close to getting as many low ratings (in a five-category question) was George W. Bush in a Gallup poll at the end of his presidency; 36% said he would go down as a “poor” president….
There was far less vitriol toward the previous presidents who were defeated for a second term in office (Ford, Jimmy Carter in 1980 and George H.W. Bush in 1992). Just 7% said history would remember Ford as a poor president. It was 15% for Carter and 4% for Bush.
The high percentage of Americans who say Trump will go down as one of the worst presidents lines up with what historians have been saying for years….
One more month !! One more month !!
Make America Great Again !
30 Days!….
What MORE can the Big Guy duo to fuck things up?😳
Joe Biden
In one month, we begin to heal.
‘The Last Republican President’
Eric Bolling savaged “establishment” Republicans, telling his viewers on Sinclair they were the reason Donald Trump would be the last Republican president for the foreseeable future.
Said Bolling: “Donald Trump will be the last Republican president in my lifetime. He may be the last GOP president ever again.”