This is NOT a big deal from where I’m at….
We’ve been wearing masks for months….
Matter of fact the ‘experts’ say mask wearing is more cost effective then the vaccine….
But we’ll have a President wearing one…
And THAT will be a change….
President John F. Kennedy urged Americans to ask not what their country could do for them, but what they could do for their country. When he takes the same oath of office next month, Joe Biden will effectively beseech the nation to do exactly the same thing, if in more prosaic terms, with an appeal for every American to wear a mask for his first, symbolic 100 days in office.
Look for the Right Wing Anti masker virus spreaders to howl like wounded sow.
Don’t be surprised if we see rallies of maskless “freedom” lovers rally in protest.
Biden can’t make them wear the masks…
But he can mess with the Governor’s to issue order’s FOR mask wearing…
He can “mess” all he likes.
The pro virus southern Republican Governors will never issue such orders.
If Biden does the money holding thing they WILL issue the order for masks then simply not push enforcement …..
Same as the Thanksgiving order for no large crowds in homes which the cops around the country said they would not enforce….
Then the whole exercise is pointless.
I do Not share ur pessimism Jack…
Mask wearing works….
I don’t like it anymore that anyone else…
But it IS what we do here in stories and buildings….
Our numbers ARE up in area’s that have doubters and nonconformist’s
What “pessimism?”
You’re the one that said that the Governors won’t enforce mask mandates.
We have already seen in states where enforcement is lax or non existent that things don’t go well.Thats a simple fact.
My original point was that anti maskers are going to bellyache about Bidens “request” much less any “mandate.”
So the overall point is if you are going to tie money to mask mandates and leave it to these pro virus Governors to enforce ?Then that is pointless.
Biden knows this and that is why he won’t get into some mandate as you were suggesting .
I indicated before that Biden CANNOT mandate mask wearing, nor can he mandate vaccine policy….
He CAN ‘push’ for both as he says in the linked piece….
I DO also point out that even pushed to issue such orders?
people are unlikely to be forced to do so in some places where people are STUPID….
Biden said today that the Trump Administration has no detailed plan for how to distribute the Covid vaccine.
Trump has NEVER wanted to touch ANYTHING virus related…
It will be up to the Governor’s….
I wonder if they are talking to the Biden people already about if THEY will finally take the lead?