Obama is working Florida for Joe Biden and getting in his licks against Trump , who has dissed him for years….
Former President Obama on Tuesday blasted President Trump over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, mocking Trump’s concern over the media coverage of the virus and expressing disbelief that the White House is grappling with its second outbreak.
Obama made his second stop in recent days in Florida in an attempt to deliver the swing state for Democratic nominee Joe Biden. The Biden campaign has made Trump’s management of the public health crisis a centerpiece of his campaign, and Obama unleashed on the president at a drive-in rally in Orlando.
“What’s his closing argument? That people are too focused on COVID,” Obama said, referencing what has become a staple of Trump’s rallies and Twitter feed….
“Listen, winter is coming,” Obama said. “They’re waving the white flag of surrender. Florida, we can’t afford four more years of this.”…
image…Alex Edeleman/AFP Getty/DW
Oh Snap!
“President Trump’s campaign has all but pulled its advertising out of Florida, as it stakes its relatively small bank account on the industrial northern states that carried him to victory in 2016,” Bloomberg reports….
Politicalwire …
Y’all ought to check out the (many) comments on HHR. I just lurk for now, no posting.
They think this means Florida is already won and look out Virginia may go red!
Fools and idiots galore. They all hate the site owner who just posts polls because it’s bad news for Trump and the polls are fake. (The guy who runs the site used to be a staunch Republican at least but definitely is not found of Trump)
I just hope they have a “prediction contest” for me to win.
Gonna be the story for a LOT of lost Trumpites….
This is Trump’s party thing is gonna fall on a lot of deaf ears on the top exholns of the Grand Ole’ Party….
The Cotton’s and Cruz troyes will try to grab them up…
Some will find their way…
Some in HHR will be lost…
You comment points the freying around the edges in the GOP i have been pointing to here for months….
Lost sheep let out to be on their own…
What else would u expect from a party whose leader don’t give a shit about ANYTHOBG but HIMSELF????
Update on Florida Trump ads ….
Kat Ward
Replying to
I’ve read several places today that the RNC is paying for the trump ads in FL. And Tim Murtaugh of team trump says there’s not truth to trump taking down advertising in FL
Nobody loves you when you’re down and out. (Sorry, Donald)