The Joe Biden and DNC fundraising IS chugging along setting records closing in on Election Day ….
Worst for Trump and the Republicans?
People Are beginning to vote already…
Reports are that the Trump campaign is hard up for money….
Anyone who things Donald Trump HIMSELF is gonna ‘give’ a nickel are fooling themselves….
Trump only ‘takes’….
As I have noted her….
Trump & Co. seem to be falling apart around the edges….
Day by day and there isn’t much time left to recover ….
“We have much more money than we had at the same time in 2016,” Trump tweeted this week. “Also spending on other, and different, elements of the campaign.”..
Stepien earlier had slashed spending on television ads, fearing a cash crunch that could leave the campaign in financial trouble in its final 30 days. The circumstances marked a sober reversal, with the Trump campaign, long a fundraising behemoth, facing tough budgetary decisions as the once-lean Biden campaign found itself flush with cash. Biden significantly outraised Trump in August, $364.5 million to $210 million….
The effort to put a positive face on the state of the Trump campaign comes as the two November rivals are pressing markedly different strategies with fewer than 50 days before the election. Like Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in 2016, Biden is flooding the television airwaves at far greater levels than Trump, while he has all but abandoned in-person campaigning in the face of the coronavirus pandemic to try to ensure his safety and reinforce his message of abiding by health officials’ advice.
Trump, meanwhile, is leaning heavily on his massive ground operation, while returning to his 2016 strategy of attracting media attention with large rallies and frequent televised appearances. While Biden still goes entire days without a public event — his pace has picked up markedly lately, and he will hold a town hall event on CNN on Thursday night — Trump has been traveling the country and appearing frequently on national cable or network television.
Them rich guys are giving THEIR money to help Trump who ain’t spending his as Biden runs over him with donations to HIS campaign…..
“Republican Party megadonors are racing to bail out President Donald Trump’s cash-strapped reelection campaign, with a newly formed super PAC pouring a further $25 million into battleground states,” Politico reports.
“Trump — who went dark for part of August and has since cancelled advertising in key states — is being outspent more than 2-to-1 by Biden this week.”