The ex-President has been relatively quiet up to now…
But in a campaign speech for Joe Biden today in Philadelphia?
Obama went after the guy who succeeded him….
It wasn’t pretty….
Donald Trump IS gonna be seething tonight and tomorrow for sure…
There two have been politically kicking each other for a while….
Trump has been complaining about Attorney General Barr not locking up Obama, Biden and Hillary Clinton…
Former President Barack Obama delivered an often-incredulous and blistering account of his successor’s first four years in office on Wednesday in Philadelphia, making his most direct attacks on President Donald Trump to date both on substance and on a personal level.
“We’ve got to turn out like never before. We cannot leave any doubt in this election,” Obama said, warning that Trump has suggested he won’t accept the results if he loses.
Though polls have showed Biden holding a steady lead in Pennsylvania, Obama cautioned: “I don’t care about the polls. There were a bunch of polls last time, and it didn’t work out. . . . Not this time. Not this election.”…
image…Former President Barack Obama speaks in support of Joe Biden during a drive-in rally in Philadelphia on Wednesday. (Bonnie Jo Mount/The Washington Post)
Trump downplays Obama’s return to campaign trail, says he was ‘all over the place’ for Hillary Clinton
Trump: “There is nobody that campaigned harder for “Crooked” Hillary Clinton than Obama.”
President Trump dismissed Barack Obama’s potential impact on the 2020 election on Wednesday after his predecessor returned to the campaign trail to rally support for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden…
More @ Fox…
Trump really does think this election will be 2016 all over again.
Every election is slightly different from the one that proceeded it. Even in the calmest of times.
And if there is a year for an election to be radically different it’s 2020.
He just isn’t capable of dealing with reality….
Once he’s come to a conclusion in one era, Trump finds it nearly impossible to change his views as facts change.
There’s a viral (pre-computer) quotation, attributed aprocryphally to John Maynard Keynes but also many others, that does not fit Donald Trump (except maybe for the question at the end, which Kristin Welker or Joe Biden might ask tonight:
“When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do?…”
-Mitt Romney misattributed this quotation to Churchill, a Tory rather than the lifelong Liberal Keynes.]
He, he, he….
I have in fact used THAT quote here with our friend Jack on occasion thru the years….
A bit surprising, isn’t it, James?, for the former host of a “reality” TV show:
“He just isn’t capable of dealing with reality…”