He finally gets what he used to win the last time….
This staff relents and gives him back the….
The images and the view for him to draw his energy from….
Forget the masks…
Forget the virus infection concerns…
Ignore the ‘experts’…
We have already had infection out breaks for some of his events. for staff and those that were in the crowds…
What virus?
Remember ,,,
It IS about ‘HIM”….
Joe Biden has no crowds….
The contrast is sharp and unmistakable….
And has left his basement also go on the road….
He walks to the mic with a mask he takes off…
He offers safety and concern….
We will see which perception helps a winner….
After briefly pausing rallies following the debacle in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in June, Trump has ramped up his campaign schedule to now holding multiple packed, outdoor rallies a week in airport hangars that often skirt local coronavirus restrictions.
At a rally last week in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, the president in one breath urged supporters to wear masks over the Labor Day weekend while in the next repeatedly attacking his Democratic rival, former Vice President Joe Biden, for wearing them, despite his own administration’s recommendations and the president himself in July tweeting a photo of himself in a mask calling it “patriotic.”
“Did you ever see a man that likes a mask as much as him?” Trump asked his supporters. “It gives him a feeling of security. If I was a psychiatrist, I’d say this guy has some big issues.”
At the same rally, the president remarked to his crowd of mostly maskless supporters how incredibly contagious COVID-19 is—even at one point pointing into the mass of supporters to say the virus is so contagious, he could give it to one of them by just looking at them.
“I could look at that guy, he’ll catch it right there and he is very far away from me,” Trump said, standing more than six feet away from the crowd. “It’s a tough one because it’s so contagious.”
Ahead of Trump’s airport rally on Tuesday in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, county GOP chairman Dave Plyler called on the president to wear a mask, telling Winston-Salem Journal: “There is no excuse. He just needs to do it.”
But the president not only didn’t wear a mask, during the packed rally he mocked coronavirus safety measures put in place by his opponent. “You ever see the gyms with the circles? That’s his crowd,” Trump said, referring to Biden’s socially distanced events which don’t have supporters in attendance.
“We’re doing all mostly hangar things because we’re outside. Outside is very much different than being inside. According to the great doctors, right?” Trump said, appearing to scoff at doctors.
Rallies flout local rules, experts’ recommendations
The president’s Winston-Salem rally itself, packed with thousands of supporters inside and outside mostly not wearing masks despite the campaign handing them out, went against both local and state regulations and what his own experts say is safe.
Trump frequently brags about his crowd sizes; boasted during his speech in Winston-Salem on that 15,000 supporters turned out on Tuesday, with thousands inside the airport hanger and thousands more in a packed overflow section…..
image…Jonathan Ernst/Reuters
Consciously and deliberately acting in a premeditated event with reckless disregard for human life (whether someone else lives or dies) is criminal.
Jack can give better details, and it varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but it forms one element of guilt for manslaughter or attempted manslaughter, and under some codes, an element of murder in the second or third degree. It matters little if you know your victim or if you even know who your victim is.
Aggravating this is enticing and appealing to others to commit the same crime.
This cannot be classed as anything other than a deliberately-planned super-spreader event, from which the organizers know that dozens, if not hundreds or even thousands, will eventually suffer painful deaths.
I agree DSD…..
Reckless actions that cause serious personal injury or death….
He’s the King for 4 years
Rank has privileges…..
DSD so sad…to think our neighbor to the North reported no deaths yesterday from the virus and America posted about 1K…Socialized medicine better than socialized idiocy…
Trump to Hold Indoor Rally Violating Nevada Rules
President Trump plans to hold a fully indoor rally, where thousands are expected, for the first time in three months on Sunday in Henderson, Nevada, CNN reports.
“The City of Henderson has issued a compliance letter and verbal warning to the event organizer that the event as planned would be in direct violation of the governor’s COVID-19 emergency directives. Specifically, gatherings of more than 50 people in a private or public setting is prohibited.”
So much for Republicans being the party of States Rights…they are just not when it is concerning the Cult of Trump…
It IS the Party of Donald J. Trump , were HE does what HE wants….
And if you are a Republican lawmaker?….
Woe be to ya if ain’t ‘loyal’…..
And as usual?
Trump makes shit up …..
Larry Sabato received a reply
Larry Sabato
UPDATE: When I wrote this tweet earlier today, I was completely unaware of President Trump’s receipt of the highly honored Bay of Pigs Award. No wonder he has so much support in the Cuban-American community. Is this kept on the same shelf as the Noble Prize in the White House?
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Larry Sabato
· 10h
When people ask about the Cuban-American vote, I recall on several occasions talking politics in South Florida. Older Cuban-Americans always worked the Bay of Pigs into the discussion, to explain why they voted R. That was in April 1961. Long memories.
The Bay of Pigs (conceived and initiated by Allen Dulles under Ike, but executed under JFK) should hardly be the sort of thing for which you’d covet an award, anymore than there’d be one for America’s ignoble abandonment of the Kurds who had fought ISIS and died beside US troops.
The U.S. sent the Cubans out on the expectation that Castro woukl fall quickly and that the U.S., would meanwhile provide them with all the military support and protection needed. But Kennedy (and MacNamara) pulled out quickly once the fiasco became clear, leaving the gusanos at the mercy of the Cuban army. Some of those who survived battle did make it to the U.S., but many didn’t.
They felt betrayed of course and some have held it against Democrats forever….
Republicans never really cared about “states rights” except as an avenue to deny civil rights.
Of course, if Trump gets called out on his claim to have what never existed, the Bay of Pigs Award, he’ll follow standard Trumpian practice and create one.