About time he stopped dancing around….
Texas virus infections have been climbing since the state rushed to reopen without masks usage….
Some Republican Governors have been reluctant to cross Trump with doing so….
But in the last week with the hike in virus cases even Republican lawmakers in Washington have donned masks…
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) has issued an order making it mandatory for all Texans to wear a face covering of some kind while out in public as the state faces a surge in coronavirus cases.
The governor’s office said the order applied to all counties in Texas with 20 or more confirmed cases of COVID-19, saying the move was necessary with other efforts to curb the spread of the disease.
“Due to recent substantial increases in COVID-19 positive cases, and increases in the COVID-19 positivity rate and hospitalizations resulting from COVID-19, further measures are needed to achieve the least restrictive means for reducing the growing spread of COVID-19, and to avoid a need for more extreme measures,” Abbott said in his executive order issued Thursday afternoon.
He added: “Wearing a face covering is important not only to protect oneself, but also to avoid unknowingly harming fellow Texans, especially given that many people who go into public may have COVID-19 without knowing it because they have no symptoms.”…
He can’t “dance around.”
Maybe you might want to change the wording there.
I know CG….
In his dealing with the virus….
I don’t think anyone would think I was dissing his handicap…
Does each state that has a Democrat as Governor have statewide mask mandates? I do not believe that is the case.
And I AM giving Abbott some props….
He HAS changed directions….
He’s doing the right thing…
THAT IS what counts….
Before this he was just being political and stupid.…
It’s good that you can put partisanship aside to the extent that you value the right thing above anger.
I figured you either didn’t know he was in a wheelchair or it slipped your mind. Not the biggest thing in the world, but some people would get angry over that metaphor.
He’s still being political, have you listened to his Lt Governor today? These good old white boys are playing good cop, bad cop. Governor Abbott’s dithering has now cost thousands of Texans their lives as he tried to please his master Donald Trump. All the whatabouts in the world cannot change what Abbott, Kemp, and Doucey have done to their states. You want to give him props? For what? He suddenly recognized he had a responsibility to mandate health controls to save lives? Too little, too late. These Republicans, who call themselves pro-life, have been killing their own citizens. Not one Republican in the South has done anything to protect the health of their citizens, but they sure can stop them from voting.
The REAL thing is gonna be dealing with the habit of closing voting stations in minority area’s
Don’t obfuscate James. Abbott had no problem killing thousands of his citizens and he’ll be delighted to stop them from voting.
His Lt. Governor basically said he wasn’t listening to Fauci any longer, but you want to give them props.
Stop making excuses for do-nothing Republicans.
They’re worthless until they denounce Trump and they won’t.
No excuse
Requiring the masks NOW IS Right…
I agree hanging with Trump makes them less of people…
No, it was the right thing to do a month ago before Texas turned into Brazil.
Stop apologizing for these Republicans and praising them for doing their jobs.
They are stooges for Trump and the models show that the numbers will double for July.
Abbott’s inaction is a classic example of malfeasance. He’s Trump’s butt boy and he should be ashamed. He and his Lt. Governor are killing people.
I noticed “dancing around” right away but did not see that he ordered “facemarks.”
Also , just as a point of clarification, Dan Patrick whom have denounced in very non-muted non vague terms, is Texas’s Lt. Governor, not Abbott’s.
They are elected separately as is always the case in Texas. Patrick is not part of Abbott’s Administration. Many have said that traditionally the Lt. Governor of Texas has more power than the Governor, though the top office may have been redefined in the past 30 years or so.
I thought people who comment on this site would know this about Texas elections, but perhaps not.
Correction made…
Actually since Abbott is a Texan then Patrick is his Lt. Governor. Exactly the same as George W. Bush, who was simply a figure head for that power house and genius Rick Perry, Abbott has all sorts of limitations and deserves no praise for letting the virus get out of control in Texas. That was my point, sorry if it was missed.
Over 9,000 Texans tested positive for the virus today, a record high, and that number will grow tomorrow. As Jack pointed out earlier, he sees no reason for praise of a public servant who appears to serve Trump first and his constituents second no matter how powerless he might be.
Mask wearing is based on science and most Republicans don’t believe in science. This issue is a defining issue of where today’s voters (especially under 30) will cast their votes in November and in the future. Because people like Trump, Pence, Abbott, Daniels and DeSantis ignore science, doing so at their own peril, as they create a generation of Democrats.
I agree with both Jack and Zreebs, it’s ridiculous that someone, who has never voted for a Democrat for Federal or statewide office, to claim that they are being an unbiased political observer. This charade of being a “Never Trumper” will now lead to years of voting for some of the greatest fans of Trump.
What’s really contemptible about Abbott is that early on he prohibited individual localities from adopting their own masking ordinances.
I thought Republicans believed in local government?They do of course ,except when it interferes with Hard Right political goals.At the time that Abbott did this anti masking was popular with the Right Wing extremists that Abbott identifies with.
Now?Well his state is suffering and the Right Wing extremists are receding back into whatever hole they inhabit as masking has gained in popularity.And Abbott?Well the cowardly clump is being drawn along with it.
Thousands of sufferings and deaths later of course.
Hey isn’t he “pro life?”
Abbott’s “leadership” was erratic and schizophrenic.
As Jack points out from prohibiting mask ordinances in fealty to Trump to now doing a 180 with a statewide mask mandate.
As to other governors–Democrat or Republican–that have not issued a statewide mask order none of them were so bipolar in their reaction to the pandemic. Also how many of those states are in as bad shape as Texas is with Covid?
No Abbot gets no praise from me.
Texas Republicans are going ahead with their plan for an in person indoors convention in Houston in a couple weeks.
Hopefully they will change their minds…
Guess they will all have to wear masks now.
Governor’s Orders!
And,of course, Trump is and has been all for masks!
He says so!
Republicans are so adept at lying now that shortly their new mantra will be that they are the ones who demanded people wears masks!
True THAT Jack…
Like Trump trying change reality
United States
On July 2
14-day change
New cases
New deaths
Where cases are rising fastest
Of course, Trump will also blame the “previous administration” for not stocking up supplies in 2016 that proved vitally necessary (and unavailable) in 2020.