Looking past Donald Trump who mail’s in HIS ballots….
Republicans on the state level move to INCREASE the number of people voting by mail…..
President Donald Trump may rail against mail-in ballots in public, but state and local Republicans are quietly telling Americans that’s exactly how they should vote.
In Iowa, the Republican Party mailed absentee ballot applications to voters without waiting for requests. In Pennsylvania, the GOP’s website promotes voting by mail: “Vote Safe: By mail. From home.” And in Ohio, the Republican Party sent mailers with Trump’s photo saying “Join President Trump and Vote by Absentee Ballot.”
Tens of millions of Americans will cast their ballot for president by mail this year — many in Republican-dominated states and swing states where Republican turnout is crucial for Trump — as the coronavirus outbreak keeps Americans at home. And it won’t be the first time. More than 33 million Americans — nearly 1 in 4 — voted by mail in Trump’s election in 2016.
“Vote by mail really works well here in Utah,” said Justin Lee, director of elections in Utah, where the Republican administration sends ballots to every voter in the state. “We do feel it’s safe and secure. We don’t feel there are any real instances of either widespread fraud or voter disenfranchisement.”
Many Republicans are outwardly careful not to address Trump’s remarks, but privately they worry his escalating accusations of fraud could scare reliable supporters from voting remotely. New polling has fueled these concerns and Democrats are outpacing Republican requests for absentee ballots in some swing states.
Trump frequently attempts to distinguish between mail-in ballots and absentee ballots, saying the latter has additional safeguards and go to only those who request them (election officials say the ballots look identical). He requested an absentee ballot himself to vote in this week’s Florida primary, and his own campaign has been targeting counties in battleground states where absentee ballots made a difference in 2016, urging supporters through a website to request ballots and running Facebook ads that state “Absentee ballots are GOOD. I need you to get your application and send in your absentee ballot IMMEDIATELY.”…..
Mail-n Ballot’s can be returned around Sept 22 in several states….
If the polling is the same 3 weeks from now?