She’s out as of next Monday….
Getting while the getting is good?
Trump HAS had a LOT of people either quit or get fired….
But Conway has been there thru thick and Thin….
One DOES wonder how she managed to do this so long with a husband [George Conway] that hates her boss and makes no secret of it and daughter that agrees with her father about Donald Trump….
Conway informed Trump of her decision Sunday night in the Oval Office.
Her husband George T. Conway III, a conservative lawyer and outspoken critic of the president, is also stepping back from his role on the Lincoln Project, an outside group of Republicans devoted to defeating Trump in November. He will also take a hiatus from Twitter, the venue he has often used to attack the president.
In a statement, Conway called her time in the Trump administration “heady” and “humbling,” and said she and George were making the decision based on what they think is best for their four children.
“We disagree about plenty,” she wrote of her and her husband, “but we are united on what matters most: the kids. Our four children are teens and ‘tweens starting a new academic year in the middle school and high school that will be conducted remotely from home for a least a few months. As millions of parents nationwide know, kids ‘doing school from home’ requires a level of attention and vigilance that is as unusual as these times.”
Conway continued: “This is completely my choice and my voice. In time, I will announce future plans. For now, and for my beloved children, it will be less drama, more mama.”….
Good riddance, Republican trash.
No platform for the Party, they will endorse whatever Trump wants.
Tell me again how the GOP will return to “normal” after they just sold their last soul to Trump.
Remember how CG used to always muse over what would be in the Democratic platform?
This is too sweet.
The Republicans now forthrightly admit that issues DONT matter.The only thing that matters is Dear Leader Trump.If he says jump?The House and Senate Republicans with afew exceptions will say,”How high Dear Leader,how high?”
The Republicans have become a Party very similar to the old Soviet Communist Party.Whatever Dear Leader says…Goes.
All Trump All the Time!
Yep. No party platform. Just what Trump–who speaks all 4 nights of the convention–wants. .
Tell me what’s the difference between the Republican Party and a cult again?
Mussolini ha sempre ragione !
[Mussolini is always right — slogan of the National Fascist Party of Italy]
The TV reality show spectacle. Platform is “elections, who needs them?”
KellyAnne Conway had noticeably fallen out of favor with Trump, but last I heArd she is still scheduled to speak at the convention.