Joe Biden has a working group that would move in to help the CDC , FDA and Dr Fauci’s group in combating the Covid-19 virus from a federal level…
While the Trump admin has left most the fight against the virus to the state’s and local governments…
Biden’s people would strongly increase the support and guidance the federal government would give as of January 20th after Joe Biden would be sworn in…
In reality?
Like in so many other things?
Joe Biden IS going to reinventing the governments response to so many things the Trump admin ignored or downplayed…
It’s gonna be a slow and difficult undertaking and Biden will NOT have long to do so with the 2022 midterms peeking over Congresses shoulders come early 2022 and the memory of 2011’s midterms thrashing of Democrats by voters …
As Biden and his aides piece together a national strategy, they are contemplating myriad questions: How many tests a day can the country conduct? Will states and health-care workers have needed protective equipment and supplies, or will they still be battling shortages and competing against one another? Might cases plateau at 40,000 a day or more, climb higher, or finally begin to taper off?
“There’s a huge amount of preparation that needs to be done given the complete absence of leadership from the current administration, and no time to waste,” Sullivan said.
Among the campaign’s top priorities are planning for the complex challenge of distributing one or more coronavirus vaccines to tens of millions of Americans; appointing a “supply commander” to coordinate the distribution of supplies to states and localities; and, perhaps most important, unifying the country and restoring public trust in the federal government’s message.
The last task may be the most difficult, aides acknowledge. To that end, immediately upon taking office, Biden would call Democratic and Republican governors and mayors across the country to ensure that not only does the federal government speak with one voice, but that Americans hear the same message from their state and local leaders, Sullivan said. He would urge state and local leaders to issue mandatory mask orders if necessary and to work together on a nationwide vaccination campaign.
Biden has also vowed to have public health experts and doctors hold regular news conferences on the pandemic….
Fauci says even with a vaccine it may be a year or more before normalcy returns.
Republicans don’t want to hear it!Republican commentator Laura Ingram wants Fauci to STFU, while Trump says we are doing good.
Meanwhile , that U of Washington Model that Trump and the cult used to tout when it was showing less than 100000 deaths now says deaths could go as high as 600000 this winter.
Just think how much worse it would have been without Trump having done such a good job!