1) He won’t have to concede (say he lost).
2) He will have the ultimate grievance mantra for his cable network/cable commentator role to replace “Obama was born in Kenya”. As he says it, it could “take years” to find out who won, by which he really means it will be the new grievance that fuels his right wing communication enterprise: not “you’re fired”, but “I was (“illegally”) fired”.
3) He is hoping to throw considerable dust into the numerous lawsuits over his business and finances by claiming political motives and that the effort to “oust” (i.e. vote) him from office was in order to prosecute him in the courts.
I agree that, despite the above reasons, Trump out of office will be primarily considered a heckler who will try to scream louder to be heard above the other voices. He will have to wear the heavy coat, whether he wants to or not, of responsibility for the monumental mismanagement of the pandemic (hence the need for a sideshow as necessary congressional investigations are launched). He will say he was the genius behind any vaccine that is developed. I’m just pointing to the shallow, banal, corrupt reasons he is willing to try to discredit the legitimacy of a presidential election….
RE @ Politicaldog101
He’ll be the Republicans problem after we haul his fat ass out to the curb on Pennsylvania Avenue on Jan. 20.
I expect he’ll support a lot of primary challengers to GOP incumbents in 2022 if he thinks they were insufficiently MAGA–even though very very few did anything but grovel to him at every turn.
GOPer’s in Congress will get a bit of a break though…
His former staff people can stop worrying about him doing something REALY stupid…
That’s a good point. He will support primary challengers, but they will probably be so extreme on things like immigration that they will make the sleazy incumbents look practically mainstream.