The Federal Government sends Billions to American schools….
Donald Trump won’t withhold that money…
But he’s using a threat as he usually does when he wants something to go his way…
Federal funding for K-12 schools includes billions for low-income schools and special education.
The interview followed events at the White House Tuesday on reopening schools as the Trump campaign also zeroes in on the issue, seizing on former Vice President Joe Biden’s support of teachers unions and asking him whether he’s committed to helping parents get their kids back to school.
During a White House roundtable discussion, President Donald Trump warned that he would “put pressure” on reluctant governors.
DeVos, speaking on Fox News, said there is “no excuse” for schools not to reopen and for kids not to learn again full time.
“This is more an issue of adults who are more interested in their own issues than they are about serving their students,” she said.
Carlson pressed DeVos on whether her department would withhold federal funding, and she noted that more than 90 percent of federal money for schools comes from the state and local governments.
Asked again about withholding funding, she said, “We are looking at this very seriously.”
DeVos repeated her praise for Florida Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran for issuing a “very comprehensive” reopening plan in August for at least five days per week for all students. And she blasted a school district in suburban, D.C. — presumably, Fairfax County, Va. — for having “an absolute disaster” in the spring and offering a choice of only zero or two days of in-person instruction this fall…
“The Dems think it would be bad for them politically if U.S. schools open before the November Election, but is important for the children & families. May cut off funding if not open!” Trump tweeted.
In a separate tweet, Trump said he disagreed with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “on their very tough & expensive guidelines for opening schools. While they want them open, they are asking schools to do very impractical things. I will be meeting with them!!!”
The president and his allies have mounted a full-court press this week to urge schools administrators and local officials to resume in-person learning as they encourage the country to get back to normal despite surging coronavirus cases in many states….
When asked about this at her regular press briefing this (Weds) afternoon, Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo (D), a politician who usually tries to favor calm, concilatory rhetoric called the President’s new demands “dishonest, reckless and irresponsible”.