This remarkable graphic from Gallup.…
In just seven months, party preferences of Americans have shifted dramatically — from a two-point Republican advantage during President Trump’s impeachment trial to an 11-point Democratic advantage now.
There’s only one way to read this data: It’s a clear and striking repudiation of President Trump and the Republican party’s response to the coronavirus pandemic and racial unrest following the George Floyd killing by police officers.
As Gallup notes, double-digit party advantages are relatively uncommon. Democrats last held such advantages before they flipped the House in the 2018 midterm elections, before Barack Obama’s re-election in 2012 and in 2006 when they also flipped control of the House.
With just 16 weeks until Election Day, Democrats appear to be as strong politically now as ever….
Keith @ Politicaldog101….
Trump was a Democrat plant from Day 1. Remember who told you first.
So did I…..
He, he, he….
Yeah and we ‘ve got other things planned!
Be Afraid !
Be Very Afraid!
More proof that those were really Democrats in the primaries that turned out in record numbers to nominate Joe Biden.
Trump has created a new generation of Democrats very much like Hoover did.
Yes guys….
Donald Trump can pat himself on the back to helping MORE whites embrace ‘Black Lives Matter’‼️
Another example of how messed up the guy IS….
“I yearn for other Republican presidents. While we may have disagreed on many points, at least we had a shared commitment to the governance of the country”
– Nancy Pelosi
How I yearn with you Nancy. Maybe you and your comrades could have been a little less vitriolic back then too.
40 years ago tonight, (no I have no memory of it), Ronald Reagan picked George Bush to be his Vice Presidential running-mate. That act created much in the way of the history that was to unfold.
Wait. So Reagan picking Bush set in to motion the series of events that led to mean lady Nancy Pelosi being so “vitriolic” that the Republicans were hoodwinked into nominating the ultimate internet troll Donald Trump?
I assumed that CG’s third paragraph was unrelated to the first two, but with him, you never know. Perhaps CG can clarify.
In what way were the Democrats possibly more vitriolic than Republicans? It was Republicans who worked with people live Atwater and Rove.
I recall when Reagan chose Bush 40 years ago after flirting with having a co-presidency with Ford. Gerald Ford was the last GOP president who didn’t believe in their current borrow and spend philosophy and for that I give him higher grades than any GOP president who followed.
Yes Zreebs, the salad days of the Republican Party included Nixon’s Southern Strategy, LeecAtwater (who later apologized for his vitriol), and the Karl Rove and his anti-gay campaign.
Trump took these things and put them on heat. But, by all means, let’s all remember Reagan fondly.
Yeah the Republicans are certainly not “vitriolic.”
In fact much of their worst vitriol has been and continues to be directed at Nancy Pelosi.
Trumpite Lindsay Graham is running ads in S.C. attacking her and his opponents association with her.
I am in favor of Pelosi stepping aside as Speaker and have been for awhile but she’s probably taken more verbal abuse from Republicans than any other Democrat.
Well it’s an open secret that Nancy has told her caucus that she will retire (not run again in 2022) and they are already planning for who might replace her.
Nancy came to the House in 1987 in a special election, not sure if she would retire in the middle of her term and trigger another special, but we all know she has big plans next year if Joe Biden wins and we have a majority in the Senate. But she arrived at the end of Reagan’s term as a Freshman Member, just as old Ronnie was drifting off into his own little world. Of course she thought he was a nice guy. But, I know for a fact she didn’t agree with him on almost anything, and when she was referring to Republican Presidents I assume she meant old grab ass Poppy, not Ronnie.
We wouldn’t have taken the House back in 2018 without Nancy, that’s just a fact, and I like the fact that she draws fire from both the right and left. I have lots of friends on the left who hate her just as much as some Republicans do. But, the best thing about her, she drives Trump crazy.
She’s the best Speaker since Tip O’Neill, and she went from being a housewife to being the most powerful woman in America. Not bad for a little Catholic girl from Baltimore.
My friend Scott will be running for her seat when she retires, but it will be a sad day when she leaves.
But, the reason I sent this story to James was to underscore how voters, especially suburban women have moved to the Democrats. Those voters no longer, if they ever did, consider themselves Republicans. Educated voters, both male and female, are moving to the Democrats. And, given the trajectory of the Republican Party, that isn’t going to end anytime soon.
And, I can make a good argument that Nancy’s leadership has had something to do with that since she is the most prominent spokesperson in our Party.
I’m sure those suburban women are just thrilled that while Trump is saying their kids need to go back to school, Kellyanne Conway won’t answer as to whether Barron will be doing the same this fall.
One rule for me, one rule for thee.
Thank You Keith….
I am always open to everyone to add content to this place….
The battle for the gavel will be interesting and double interesting with them 2022 midterms and the economy/virus after effect…
My “Race of the Day” starts soon.
It will be something else for you people to fight about maybe
I see CG continues his mantra that Trump was a Democrat from day one. What idiot could possibly imagine that Trump could have won the nomination as a Democrat? On race issues alone, Trump could never have been nominated by the Democratic Party. On taxation issues alone, Trump could never have been nominated as Democrat. On immigration issues alone, Trump could never have been nominated as a Democrat.
So, does Trump believe all he says? Of course not. Trump can hold up the Bible all he wants, but that doesn’t mean he believes in it. And no doubt, there are some people who still can’t see the game he is playing. I’m not even confident that Trump gives a rat’s ass about immigration issues. But there is only one party that a person could advocate a 30 foot wall across the entire southern border paid for by Mexico, and expect to win the nomination. And Trump knew what he needed to say and how he needed to say it if he were to get a large following.
The truth is that CG is at some level in the relatively early stages of learning whom his natural allies are – and he just doesn’t want to accept that. At some level, CG knows Trump would never have been able to win as a Democrat. But It is much easier for him to protect his self image by arguing that Trump is really a Democrat.
Donald Trump OWNS most of the Republican voters….
But I have said here he has NO political party but HIMSELF.….
I his pursuit of economic and political gain and ego gratification he will join ANY party any movement to get over…
If Trump was really aDemocratic plant?
That would just show what a bunch of dumbasses Republicans really are.The Democrats sent an obvious com man to mouth off a bunch of hate and vitriol,call himself a “conservative,” contradict himself daily, and attack anyone and everyone.
And Republicans?They ate it up and still are?
I need to open a used Car lot for Republicans Only!