Readers here are familiar with my recent series of “Conservatism Is Bunk.”
Of course ,I’m what a “conservative” would describe as a “Librul,” so my skepticism of Right Wing inanities is to be expected. Now comes Stuart Stevens, a well known Republican political strategist , who worked in almost all recent Republican presidential campaigns and innumerable state and local races to, well, say the same thing as me. Hell, he goes even further and labels the all damn thing,a Lie.
Part a history of contemporary conservatism and part a mea culpa for his role in the spreading of vicious lies, subtle (and not so subtle) racial bigotry and paving the way for Donald Trump, Stevens presents ,in fairly short form(200 pages) ,a searing indictment of the Republican Party and“conservatism “in general.The deceits and lies pile up since Nixon’s time as the Republican Party becomes nothing more than a vehicle for resentments of the increasingly fading White majority which culminates in the election of a grifter like Trump ,who Stevens concedes ,is the logical outcome of over 50 years of of Republicans deception.
If you’re looking for personal attacks on Republican leaders over this period,you won’t find it here.There is no score settling.Indeed, Stevens appears to have genuine respect and affection for the two Bushes but surpringly barely mentions Mitt Romney, in whose campaign he was a central figure.Stevens describes himself as a “flawed messenger.” Then explains that it likely took someone like him to tell the ugly truth of what the Republican Party has become.
Lest you think that Stevens is merely anti Trump and optimistic that once this monster exits the scene Republicans will see the error of its ways and take a different path,you will be disappointed.Indeed, Stevens ,while maybe surprisingly calling Trump a “favorite” for re-election ,believes that Trump may be the last Republican President ,arguing that even the Electoral College will be beyond the Republicans grasp as early as 2024 due to the demographic changes that have,in effect, ended any chance of a Republican winning a majority of popular votes again.
And so, I end my short lived “Conservatism Is Bunk” series.Why listen to a “librul” like me?Just read this book.Its all there .Told much better and with more inside insight that I will ever have!Its an easy read and well worth the time.Note to CG if you’re lurking?Dont read it .It will shatter those myths you’ve built in your own mind all these years….
Jack @ Politicaldog101…
The White nationalist party the Republican party has been morphing into could present instabilities and volatility on the political landscape, as we are currently witnessing.