Right on cue?
President Donald Trump trying to come to the rescue of white people that pointed load weapons at unarmed walking ‘Black Lives Matter’ protestors being investigated for possible criminal charges…
Parson, who said the couple had “every right to protect their property,” said he spoke with Trump just before the governor’s coronavirus news briefing. He said Trump made it clear he “doesn’t like what he sees and the way these people are being treated,” referencing the McCloskeys.
He said Attorney General William P. Barr “was represented on the call,” and he thinks the president and the attorney general “are going to take a look” at the McCloskeys’ case.
“The president said that he would do everything he could within his powers to help with this situation and he would be taking action to do that,” Parson said….
The protesters have acknowledged trespassing on the private street, but deny damaging any property; the McCloskeys claimed they broke their gate.
In interviews with Fox News and CNN, the couple tried to paint the protesters as a mob of “terrorists” intent on killing them, burning down their home and ransacking it, although there is no evidence the protesters attempted to do so.
On Tuesday, Trump adopted their side of the story, defending the couple while seeming to repeat the claims the couple made about imminent death and destruction.
St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner struck back at President Donald Trump and Missouri Gov. Mike Parson (R) on Tuesday night after both attacked her for investigating the St. Louis couple that brandished their guns at protesters outside their home last month.
“Today, both the Governor and Donald Trump came after me for doing my job and investigating a case,” Gardner said in a written statement. “While they continue to play politics with the handling of this matter, spreading misinformation and distorting the truth, I refuse to do so.”
She also slammed Parson for speaking to Trump about her probe, saying it was “unbelievable” that the governor “would seek advice from one of the most divisive leaders in our generation to overpower the discretion of a locally elected prosector [sic].”…
image…Laurie Skrivan/St. Louis.
Parson is in a tight race to win a term of his own as Governor.
A recent poll that showed Trump leading Biden by 7 showed him only 1 point over likely Democratic gubernatorial nominee State Auditor Nicole Galloway.
It doesn’t take much to get Trump riled on issues of white grievance and Parson probably figures they should both be on the same page when it comes to these matters.
As to the couple at the center of it? As I said last night–two ambulance chasers looking to extend their 15 minutes of fame.
I don’t understand how the Attorney General of the United States would be involved with cases of Trespassing and Pointing a Firearm.
I can’t imagine that any federal laws were violated in any way.
Parson is kind of a dope so I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t know that.
I prosecute cases in misdemeanor courts locally.
Trespassing usually carries a fine of $100.Few people contest the charge.
Pointing a Firearm is considered a highRev misdemeanor but rarely involves anything more than some type of Community Service and a small amount of probation.
It’s pretty incredible this little incident has received this much attention.
Stuff like this happens thousands of times daily throughout the country.
What’s more is it wasn’t the McCloskey’s personal private property that was being trespassed upon and that they claim they were defending.
It was the private street that is owned and maintained by dozens of other homeowners. Most of them signed a letter disapproving of the couple’s actions against the protesters.
Hell I’ve been on that street making a delivery before.
Technically I was trespassing I guess
True THAT Jack on the light charges…
Even if the local DA goes ahead and brings them in…
They would cut a deal after the spotlight goes off ….
A fine ….
If there was an actual arrest late in the evening?
One night in jail….
Time served?
I’ve pled thousands to that one night over the years!
He, he, he….
Works fir everyone involved….
And keeps the docket down….
I did one this morning.
Homeless guy.
Was sleeping on a porch of an abandoned house.
Gave him one Night Time Served .
Unfortunately ,will probably see him again soon.
We used to call these folks “frequent flyers.” Now we use the nicer sounding term,”familiar faces.”
The lower courts have become the dumping ground for the mentally ill in our society, a burden that the legal system is not set up to handle .
Sad but true.
Yes and cops….
Not Social Workers have to handle this 24/7….365….
And America isn’t good with the less fortunate….
And the tax payers pay for the cell…
Yes that’s true.
And that’s a failing of our social and political system.
Police officers sometimes receive rudimentary training in dealing with these type issues ,but admittedly are not equipped to handle them.
It’s my experience that we could do with fewer police officers and more social workers .
However, the public demands “more” police ,although more police doesn’t necessarily translate into fewer “crimes” being committed.
Many of the protesters were off the mark in some areas;however, this was one where they were spot on.
Actual crime related police work comprises about 25% or less of their work….
And Yea….
Supporting police budgets IS good politics
That translates into good benefits and salaries for cops….
Most people do NOT know that the protests actually benefited cops around the country who worked overtime to cover them…
A lot of cops will retire based the extra pay that will increase taxes….
Record amounts of them….
The crack down on cops will also accurate retirements….
Of course ….
Increased retirements mean’s MORE HIRING no matter what the protestors complain about…
Department ‘s went just for college grads , but in some places the hiring pools would just not be enough , so they might go back HS Grads and ex-military ….
Most applicant test numbers are in the thousands…
Problem is in some places and cultures being a cop is NOT looked highly upon….
The commander of the Providence Police Department’s downtown district told several neighborhood meetings that, when his officers approach the homeless gathered around downtown, they usually have one or more social workers, outreach workers and/or mental-health workers accompany them, so that the homeless citizen (or resident) is given some reasonable opportunity (e.g. at detox or a shelter or a soup kitchen) rather then just coercion.
These ‘civilians’ work around the clock DSD?
Coercion Jack?
Typical Trump SOP….
Go HARD …..
Thru threats….
It don’t work with the leaders of countries …
But it HAS worked with others …
The DOJ is his storm troopers….
When he leaves?
Gonna be a LOT of people looking to sink him …
I do NOT see how he will have much of any political juice
He might not have any juice with the politicians;however, I still think he will have with millions of his followers.
Unlike you and some others here ,I don’t see him simply fading away.
If he loses ,he will allege all sorts of wrongdoing.He will be backed up by the Fox News commentators like Hannity,Dobbs, Carlson and Ingraham.
No, he will be a problem for Republicans for awhile.
Never on Trump’s watch…..
I’m not sure what your question about round-the-clock “civilians” is all about.
Once again, you’re reacting rather than responding.
I was just reinforcing the point about not expecting cops by themselves to master all of society’s problems by themselves, even when the criminal-justice system is not the best way to solve or mitigate a particular behavior. That’s why Providence police (who were won over to a community policing approach after new commissioners took office once new mayors replaced Buddy Cianci’s personal machine) don’t try to do it alone.
Most social-service and outreach agencies (volunteer or professional secular or religious) do work around the clock, just like police. However, neither police officers nor counsellors expect to work 24-hour shifts every day.
I’m ALL for the community politicking approach…
I think it IS the place that ALL police departments SHOULD be at..
I commend Providence police and Mayor….
I was simply asking if the social people work 24/7…
Do they?
Depends on what your question means, James. Insofar as I know, only firefighters regularly take 24-hour shifts (a practice that they seem to like more than do the departments and municipalities that employ them).
But police departments as a whole are open 24/7 and I think that the same is true of most social service agencies, paid and volunteer. That doesn’t mean that any one police officer or social worker or counsellor regularly works 24 hours straight, although (like doctors and the military) both cops and social-workers are sometimes “on call” around the clock.
He knows p that.
Thought he was being “clever,” implying somehow that social service workers don’t work as “hard” as police officers.
In fact social workers have a HARDER social burden then cops in total….
They have Master Degree’s and do a damn good job…
But my point is they are NOT first responders …
No DSD….
My point was while the addition of social workers is a step forward…
A call at 11:00pm means the cops go on their own….
In fact as i explained before cops go all the time answers calls for help…
Very few places have the money or ability to have additional civilian responses ALL the time….
And yes
Fire and Ambulance service are also 24/7
But often volunteer outside urban area’s
Then the federal government ,which seems eager to bestow ever larger “grants” to Police Departments ,should direct those funds to other purposes ,such as these ,rather than this endless mania of hiring more police officers.
I’m sure you agree.
There are social workers who keep a normal work schedule, doing things like helping clients fill out Social Security paperwork, canvassing facilities for open slots, helping to get driver’s licenses or jobs. Let alone the social worker at a school who usually leaves by the time that students leave.
But the kind of outreach or social worker who comes along to a call (at least from downtown Providence) about a sleeper blocking a doorway or some poor soul OD’ing or hallucinating, would work (either as an employee or as volunteer), not just normal office hours, but when he or she is needed, e.g. at 11 p.m. on a Thursday night.
If they have THAT DSD….
They get props….
And they among the very few….
But THAT won’t work in large urban area’s….
The latest on this is that Sen. Josh Hawley is asking the Feds to investigate the St. Louis Circuit Attorney over her investigation of the McCloskeys.
Hawley heard Trump might be involved and since he fashions himself as the next Trumpite Republican nominee in 2024 he decided to stick his snout in on this.
A complete shit show
Indeed Scott….
St. Louis Gun Couple to Join Trump Event
“The St. Louis couple at the center of a firestorm over their armed confrontation with a crowd of Black Lives Matter protesters will join an official Trump campaign event on Friday night,” the Washington Beacon reports.
The shit show continues.
Trump ain’t helping this one….
St. Louis’ top prosecutor is charging a white husband and wife with felony unlawful use of a weapon for displaying guns during a racial injustice protest outside their mansion. St. Louis’ top prosecutor is charging a white husband and wife with felony unlawful use of a weapon for displaying guns during a racial injustice protest outside their mansion.
Glad to see this….
Ur probably right no real jail time …
But still the DA hangs in there
We don’t know if the weapon’s where loaded but it doesn’t really matter…
They where pointed at people who moving past them… Not engaging them….
That IS menacing in NYS…
Missouri Gov. Mike Parson (R) told KFTK that he would probably pardon the St. Louis couple who pointed guns at protesters marching past their home on June 28.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports the couple were charged Monday with gun crimes.
Between this and Parson’s remark yesterday that kids who go back to school will get COVID and “get over it” he is really making some national news.
Not necessarily in a good way