It is therefore no coincidence that ‘Red’ states have the virus infections case going skyward…..And deaths from the Covid-19….
They might have thumbed their noses at New York and the NorthEast….
But now they are in a more serious situation then New York and company….
For Republicans and their leader Donald Trump?
Like the Civil War?
This is about their right to do whatever they want to….
Their culture ….
That even if it makes them sick and kills them, eh?
With the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths on the rise in the United States, Republicans and Democrats remain far apart in their views of the threat to public health posed by the coronavirus outbreak. More than eight-in-ten Democrats and those who lean toward the Democratic Party (85%) say the coronavirus is a major threat to the health of the U.S. population. Republicans and Republican leaners see the disease in less serious terms: About as many Republicans say the coronavirus is a major threat to public health (46%) as say it is a minor threat (45%).
The gap between Republicans and Democrats in perceptions of the public health threat posed by COVID-19 is about the same as it was in early May, before cases surged in a number of states, including Alabama, Arizona, Florida, South Carolina and Texas. The partisan gap was somewhat smaller during the early stages of the outbreak in the U.S. in mid-March.
Views of the economic threat posed by COVID-19 are similar across both partisan coalitions, according to the survey, conducted July 13 to 19. Overall, 86% of Americans – including 88% of Democrats and 84% of Republicans – now view the coronavirus outbreak as a major threat to the U.S. economy. Concern over the outbreak’s economic impact has remained very high since the spring, when unemployment claims surged and the country’s 11-year economic expansion came to an end….
Same view seems to be about mask wearing which has been the single most effective means of slowing infections in some states…
Yesterday I commented on the increasing Disapproval of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis handling of the Covid pandemic.
CG asked how about California Gov. Democrat Gavin Newsome.California has seen a rise in cases lately.Well the same poll gave Newsome a 60% Approval .
Other Republican Governors who are upside down on their handling of the pandemic:Arizona’s Doug Ducey 36/62,Georgia’s Brian Kemp and Texas’s Greg Abbot 44/55.
Ohio’s Mike DeWine was at a 68% approval.DeWine has taken a serious approach since the beginning .
Voters apparently are understanding of increasing cases as long as the Governor appears to be pro active in taking all possible measures to lessen the chances.
In the cases of the other Republicans, all have taken a Trumpian approach of playing down the seriousness of the situation ,being reluctant and even opposed to mandating mask wearing and social distancing ,and projecting overly optimistic reports as to the disease spread.
The message seems to be: Playing Trump isn’t very popular anymore even in Red states.
Missouri Gov. Mike Parson is at 45% approval 43% disapproval.
He is in a statistical tie with his likely Democratic opponent State Auditor Nicole Galloway-41%-39%
Missouri has seen rising cases–though not in the same manner as TX or FL.
Parson has also tried to channel Trump on reopening svhools–saying kids who get Covid will “go home and get over it”