It’s been more than 2 weeks since the election….
Joe Biden HAS 306 Electoral Votes….
He needed 270 to win….
Donald Trump has directed his lawyers to mount a legal challange to the vote counts since the efforts to suppress the vote against him didn’t work…
Trump’s scare tactics backfired in several state’s with MORE people actually showing up to vote in person and the whole voting number breaking records…
The legal challenges have been a sorry mess….
Lawyers standing before judges saying they actually are NOT contesting the vote…Just Mickey Moose thinks like how many where in the room or third hand observations….
It’s so bad that the lawyers ARE quitting!
Oh, and then there is the last effort right now led by an almost incoherent Rudy Giuliani , who is leaking hair dye on TV?
It’s been over…
Big name conservatives are calling for the Trump BS opera to come to a close…..
The show needs to pull the curtain…
The country isn’t gonna fall apart….
The fact is Joe Biden IS gonna be the President come January 20th…
Except for the Trump zombies…
We ALL know this…
GOP lawmakers, conservative lawyers and key figures in rightwing media say it is time for his legal team to either back up their claims about fraud or concede defeat to President-elect Joe Biden.
The voices range from Fox News’s Tucker Carlson to Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) to conservative lawyers and thought leaders such as Karl Rove.
For many, the tipping point was Thursday’s press conference at the Republican National Committee headquarters led by Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, in which they spun an elaborate tale about how a bloc of communist countries had hijacked the nation’s voting machines by installing an algorithm to flip a percentage of Trump votes over to Biden.
The lawyers have not taken that claim to court and have not provided any evidence to support it.
“This is delusional,” said Mark Braden, the former chief counsel at the RNC. “I’m a professional Republican so it’s not easy for me to have to deal with my friends on this. Look — voter fraud occurs. I’ve seen it. It happens. But you have to be realistic about the size and scope of it.”
Republican lawyers interviewed by The Hill said Trump’s early legal challenges on voter fraud were defensible and reasonable, even if they had no chance of changing the outcome of the election. But they’re disturbed by the dark turn things have taken, and worried that Trump’s claims are undermining democracy and misleading millions of his own supporters….
“Realistically speaking, the legal battle over the 2020 election is over,”….
Two more months !! Two more months !!??
Gone be sad to see a guy who shoukd not have the job twisting in the wind leaving it….
Ya can’t fuck over people and expect to keep ur job….
Well why don’t they do something about it?
Heres an idea…Let these “big names” ,as you call them,announce that they will be holding a mass press conference in front of the Capitol and call for all the Republicans in Congress to attend and join them in calling on the gangster to end the foolishness,reign in Goofy Giuliani , and acknowledge that Biden is President Elect and that he will fully cooperate in the transition.
You know like Obama did ,even though the gangster said he wasn’t even born in this country.Then again about half the “conservatives “ in the country still believe that, so it might be a bridge to far!
It seems like these “big names” are more interested in verbal palaver than any real concrete actions.
That would be interesting Jack….
But such ‘shock therapy’ ain’t on the menu…
What is happening is little by little the GOPer’s are letting slip their acknowledgment that Joe Biden IS the President-Elect…
And silence isn’t support…
The list of those saying this in public grows everyday….
Latest is Marsha Blackburn…
Sure some marry it to the voter fraud bull shit…But for the lawmakers?
The reality that they will be dealing with Democratic President Biden and Democratic House Speaker Pelosi means Trump is a none factor if they want some future coming ability to get ‘earmarks’ for their district or states….
I HAVE pointed out here that in the end?
Georgia senate win or not?
Republicans WILL HAVE to work WITH Democrats on some, not all things for the next four years….
Despite the media bull shit ?
It IS the way the American Government works…
Trump is paying the price for NOT dealing with this…But then he never was a real politician , just a real estate hustler and pimp….
He just got a well deserved pink slip…
His so called ‘party’ lawmakers have to be secretly Happy to see his sorry ass go after he did his ‘hostile takeover’ of their party…
‘Live by the sword…Die by the sword’…
Ain’t no wiggle room Donald….
You fired’
Oh Hell everyone knows that they “know” that Biden is President Elect.
Let me fix your headline for you shill…
Cowardly “Conservatives “ Finally Concede What They Should Have Weeks Ago!
Like everything Jack….
It takes time….
Even Trump has admitted he lost….
I’m putting a good part of this on the shoulders of the media which keeps running the headlines like ‘democracy’ is in peril ….
It isn’t…
Things HAVE played just as they are supposed to….
We had to eat shit when Trump won…
Not it falls on the otherside…
And forget about it if the GOPer’s lose the two Georgia seats….
I really could care less about the crying from GOPer’s and the big guy who seems to be a big BABY….
“ Things have played out just as they were supposed ro.”
That implies that all this was foreordained.
It wasn’t ,and such a claim once again is more shilling for the Republicans.
No,it didn’t have to play out this way at all.
This is all on Donald Trump and,except for a very few, the Republican Party.
You use the word ‘foreordained’…
There was an election….
The guy screwing the country on the whole lost….
Case will be closed…
THAT IS how the system works…
You screw us?
You lose ur job….
Toomey Says Trump Is Done
Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) released a statement saying Donald Trump has “exhausted all plausible legal options” and told him to “accept the outcome of the election and facilitate the presidential transition process.”
He also congratulated “President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.”
Maryland Republican Governor says he is “embarrassed” by the lack of Republicans standing up to Trump in this post election fiasco.
Apparently Hogan doesnt visit this site ,where our resident shill ,rather than facing the truth that Republicans remain for the most part in lockstep with the attempted theft of the election by their party leader ,mostly posts puff pieces highlighting the few Republicans who are standing up to the gangster.