And Donald Trump lost, eh?
I would agree that the Russian simply didn’t want to press hard this time with Trump himself trying to get over with his own effort to sell an alternate reality….
The media strongly challenged Trump’s misinformation campaign this time also …
This year, U.S. Cyber Command pursued a new approach to countering Russian hackers who might want to disrupt the election. In a series of operations, the military attacked their systems and then fell back at random intervals to keep them off balance. Cybercom also attempted to sabotage Russian hacking tools….
But some analysts say other factors likely played a bigger role, such as the Kremlin’s political calculations and the toxic political environment in the United States.
Moscow may have been unwilling to risk further sanctions after its 2016 intervention. The Kremlin also got much of what it wanted four years ago — diminished international confidence in American democracy — and could have decided it didn’t need to mount the same effort a second time.
Moreover, the United States was already awash in false informationaimed at delegitimizing the vote, with President Trump most prominently airing baseless claims about widespread ballot fraud, in essence doing the Kremlin’s work for it.
Yeah, and he just fired chief Cybersecurity at DHS…so the next 60 days we are rudderless without a leader…I guess you can say that we have been that way for 4 years…this is just all of it personified in the last 2 months…end of January can’t come soon enough…