Trump admin people are in a rush to have the Census for 2020 done and on the President’s desk BEFORE Joe Biden takes the oath of office…
The Supreme Court justices seem doubtful about helping that….
Now House Democrats have received internal information from the bureau that points to serious problems with some of survey….They are investigating ….
In order to deal with these issues ?
The ‘rush’ to exclude immigrants by issuing a separate count of them, not a total number and to paper over mistakes should be halted and things should fixed Democrats say….
Trump and the Republicans are hard at making millions of immigrants ‘disappear’ from the Census , which is supposed to count EVERYONE in this country the constitution requires. every 10 years…
[House Rep.] Maloney said Census Bureau Director Steven Dillingham, who reports to Ross, dodged a request she made last month for documents related to data-processing anomalies and scheduling. She set a new deadline of Dec. 9 for the documents. If that request is ignored, she will subpoena Ross and may consider holding a second hearing to hear directly from him, according to a senior Democratic committee aide.
Trump had hoped to receive the data in time to try to exclude undocumented immigrants from being counted for a decade’s worth of apportionment of House seats before he leaves office Jan. 20.
But internal documents obtained by the committee indicate that the bureau needs until at least Jan. 23, 2021, to transmit apportionment figures to the president, Maloney wrote. That is more than three weeks after the statutory deadline for delivering the data….
Lawyers for the administration have not been able to answer questions from judges about how the government plans to count undocumented immigrants in each state, or whether it is even possible to do so. A comprehensive list of undocumented immigrants does not exist, and by law apportionment numbers must be based on an actual enumeration, not estimates….
The Census Bureau WILL admit that it will not be done with the 2020 coubt until AFTER Trump leaves office….
This could have implications for the state’s…
Preliminary numbers point to Blue states losing House seats and money to Red states…
But Trump wanted undoucumententeds excluded from the count…
Will the Biden admin make changes in who is counted in the final rollout?