Lets face it….
Those governor’s are AGAINST actually slowing or stopping virus infections…
In their actions they have been that way from the beginning….
Their citizens are breaking records in getting infected and they are following Donald Trump’s out of world actions to try to ignore doing anything constructive to actually deal with the situation….
One could guess that they want ALL of their people to actually GET the virus?
By letting the coronavirus surge through the population with only minimal social distancing measures in place, the U.S. has accidentally become the world’s largest experiment in herd immunity.
Why it matters: Letting the virus spread while minimizing human loss is doable, in theory. But it requires very strict protections for vulnerable people, almost none of which the U.S. has established.
The big picture: Cases are skyrocketing, with hospitalizations and deaths following suit in hotspots. Not a single state has ordered another lockdown, even though per capita cases in Florida and Arizona have reached levels similar to New York and New Jersey’s in April.
- Most states never built up the testing, contact tracing and isolation systems it would take to prevent the virus from spreading widely, and and health care workers are once again facing shortages of protective medical gear.
- The Trump administration is generally ignoring or downplaying soaring caseloads across the South and West, and is pushing schools to fully reopen in the fall.
- In Florida, where infections, hospitalizations and deaths are surging, Gov. Ron DeSantis “has repeatedly ruled out a sweeping mask mandate or taking the state back into a lockdown to stem the virus, although local governments have acted on their own,” per Bloomberg.
Between the lines: Separating older, sicker people from younger, healthier ones while the virus burns through the latter group could be a way to achieve herd immunity — assuming immunity exists — without hundreds of thousands of people dying….
Herd immunity wasn’t a factor in decreasing the number of cases of coronavirus in New York City, a top city doctor said Friday.
COVID-19 cases in the city have consistently been on a downward trend during the reopening process — despite dozens of states across the country reporting upticks.
But Mayor Bill de Blasio and Dr. Jay Varma attributed the city’s good numbers to everything but herd immunity — including social distancing, good hygiene and an increase in testing and tracing.
“I think that herd immunity is a very unlikely explanation for this because we know the vast major of New Yorkers actually weren’t infected, so we’re not nearly at a level where we would expect that immunity would play a major role in decreasing transmission,” Varma, the city’s senior adviser for public health, said at the mayor’s daily press briefing.
“There’s still far too many New Yorkers that are susceptible,” he added.
De Blasio noted that the city is up to 40,000 coronavirus tests a day.
He also credited New Yorkers’ vigilance in fighting the spread of the deadly disease….
The NorthEastern states have done the opposite and limited the virus spreading by starving the thing from spreading with distancing and masks…
So one section of the country has virtually no virus present while other area’s are leading the world in infections…As states are on their own from a President who just wants to ignore the whole situation …
America IS a strange place, eh?
This post seems like a stretch.
Which specific Governors have cited “herd immunity?” Name names.
The governors of Texas, Florida , SC, and others….
No, you are confused as to what “herd immunity” is or refers to.
or you are pulling a Trump in which you are just distorting for your own purposes.
There’s perhaps enough valid criticism available to not need to distort.
I saw a clip of one State Rep in Alabama advocating it. Others are not. Except for Bill Maher.
I don’t know about herd immunity .
I do know that Republican Governor Henry McMaster of S.C. has conducted himself disgracefully.
As the federal task force advised states not to reopen until seven of the ten guidelines were complied with,confirmed Trumpite McMaster flung the doors open when S.C. was in compliance with only three.Then Hank summoned a bunch of Republican “businessmen” to Columbia where they worked on a “plan” to reopen.
The “plan” was a farce.They essentially told everybody to open up over a two week period .No masks .No social distancing.After all Don the Con told them what to do and like the obedient sheep Republicans have become in the Trump era they meekly complied.
Now S.C. is fourth in the world for the virus spread .Think about that fourth in the world!
McMaster is a disgusting Right Wing creep.Babbling on about “civil liberties” in justifying his refusal to mandate masks and holding Trump like news conferences where he blames everything on kids not exercising common sense.
There’s someone with no common sense Hank.You?Keep Making America Great Again!
The performances of Republican Governors throughout the south have been similar to McMasters.
Florida and Texas are also some of the worst hot spots in the nation.
If I am correct, I believe the recently elected conservative GOP Governor of Mississippi has been praised for his prudence on this matter.
No you aren’t uh “correct.”
Very “tribalist” of you though.
Coming to the defense of a what do you call them?
Ah ,yes,”a MAGA hat wearing Trumpite,”
Mississippi is number 5 per capita in the country for COVID cases.
Yeah he’s done a great job!
Like the rest of the Republicans he was so eager to impress Trump,he opened too soon.
Is there a source you can link to or direct to that has cases per capita? I’d like to see it.
(1) Rhode Island’s Governor Raimondo said this afternoon that Uncle Sam (as one would surely expect under any responsible or anti-death administration) does not request or compile a national scoreboard; so when she needs to determine which states’ residents will need to quarantine (or test individually) upon arriving in R.I., she must consult one of several unofficial lists;
(2) Besides, the number of cases per capita is (even if a Notorious Liar also says so) somewhat dependent on the number of tests and who gets tested, where and how often. (Rhode Island is well ahead of the nation both in total number of tests, about 26% of the state’s people, and in total number of individualsents tested, about 16%).
So, like many others, the Governor and I prefer to look at harder, more concrete data like the number of hospitalizations and deaths that can be attributed to Covid-19,
I was looking for a list of cases per capita, if one exists. I guess I cannot locate the same thing jack was looking at.
Hospitalizations and deaths may be lower at places now where it is on the rise if the rise is largely attributable to younger people. I am most interested to see where it is spreading and total cases are increasing per capita.
I don’t know why?
I simply googled “Mississippi Covid 19.”
There I found an article from a Jackson TV news report which quoted the Mississippi health officer Dobbs of having made the statement as to Mississippi being No. 5 percapita.
There were numerous articles as to how the disease is raging in Mississippi ,including the fact that 26 legislators tested positive and noted that it was being attributed to failing to wear masks and failing to practice social distancing.
Since you tell other people to “google it”:I presumed you had done so.
I tried Googling and saw several things that did not match that placement. I was not trying to challenge you but just wanted to see a list and see where the states are.
What I was looking at was this but was hoping to find something more text based
Well you didn’t “try” very hard.
Once again,I just googled “Mississippi Covid 19”
And there the story is.
You said you wanted a source.
I gave it to you.
Bless your heart
He seems not to Jack.
Alas doth seem so ‘tis a pity!
Here’s the link for the virus cases per capita….
The graphic for the virus in the piece is a politically interesting map also….
The time has come, my friends, after 206 years, to reconvene the Hartford Convention.
The Northeast shall rise again !!
… in Order to to form a more Perfect Union, establish Justice, insure Domestic Tranquillity, provide for the Common Defence, promote the general Welfare and to build a big, strong, beautiful Wall …