We have polls on the Presidency , US Senate and other things….
Lot’s of them as we close to the votes being counted…..
Joe Biden IS trending fine in the very states Donald Trump won against Hillary Clinton….
Biden is leading in the polls for Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina , Ohio and Georgia of all places….
It IS increasingly looking like a strong Biden win if the polls are anywhere near being correct….
Thursday, October 29 |
People on HHR are saying that it looks like Trump will win 51% of the popular vote.
The HHR crowd must be living in Trump’s alternate universe….
Trump’s gonna probably lost by about 10 million votes when the final count comes in…
Well, James, that’s 51% of the real, legitimate, legal, native-born citizen vote (not all those Fake votes) — the Donald can only lose re-election because of fraud, illegal immigrants and Dreamers.
Political Polls
Trump 52% (+13)
Biden 39%
McConnell (R-inc) 50% (+10)
McGrath (D) 40%
@bluegrassctc, RV, 10/16-28