Mark Meadows has tested positive….
The Trump White House has now contract tracing to add to it’s problems….
White House chief of staff Mark Meadows has tested positive for coronavirus, two officials confirm to CNN.
Meadows told people after the election that he had coronavirus, but it wasn’t clear when he first tested positive, according to the sources. He had traveled with President Donald Trump on Sunday and Monday.
He was also at the White House election party on Tuesday and came into close contact with members of the President’s family.
White House officials are now alarmed, given Meadows has been around other staffers while potentially contagious, one aide tells CNN….
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow says she was quarantining after being in contact with someone who tested positive for the coronavirus (via
But Trump world said COVID would all go away Nov. 4.
Yes, we have “turned the corner.”
Meadows is one of the biggest jerks in American politics.
He doesn’t give a damn about who or how many he infected.
Typical of the members of the House “freedom” caucus.
The last thing these crypto authoritarians believe in is “freedom.”
Hers more on this jerk.
Apparently he knew he had tested positive but was still roaming around maskless.
What a piece of garbage!
Biden is gonna go at the virus head-on…
Just pushing masks and distance could reverse the uptick in infections
Now Republican Cong.Matt Gaetz has tested positive.
Geatz has ,at various times, belittled the virus and measures to lessen its spread.