We have a second round bout for the majority of the US Senate shaping up in Georgia….
In the first round both seats went to the Republicans….
But in that state ya have to get more than. 50% of the vote….
We have a second round d of voting coming on January 5th….
If the Democrats could get the wins?
They would have a 50/50 US Senate which give the party with the Vice President the majority….
Joe Biden has won the state last week so Democrats are hopeful they can capitalise on that….
It will be a heavy lift for them….
Georgia Democrats have been talking up their state as a battleground for years. Republicans have been scoffing at the idea for just as long. Now, both parties are racing to figure out exactly how it swung left in 2020 — and whether it can happen again in just nine weeks.
Biden is hanging on to a lead of more than 10,000 votes over President Donald Trump in Georgia with a recount pending, a major shift in a rapidly growing and diversifying state. Georgia went to Trump by 5 points in 2016 and hasn’t voted for a Democratic presidential candidate since 1992. But the results are a demonstration of the possible for Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, the two Democrats heading into Jan. 5 Senate runoffs that will decide whether their party controls Congress next year.
The tight presidential vote in Georgia also means Democrats face a challenge reassembling their coalition as the state shifts from a presidential election to an off-year runoff. Republicans have their own questions to answer after the startling presidential results. And when a state splits by fractions of a percentage point, any change is significant….
image….Democratic U.S. Senate candidates Jon Ossoff (left) and Rev. Raphael Warnock hand out lawn signs at a campaign event in Lithonia, Georgia. | Elijah Nouvelage/Getty
The two extremist Republicans are calling on the Republican Secretary of State to resign because he didn’t rig the elections got them so they wouldn’t face a runoff.
Pandemic Perdue is a Georgia cracker whose purposeful mispronunciation of Kamala Harris’s name was a wink and a nod to his fellow crackers.
Loeffler is a well known doofus whose Trump sycophancy makes Rudy look “independent” by comparison.
Both are the favorites however.
While it is no surprise that jack would be on the next partisan battle the first day after the election results, this is very pathetic on behalf of Perdue and Loeffler.
This is the time they should be pivoting, trying to appeal to additional voters with the message of how they are needed to let the Senate keep a check and balance on the new Admin, and they are blaming the duly elected conservative Republican SOS for the fact that Trump did not get enough votes. Are they mad he is actually doing his job and not cheating?
Just noting two MAGA red hat wearing bootlickers!(I got that description from you)
And yes ,the S of S was doing his job.
These two bootlickers don’t want that.
Cheer up!They will likely win!You would rather have them than the two Democrats ,right?
The term was in reference to the fact that you voted for at least a couple of them in 2018 and stood by the vote. You still cannot claim that I have ever voted for a Trumpist.
I am agnonstic as to the runoff results, but will make my final predictions at the end according to what I think will happen.
They both deserve to lose but I think divided government is probably in the best interest of the country.
I respect Warnock’s skills as a minister but am troubled by his views on Israel and some causes along those lines that he has signed on to.
It’s a great saying.
I congratulate you!
And yes I will continue to use it to describe individual Republicans which ,unfortunately,except for a few notable exceptions, describes the Republican Party at this time.
McConnell just came out with the same line that Trump can challenge the results…
Thus giving himself a breather for 73 days also…
Biden is Still pressing ahead as the political juice flows to him away from who looks kinda desperately stupid….
The Democratic guy do NOT a pissed off Trump to contend with fir the next 73 days…
Ask Graham…
It makes a differnce
Stacey Abrams has her work cut out for her down there…
Republicans have always won these runoffs.
I just don’t see that Abrams can recreate what happened last week.
But I’m all behind her trying of course.