Donald Trump’s selling isn’t working….
(There ARE a LOT of them in this post)
The polls below reflect the post debate and some post Trump virus…
They are SOLID Joe Biden poll trends…
I would say if the election was today it would be a blowout FOR Joe Biden….
Democrats would also be looking at a majority in the Senate…
CNN Poll….
Likely voters broadly prefer Biden over Trump on a number of issues that voters consider critically important in the race, including the coronavirus outbreak (59% prefer Biden, 38% Trump), health care (59% to 39%), racial inequality in America (62% to 36%), nominations to the Supreme Court (57% to 41%) and crime and safety (55% to 43%). The two are about even over who would better handle the economy (50% say Biden, 48% Trump), similar to where they have been among registered voters in recent polling.
Biden’s favorability ratings have also improved, with 52% of Americans now saying they have a positive impression of the former vice president, compared with 39% who have a positive view of Trump.
*Likely voters are more apt to consider Biden the candidate who would unite the country (61% Biden to 33% Trump), who is honest and trustworthy (58% Biden to 33% Trump), who cares about people like you (58% Biden to 38% Trump), who has a clear plan to solve the nation’s problems (55% to 39%) and who would keep Americans safe from harm (55% to 43%)….
Tuesday, October 6 |
We are getting the first post Trump virus polls results and they are showing a Biden ‘bounce’ up by double digits…
Biden is about to give a speech in Gettysburg about “Unity.”
If in that speech, he namechecks, in a positive way, Ronald Reagan, either George Bush, or Mitt Romney, he can get my vote.
Ok, maybe I’d even settle for John McCain.
He namechecked Lincoln. Good start, but low hanging fruit.
Go bigger.
Unless I missed it, he did not mention any of those names. Hopefully, he will take the opportunity soon.
My mother filled in her mail-ballot for Biden while on the phone with me. Was a felony committed?
A few minutes ago I filled out an online application for a mail-in ballot. It took less than 30 seconds.
I might as well vote at home and have a safe place to vomit or cry or whatever.
And hope it gets counted CG….
Will his mother write in CG’s name for dog-catcher (as a Never-Humper or Never-Growler) ?
Nate Silver
Replying to
Donald Trump is getting absolutely, completely crushed in the polls right now. They point toward the biggest landslide since 1984. Despite that, he has about a 17% chance of winning, which isn’t bad. Why? The polls might be wrong!