Some of us smiled thru the Presidential campaign ….
We watched how ole’ Joe moved to capture the nom nation by showing his steadiness and borrowing some Bill Clinton’s thing of stealing a bid of your opposition’s points of view…
Biden NEVER was Bernie Sanders of Elizabeth Warren….
He may have ‘borrowed ‘ some of their promises for a while….
But once he got the nomination?
He, like his former boss Barack Obama, packed them up in a suitcase to placed in a closet…
Joe Biden is NOT a Progressive….
Never was….
(Senator’s make compromises to get deals on legislation)
THAT IS the reason he’s gonna be the President in month an half….
Progressives really shouldn’t be pissed at Biden….
Their enemy really is Mitch McConnell.…
The Congress in American has two bodies….
The Democrats run the House….
We ALL KNOW Mitch McConnell, the Republicans guy runs the Senate…
Progressive lawmakers can run their mouths all day but if the Democrats lose BOTH Georgia US Senate seats a month from now?
Joe Biden has no other recourse but shelve big ticket policy actions that would need BOTH Houses of Congress to pass….
Biden can and will get some things by swinging support from Collins, Murkowski and even Romeny from time to time….
But THAT just isn’t gonna be the same as having Chuck Schumer as the Majority leader ….
Another warning sign for Joe Biden and Company is the House elections a month ago…
Democrats gave back gains they made in the 2018 MidTerms….
Biden. won the top of the ballot across the country…
But down ballot?
People STILL voted for Republicans on policy…
The message?
Sure Joe Biden is gonna jump into the fight against the virus….
And nurse an Economy back to health….
Sure Joe Biden IS gonna increase immigration….
Sure Joe Biden IS gonna increase healthcare coverage…
Take a crack at Climate change also…
Add all that to undoing TONS of stuff Trump did thru executive actions..
Joe Biden is gonna to have to use every I.O.U. he can muster with his former US Senate people get them to even come half way with him…
Compromise is gonna be the key….
And that is even if Schumer is lucky enough to get to be the Majority leader of the US Senate ….
Joe Biden has a BIG mountain to climb the next few years….
“Let’s assume my dream comes true,” Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin said, referring to a tight majority for his party. “I think we have to carefully construct any change in the Affordable Care Act, or any other issue, like climate change, based on the reality of the 50-50 Senate.”
“There’s so many areas, which we value so much that Republicans do not, that it will be tough to guide through the Senate under the circumstances,” the Illinois Democrat added.
Biden’s agenda hinges on the fate of two Senate runoff races in Georgia, which will be decided on Jan. 5. If Democrats win both seats, the chamber will be evenly divided, with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris casting the tie-breaking vote.
In that event, Biden’s agenda items stand a better chance of at least getting a vote. If Republicans maintain control, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell might not bring the new president’s priorities to the floor.
Biden’s initial focus on Capitol Hill will be a multibillion-dollar coronavirus aid bill, which is certain to require significant political capital after lawmakers have been deadlocked over negotiations on Capitol Hill for months.
The president-elect said Thursday on CNN that while he supports a $900 billion compromise bill introduced this week by a bipartisan group of negotiators, the bill is “a good start” but it’s “not enough” and he plans to ask for more when he’s in office. His team is already working on his own coronavirus relief package.
People close to Biden’s transition team say they’re looking at that stimulus as a potential avenue for enacting some climate reforms — like aid for green jobs or moving the nation toward a carbon-free energy system — that might be tougher to get on their own.
Durbin mentioned President Barack Obama’s first term as a precedent for what Biden will encounter when he takes office.
Then, Obama was forced to focus much of his early energy on a stimulus package to deal with the financial crisis, and he spent months wrangling with his own party on his health care overhaul. Obama also enacted financial regulatory reform, but other progressive priorities, like cap and trade legislation and immigration reform, ultimately lost steam.
And he had a significant House and Senate majority at the time….
image…Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call)
History Suggests Biden Should Get His Cabinet Picks
“President-elect Joe Biden is calling for swift confirmation of his top Cabinet choices once he’s sworn in next year – and a new study suggests he shouldn’t worry,” CBS News reports.
“The last four presidents announced a combined 56 Cabinet nominees during their transitions, most of them in December, and each president saw almost all those picks take office… In the last 28 years, the Senate has confirmed 95% of a president’s cabinet secretary nominations.”
I DID THIS post on Biden’s policy pushes…..