Due to Donald Trump’s health condition there will be more attention on this….
Tomorrow Wednesday, Oct, 7, 2020…
Senator Kamala Harris (D-Ca)….
Vice President Mike Pence….
9:00 to 10:30PM.. East Coast Time…
The University of Utah, Salt Lake City….
Moderator Susan Page of USA Today….
What’s the format? The debate will be divided into nine 10-minute sections. Each candidate will have two minutes to respond to the opening question in each segment.
Topics? Page hasn’t released a list of topics.
But it’s extremely likely that the coronavirus crisis will be front and center at this debate, particularly because of the president’s health and the fact that Pence served as the head of the coronavirus task force. He’ll have to defend the administration’s response to the pandemic, which has now claimed the lives of more than 210,000 Americans.
For her part, Harris, a former prosecutor who gained national attention for her grilling of witnesses in the Senate, may have to walk a delicate line between attacking Pence and the administration’s policies while the president recovers from the virus.
Will there be more debates? Two more Trump-Biden debates are scheduled, but given the president’s health, their status and any format changes are unclear:
- Oct. 15: second presidential debate
- Oct. 22: third presidential debate
He, he, he…..
MSNBC’s Joy Reid said “Pence is not observing the no-interruptions rule, and going over his (time) and getting away with it. The moderator needs to be an entity or why have them?”
CNN Political Correspondent Abby Phillip said “Pence is not interrupting in the way Trump did, but he is completely ignoring the debate time rules and speaking for well beyond his time.”
Many called out Pence’s penchant for running over his time, saying he lacked respect for the rules and his female counterpart.
Ashley Judd questioned why “does Trump and Pence feel so entitled to shout over women?” Van Jones referred to Pence as the “mansplainer-in-chief.” Sophia Bush agreed: “Gaslighting + Mansplaining. @VP’s entire debate strategy. It’s wiiiiiiiiiiiiild.”…
As Wolf Blitzer would say ….
‘Stand by’….
We might NOT be having a VP debate….
The parties are seriously raging about a plexiglass separator….
Wolf is a Proud Boy?
Pence gives up on the Plexiglas fight….
“Vice President Mike Pence has ceded to Sen. Kamala Harris’ demands for plexiglass to be used at Wednesday evening’s debate,” Politico reports.
“Pence’s team had objected to Harris’ wishes for a barrier to separate the two candidates from each other and from moderator Susan Page. But after a series of talks, aides to the vice president decided to back down.”
I’m thinking Harris is gonna run all over Pence ….
VP Debate starting soon…
The Debate has begun…
Pence IS as expected IS defending Trump’s actions…
Harris is stating her case….
Pence is doing Trump in talking OVER his time….
Pence feels comfortable so far….
Harris is a little tight…
But she is getting on stride 45 min in….
Pence keeps back to Biden raising taxes….
He is also trying tie her to the ‘left’….
Pence continues talk over his time…
The moderator does get talked over by the Republican…
Harris is talking about people…
Pence is talking about the economy…
Harris is trying to come out as staying in her lane….
Pence trying to crowd her…
Pence is doing the word ‘Liberal’ as curse word….
Pence is trying to blame China for the virus….
And nothing about Trump….
Every time Harris scores points…
Pence interrupts …
Harris has gotten better ….
Foreign Affairs….
She’s cookin!….
She is expressing sympathy …
Pence brings up the military….
Harris pivots to Trump’s distain for military people…
She’s cooking AGAIN…
Brings up the bounty on American troops and Trump buddy/buddy with Putin..
Harris looks at the moderator and smiles ….
And finally gets Pence to STF UP…
She was really good in that portion.
I have tremendous ideological differences with her across the board, but I sense she is doing what needs to be done in the context of this campaign. She is not as smooth as she could be, but it does not really matter. She just has to prosecute Trump. It’s the easiest job in the world.
Pence comes across as a bit desperate and his eye is very bloodshot. I hope that is not a Covid symptom.
Now he has a fly in his hair.
Kamala did her homework.
The person who should be feeling kinda bad right now might be Tim Kaine.
Pence doesn’t answer the abortion question…
He runs back to one military action…
Talks about Barrett’s religion NOT abortion..
The court…
Harris goes to women’s rights then jumps to Obamacare…
Trump is trying to get rid 20 million losing their coverage…
Harris is cookin!…
Pence has to support Trump’s no Obamacare replacement…
Pence ….I don’t know what Barrett would vote on abortion?
Pence jumps to packing the court…
Harris smiling….
‘Mr Vice President I’m speaking’….
She goes on about Lincoln saying he’d wait for a election result to decide on a pick…
Pence doesn’t get Harris to answer the packing the court…
He says they will….
She’s actually laughing at his attempt to tie her down…
He goes back…
She goes back…
packing the court…
No black choice ….
Harris is smiling…
Pence is NO longer grinning…
Breana Taylor …
Harris moves to peaceful protests about ‘equal justice’…..
Bad cops are NOT good for good cops…
Decrinimalize marijuana
Harris goes over…
She does NOT support violence, Neither does NOT Biden
Pence same question…
Pence does NOT agree that there is bias in policing…
He and Trump support cops…
Harris gets her Irish up and says she’s the ONLY one on the stage who went after bad people…
Harris brings up the Stay back and stand bye…
Harris goes into Trump muslim ban, Charlotte….
When asked about this there are fine people on both sides…
President Trump has Jewish grandchildren…
Black people most prosecuted as Harris DA…
Harris come back…
Having served as the AG required body camera and bias training…
I will NOT be lectured by the VP on my record…
What does Biden/Harris do if Trump won’t do a peaceful transfer of power ?
Harris we have broad support form people of BOTH parties…
(She cannot answer the question directly)
She says to VOTE…
If we use our voices to NOT allow people suppress our vote…
Pence get the peaceful power transfer question…
Says he’ll win…
Then he goes pure Trump….
FBI spying on Trump….
Obstruction of Justice…..
Last question…
Utah student question from a 8th Grader…
When I watch the news all I see is fighting…
In America we believe in free debate….
THIS IS NOT Donald Trump‼️
Here is America we can disagree
But we always come together….
(Good Answer)
Biden decided to run because of the hate and fighting…
Joe will work across the aisle…
The future is bright….
We fight for each person’s vote….
Debate OVER…
Overall, she did well, Pence is a career politician that knows how not to answer a question…This was a more normal debate…hence it was boring…
It doesn’t move the needle one way or the other…nothing earth shattering occurred…
But I am sure there will be a tweet storm from POTUS proclaiming Pence was the champion…
MSNBC talking heads has Harris ahead….
CNN talking heads give Pence better grades…
The female talking heads on MSNBC said Pence appeared flaccid.
Pretty brutal. Well, I guess all the blood had rushed to his eye.
Steven Lockhart
Replying to
The master-debater, critiqued on MSNBC as limp and flacid… in terms of VP being accountable for POTUS she showed the balls to speak truth to power. He left his in Mother’s purse.
I thought Harris was subdued starting….
But gained strength in the end and clearly did a good job in the end…
She was also probably worried about coming on way TOOOOO strong as a woman….
A BLACK/Mixed Woman…
Sexism, eh?
Oh, and the ‘the fly’ on Pence’s head gets media attention….
The Daily Beast
“Thank you, Vice President Pence.”
“Thank you, Vice President Pence.”
“Thank you, Vice President Pence.”
“Thank you, Vice President Pence.”
Tonight’s #VPdebate is finally over. The next debate (if Trump skips his quarantine) will be October 15.
Conventional wisdom among right-wingers online is that Pence won and it wasn’t even close.
I don’t see that at all. But this wouldn’t be the first time after a debate.
My sense is that people are choosing to be in denial about the disaster that is coming and that Trump sets such a low bar, Pence can easily surpass it, even on a so so night for him.
This debate 4 weeks before the election will change few minds….
But people did mostly what they wanted to do…
Harris just had to hang in there…
Pence needed to make gains….
THAT did NOT happen…
But Harris did NOT come across as ‘mean’….something I worried about during the campaign….
Which I do not think about negatively anymore…
Pence talked over her several times….
THAT could be seen as sexist, which got my wife pissed….
And might have cost him a few women’s votes…
She could have and should have been meaner. Some punches were pulled because they are ahead (which reminds me of Mitt Romney’s third debate with Obama which turned out to be the wrong strategy)
I think she was effective in going after Trump, but she could have been much harsher, and pushing Pence to answer whether he agreed with Trump or not on those various things, which would possibly anger Trump at Pence.
Would NOT have been a good look….
She did fine….
(That’s ALL)
Pence needed traction….
Harris IS AHEAD…
She nailed THAT…..
Talking Points Memo
Pence Changes The Topic On Hard Questions Again And Again And Again https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/pence-changes-the-topic-on-hard-questions-again-and-again-and-again…
This is 2020. Anybody who would have been offended by a black woman going off on Donald Trump like the despicable scumbag that he is, already is not an obtainable voter for you.
She could have played Pence off against Trump,, she could have said, “when I voted to convict him, it was not overturning the election, it was to make you President.” She could have said something like “as many disagreements that I have with you, you certainly would not have let us down like Donald Trump has. How can you possibly defend him…?” etc etc
He, he, he….
Senator Rand Paul
The deep state planted a bug on
. The illegal spying is really out of control.
It was a black fly all up in his white hair. Symbolism?
The issue with Pence’s eye was even more noticeable right from the start.
CNN Politics
Vice President Mike Pence dodges question on whether President Trump will commit to a peaceful transfer of power https://cnn.it/33CSenG
Peter Baker
Reminded of something Trump said about Pence a few months ago: “I think that’s one of the greatest answers I’ve ever heard because Mike was able to speak for five minutes and not even touch your question.”
Nonetheless, cumulative debate rankings:
1. Harris
2. Pence
3. Fly
4. Biden
5. Trump
Your ratings…..
Thank You….
CNN talking heads have now come full circle moving to say Harris did alright by playing it safe….
ABC News
The Biden campaign feels Kamala Harris “had a strong debate performance” and think Pence “failed to make an argument” for second term,
Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is “very happy” with Pence’s performance,
adds. http://abcn.ws/VPdebate #VPDebate
Someone on the Biden team is quick….
PETA won’t like it though.
I’m actually considering buying one of those. (I could get some use out of it). What the hell is happening to me?
U are following the polls….
Snap poll of debate watchers at CNN…
Audience are Democratic slightly ….
Kamala Harris….59
Mike Pence…….36
Democrats will always win those snap polls for the most part after a debate, but at least they are somewhat scientific…. as it relates to those who say they watched the debate live
Now, Trump supporters take online or Twitter polls in favor of Trump, which are of course COMPLETELY unscientific and use it as proof that Trump is ahead by a landslide.
Pence did beat Kaine in the CNN snap poll 48-42 four years ago.
I would imagine this one had more viewership.
The poll is among viewers of the debate….
Not a field debate….
Closing in on 1AM….
Harris IS the winner across the board with media talking heads….
CNN talking heads have moved away from Pence to Harris…..
The ad IS in the post now…
I didn’t even know they had flies in Utah.
I really shouldn’t be focused on Ken Bone, but he just represents the kind of voter who is impossible to explain..
He goes from being all excited about Andrew “direct federal government cash payments to all Americans forever” Yang and then votes for the Libertarian.
My takeaway?
A thoroughly forgettable 90 minutes which will be remembered only for the fact that a fly sat on Mike Pences head for a couple of minutes.
What was actually said?Who knows?Who cares?
As the trivialization of our politics begun with the election of low brow comedian Donald Trump continued.
I want to know if that fly on Pence’s hair laid eggs if he’s going to carry them to full term?
Pence pissed off some women….
But yea….
No reach change ….
Which isn’t helping Trump….and Pence