Remember he campaigned AGAINST them to get the Presidency…
He’s going leave the stage with those who carried the water for him sucking wind…
And looking stupid in hindsight….
Trump Has No Interest in Protecting GOP Lawmakers
Jonathan Last: “What is Donald Trump’s incentive structure right now? The hierarchy pretty obviously goes something like this:
- Win the election.
- Avoid blame for losing the election.
- Bind his voters more tightly to his own person.
- Establish a framework for his next venture.
“You will note that ‘Protecting Congressional Republicans’ is not on that list.”
“It is becoming clear—even to Trump—that barring extreme outside events, his primary goal is off the table. While it remains possible that some event intercede—a meteor strike, a shooting war, a health crisis—there is nothing that Trump himself can really do to change the outcome of the election. And so as you move down Trump’s incentive structure, he has pivoted to items 2, 3, and 4.”
“In furtherance of those goals, we should expect Trump to be more erratic and outlandish, more openly racist, and to flirt even more openly with outright delegitimization of the election.”
image… Raedle/Getty Images
Couldn’t happen to nicer bunch of “bootlickers”(MAGA red hate wearing!)!
They have been up his ass for four years, indeed Ms. Lindsay still has her head firmly planted there, and she’s ginning up her own conspiracy theories about Biden.
They all deserve to go down with this gaping asshole. And yes I know that this isn’t over until it’s over, and Trump will do anything to win.
The Republicans are enablers, they could have denied Trump their nomination but they folded to a con man. He is their 21st Century Hoover. He creates New Democrats everyday.
Perhaps indeed a Democrat plant all along…
Conspiracy mongering
If Trump is a Democratic plant how dumb are Republicans for falling for it?
pretty dumb
Present company excluded of course
Yes Democrats really wanted the following:
A massive tax cut for the wealthy
Cutting of regulations on big businesses
Gutting of environmental laws
Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court
Hundreds of Right Wing Federal Judges
A Lawsuit to end Obamacare
Sending the DACA kids home
A “Big Beautiful Wall”
Bill Barr as AG
Various Right Wing Nuts roaming around the White House
Hundreds of other things too numerous to mention but you get the idea….
Yeah this is exactly what Democrats wanted!
small price to pay in the short term for what you guys have planned……..
We have all seen what you guys planned!
The Romney and then Bush campaigns? Those agendas?
Yeah, it would have great.