Most American’s SUPPORT a women’s choice for Abortion…
Most American’s SUPPORT Obamacare…
Most American’s want Trump’s taxes made public…
Most American’s Immigration…
Donald Trump and Republicans putting a woman on the court that would rule AGAINST all that above is gonna cost Republicans in the Presidential and Down Ballot voting….(GOPer’s will be hoping a woman as a target for Democrats will be difficult )….
In addition?
If a Joe Biden Presidency brings 4 more justices to the high court?
The appointment will be a failure for Trump and the GOP in the long run…
Yeah, it’s pretty clear that Republicans are trying to bait Democrats into a fight over Barrett/Lagoa’s personal qualities, because a fight over Roe and the ACA being repealed likely ends badly for them.
Quote Tweet
A big fight over SCOTUS, focusing voters on risks to Roe and the ACA, hurts Trump with two constituencies — affluent suburbanites Trump purports to woo with his warnings about law and order, and more-secular northern non-college whites, key to his 2016 win.
lol…i just texted you the same thing…before even reading this…
Pay Back is a bitch
Good minds…..
This is an angle I had not thought of, apparently not being aware that Eisenhower did this in October of 1956 when a Supreme Court vacancy (not due to a death) suddenly occurred. Eisenhower put a Catholic Democrat on the Court in order to try to help himself in his reelection. Of course, he won, and then the Senate made the confirmation official in January.
Why has a Democrat not floated this option as a compromise?
While I do not think it is necessary and that the Court could function with 8 members for the time being, this option would allay concerns of “we need 9 Justices in order to rule on all the election problems.” Trump could put his person on the Court on his own, use it as an election issue, and then in January, if he wins, its a pretty easy rationale to confirm, and if Biden wins, then the recess appointment ends, and he gets to make the pick.
Obama could have done this with Merrick Garland, but he did not want it to be used against Hillary, and thought she was going to win. Also, Hillary publicly refused to commit to nominating Garland. She wanted to leave her own options open, which I think was appropriate as well.
What all this means is that despite the rock-solid optimism expressed on pro-Trump blogs about how he is going to win and win big, McConnell, the Senate Republicans, and many others believe he is going to lose and thus this is their only chance. Are they considering what might happen in the future though under this precedent of “as long as it’s legal, we can do it.” Yes, there is nothing illegal about confirming this new Justice, but there would also be nothing illegal about packing the Courts. We will be entering a dangerous stage of one-upmanship, From now on, it will not be the President that picks a SCOTUS justice, but whichever party hold the Senate, and if there is ever a division between the two, nobody will ever be confirmed again. One party rule will become even more dangerous to institutional norms.
As for Senator Romney, I wish he was willing to fight on this, but he is correct that there is nothing un-Constitutional at play here. It just may be wrong ethically and he does not say otherwise. I also would think that there may be other developments down the road to look out for before anything is considered a done-deal, in regards to Romney, or the situation in general.
But I am just disillusioned by all of this. Both sides are reaching a point where they will stop at nothing on these matters, just because they can, and I believe Democrats will cross some serious lines in the way they go about attacking Amy Coney Barrett (or whomever) and that might have political ramifications against them too.
I know it would be wrong, but maybe I just will not even vote.
Several members of the high court are in fact Catholics already….
Barret has said she would not let her religious beliefs affect her decisions which is of course impossible ….
Earlier this decade, the Court had exactly zero [0] Protestant Justices (for much of the 19th century all of them were). RBG, Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan were Jewish and the rest (including Clarence Thomas) were Roman Catholics (Thomas, Scalia, Roberts, Alito, Sotomayor & Kennedy).
See (e.g)
So I guess the balance if Barrett is confirmed would be five Catholics (Thomas, Alito, Roberts, Sotomayor, Kavanaugh & Barrett), one ex-Catholic (Neil Gorsuch, now Episcopalian), and two Jews (Kagan and Breyer).
Thanks DSD….
Correct that to six Catholics (Thomas, Alito, Roberts, Sotomayor & Kavanaugh — as now, + Barrett, if confirmed), one ex-Catholic (Neil Gorsuch, now Episcopalian), and two Jews (Kagan and Breyer).
Sixty years ago, JFK’s Catholicism (like Al Smith’s in 1924) was a huge obstacle for Fundamentalist and Evangelical Protestants. But now, I think would weigh more heavily for devout pro-life voters of any (or no) faith, is the impression that on issues like abortion and gay rights, an observant Roman Catholic who follows the Magisterium might be the most reliable vote against.
There is going to be an ugly, sexist and religiously bigoted campaign run against Barrett by many the left and most on your side will shrug because the ends justify the means. I cannot emphasize enough how what was done with Kavanaugh polarized Supreme Court politics and is causing conservatives to not even care about “fairness” at this point.
You just better hope that some of the voices in your party do not go too far and cause Trump to get more votes, the same with the marchers in Louisville (distinct from those who are genuinely aggrieved by the tragedy of Breonna Taylor being killed) who now have signs saying “Abolish the Police” because I suppose de-funding does not go far enough.
Why exactly are you disillusioned?
Indeed you implied earlier that you weren’t really surprised by it.
I’m certainly not.
As to Romney, maybe he will vote against the nominee?I guess that’s what you were implying as per your last sentence in the paragraph on him.
For reasons I may enumerate later,I’m not as worked up by this whole matter as others seems to be.
I’ve said since shortly after Ginsburgs death that the Republicans will confirm Trumps appointment.Sure the Democrats will raise a little Hell,all to no avail.
Right now,all I care about is seeing Trump defeated.Thats the only issue right now as far as I’m concerned.Then focusing all our energies on conquering this virus.As Biden has said ,that’s the only thing that matters right now.
I am thinking more that perhaps there will be something else in regards to a “deal” at the deadline, but for the political class the chance to get a conservative on the Court, when there may not be another one for a long time is too much to resist. I am surprised that a vote would actually happen before the election. They don’t seem to take into account what may be next in terms of repercussions. If Republicans cannot win the Presidency in the future or cannot win enough Senate elections, under this new standard or “if you can get away with it, do it”, then this may be the last conservative put on the court for a long time Plus, there is nothing at all to stop court packing.
In regards to politics in general, I like to see outcomes that suit my desires, but I just cannot accept the ends always justifying the means. Coming from Chicagoland, I have seen how one party or one strong leader (Michael J. Madigan) can run roughshod basically over an entire state and it’s very distasteful to see Republicans act in the same way. Both sides would do it if given the chance apparently, but I always sort of wanted my side to be the “good guys” and that is just not the case.
People in the party leadership are saying off the record that a 6-3 SCOTUS majority is worth the Presidency and Congress. I do not happen to agree in theory, but that should be comforting to Democrats who would take the trade, especially since it would not be 6-3 very long.
Oh I certainly will take that.
As Dirty Harry famously said,
“Go ahead make my day.”
I would have thought the nomination and election of Trump would have been more disillusioning that this ,which ,after all ,while distasteful ,Is essentially nothing but a political power play.
Trump threatens the country .
A single Supreme Court Justice ,whomever it may ,be doesnt.
Voting to fire Trump today gave me the 9dt opposore feeling from “disillusionment” I’ve ever felt to be honest.
The most opposite feeling from disillusion I meant to say
Trump is dead-certain to oppose any election returns that don’t te-elect him.
So (as with Bush v. Gore) a fifth conservative vote that would take away the balance of power from the Chief Justice could be decisive.
Good for you. I don’t begrudge you from having a “team” to identify with.
The inevitable direction we are headed in is towards further polarization in where we live, friendships, how we interact with family, etc. etc. There may not be a “shooting war” , although two Americans were recently killed in our streets by other Americans over political demonstrations, but it feels like a quasi-Civil War.
I don’t quite believe that….
Biden WILL try to bring back a friendlier more human America…..
It IS WHY HE’s leading Trump….
It’s a force much bigger than Biden. There won’t be much he can do. Both party bases hate each other.
I disagree on the Democratic side ….
While progressives are still looking for a hard pushback against the Republicans across the board?
Biden just isn’t that person….
I continually point out how the democratic left just gets a half a loaf of bread from the party…
Actually ,and I’m only speaking for myself,have many Republican friends and ,despite the heat of the campaign , we still talk often.
The virus has caused much more of a disruption in our relationship than the campaign.
Often ,and somewhat to our own surprise, we agree on much as to issues and life in general.
Strange as it may seem, due to our often adversarial relationship here,CG and I likely agree on a lot of things.I know for instance that our views on immigration are similar.
Sometimes we all get caught up n the moment and fail to see the big picture.Im as guilty as anyone .Its too bad really.
So True Jack…..
So True…..
People ARE more than their politics
Which is why I’m good with you …..
I thank you and all who come to this place for their input , views and sometimes disagreements….
Some have ducked from all this…
Some have not….
The rise of Trump was but I thought it would be an aberration. Trump has consumed everything around him on both sides and blind tribalism is likely to be around for a long time.
It is also disappointing because while I of course mourn Justice Ginsburg on a personal sense, this should be an opportunity to have a conservative Justice take a seat on the SCOTUS (after an election that is fairly won) and the conservative party is wedded to a nominee whom they have determined cannot win and who does not deserve to win anyway.
You largely agree with me on the Court thing. It why all the people on the right who said they hated the idea for voting for Trump but had to “because of the judges” never came close to convincing me.
He maybe an asshole….
But he’s OUR asshole, eh?
just like you applauded Harry Reid for his “well, we won didn’t way”, gleeful admission of his Romney tax slander.
Do Harry Reid and Hillary Clinton have to share a bathroom in that apartment they share inside your head?
They’re living rent free there so they really shouldn’t conplain if they do.
Half of your braincloset is filled with Susan Collins’ clothes.
Collins is a current Senator in one of the mpst watched Senate races in the country. Reid retired yet you are still caught up on what he said about one Mitt–who oddly thinks a President John for to serve should appoint a SC justice.
I can’t make sense of that last post, but I will let you have the last word. This fighting about politics on the internet is not something I want to engage in anymore.
Sure, I know I could fire back insult for insult and be pretty witty doing so, but it’s not going to improve my health or make my life any better, so carry on .
Sorry for the typos. Impossible to reply on tbese threads. What I meant to say was Collins is a sitting US Senator in one of the most closely watched races so of course she gets mentioned a lot. CG is still obsessed with Harry Reid–who has been retired for four years over his comments to Mitt Romney. A Senator who paradoxically voted to remove Trump but now wants him to appoint a SC justice.
Romney talks the talk….
But does NOT walk the walk….
I agree Jack, the only thing that matters is electing Joe Biden in November. But, if you check out what Trump said today he, and some in his party, are floating the idea that late ballots (votes that arrive bye mail) can be disqualified and that friendly Republican State Legislatures might select their own Electors no matter who wins the popular vote in a specific state.
Clearly Trump’s constant refrain that the vote will be rigged is a precursor to some type of after action attempt to nullify the popular vote results. I think this is simply too obvious to ignore. I know the Democrats are making the necessary preparations for this type of action. But, if the vote count takes days to conclude it will give the Republicans ample opportunity to challenge results in court. And, of course, Trump said again today that this is why he needs a fully staffed Supreme Court with Judges he can trust.
So, that brings me back to the Court and Republican hypocrisy. So, while I admire that you can get along with your Republican friends, I just can’t, One of today’s endless polls said that a majority of Republicans trust Trump over Dr. Fauci. Think about that for a moment. We have a pandemic that has killed thousands and Trump is on tape saying that he didn’t want to “panic people” with. a stronger response.
The Republicans in Congress and this Administration are willing to ignore the McConnell rule on when we can replace a Supreme Court Justice (hell McConnell was the first to ignore it) and have done so without a whimper of complaint — not even the one Republican who voted to impeach Trump. No, to a man, they have lined up with Trump and now we can “hold them at their word” as Lady G so famously said just last year.
So, yes, we should all focus on conquering the virus, but Trump has proven he won’t do that and the Republicans in Congress have proven they will stand by with their thumbs of up their asses.
There won’t be any agreement on this nominee, it’s Mitch’s way or the highway. He has famously said, “people will forget this next week.” Well, as much as people think we need to move on, I don’t think people will forget this one that easily, and that energy that Preppy Brett’s treatment supposedly brought to the Republicans in the last election has now transferred to this election (the money that has come in to Senate Candidates is exhibit A). Clearly it’s essential that Biden work with a Democratic Senate to repair the damage that this Administration has done to our Democracy. That might sound dramatic, but it’s the truth, and I think we all know that whether we admit it or not.
This nomination issue is simply the latest example how soulless the Republican Party has become over the last 50 years. So, while it isn’t the end of the world if another conservative slug who prefers the Bible to the Constitution is put on the Court. It is madding that Republican Presidents who have come to office without a majority of the vote have appointed Supreme Court Justices with the votes of Senators who were elected from States that don’t represent the majority of the Country. The Republican Party has ruthlessly manipulated through voter suppression, gerrymandering, and racist campaigns the outcome of elections for the last 30 years. Changing demographics about to catch up with them, especially when you consider the Democrats took back 40 plus gerrymandered seats in 2018.
So, this will be the rubber match. Will the majority rule or will the McConnells of the world get their way. I have said this before, one of the reasons that I haven’t posted much is that I have been actually working to raise money for the campaign. This one is just too important to sit on the sidelines.
Putting Barret on the court IS a straight up old time conservertive goal….
An even number court just isn’t gonna sit right….
Unless something REALLY crazy happens?
Barret WILL join the court by December…
If Biden IS ejected?
The whole court thing will be interesting..
Getting ON the court sometimes changes things …
This current court has supported abortion and Obamacare so far….
Senate Democrats know this ….
Barret will come under intense questioning and sometimes THAT dies have an impact
And YES…..
in their hearts?
few Republican lawmakers believe Trump will repeat his miracle again like in 2016…
The 1956 Eisenhower precedent of a Recess Appointment would be a perfect compromise. The Republicans have no interest though because they know Trump is likely to lose and Democrats do not seem to be angling for it because they know the long-game is to pack the Court.
The problem is Republicans have decided the long-game doesn’t matter just because the base demands a short-term “Trump win” (ie getting the nominee through and owning the libs thru their tears, etc. etc). They will figure out the rest later on without a plan, just as Trump has done in every aspect of his life for decades.
the long term goal has ALWAYS been to get rid of abortion…..
THAT is what Trump is gambling on….
The GOPer’s KNOW this move is gonna cost them the Senate and help defeat Trump….
They feel getting the court with a young justice is worth it…
My view is this has little to do with Trump himself….
Which is also why Barret will be conformed
The Roberts Court also imposed marriage equality on all 50 states (+ DC & the territories).