Some of us have been wondering how long it would take Republican lawmakers before they begin to reassert themselves as they look beyond the November election probable losses and next year….
You might believe that Trump will prevail after losing in November…
It would appear that some of us do not agree with that view….
Put Republicans on that list…
While Trump’s support among Republican voters seems to be holding?
Lawmakers and others seem to feel they can come in from the cold and knock their party leader….
Over the past few weeks, as Trump’s poll numbers have worsened, current GOP officials have been emboldened to speak out against him.
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), the GOP’s 2012 presidential nominee, is a frequent critic of Trump’s tone and style. He joined the Black Lives Matter protests following the police killing of George Floyd. Trump responded by sarcastically praising Romney’s “tremendous sincerity.”
“What a guy,” Trump said over Twitter. “Hard to believe with this kind of political talent, his numbers would ‘tank’ so badly in Utah!”
But GOP senators who have not been as critical of Trump have also spoken out as the president’s poll numbers have cratered.
Senate Majority Whip John Thune (R-S.D.) has called on Trump to change his reelection messaging.
Senate Republicans have been at odds with the White House over the new coronavirus stimulus package, and on Thursday it became clear that their bill would not include a top Trump priority, a payroll-tax cut.
GOP leaders, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.), a fierce Trump ally, have warned about the growing coronavirus disaster in their home states, even as the president has downplayed the threat.
“I think any leader is better if they have people holding them accountable. Not just enemies, but people that can then give them honest feedback about job performance,” said Wendy Day, a former vice chair of the Michigan Republican Party who was ousted by now-Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel for refusing to back Trump ahead of the 2016 election. “Politics is so ego-driven that many times honest feedback doesn’t happen.”
Polls show Trump has overwhelming support among average Republican voters nationwide, even as his standing has eroded among virtually every other important voting bloc.
Recent public opinion surveys that have found Biden with a healthy lead have also found Trump’s support among Republicans holding steady in the high 80 percent to low 90 percent range. The Quinnipiac University survey of Florida released Thursday that found Biden leading by 13 points also found Trump’s support among Republicans at 88 percent.
Trump’s allies are confident those numbers will improve as the race becomes a binary choice between Trump and Biden. The Trump campaign says that the GOP dissenters get a lot of attention inside Washington but are not representative of how ordinary Republicans across the country feel about the president….
What I have said is there is no evidence ,which this article confirms ,that there has been any significant slippage in Republican voters support for Trump.
The fact that John Thune and Lindsay Graham have made some mildly critical remarks is of him no significance.
Except for Mitt Romney ,as of now ,I don’t see any Republican Senator not supporting Trump for re-election?
As I’ve said before?Get back to me when his Republican support falls into the mid to low seventies.
Until then the headline”Trump Enjoys Overwhelming Support Among Republicans “ remains accurate.
I tend to agree with Jack, Donald has a lot of strong support in the GOP…but that base has shrunk a little bit over the years…his support in indy voters has had major slippage and will be his undoing…I have caught snippets of his press conferences and the first thought I had was he looks like a lame duck…but then I thought about it and it is probably closer to he looks like a dead duck…and sticking with the duck theme his first name is Donald…lol
Jack thinks that Trump’s ‘base’ REMAINS at around 95%…..
While you obsess over exact figures which of course is really irrelevant,the fact as I stated above is that Trumps support among Republicans remains “Overwhelming.”
You’ve been trying your best ever since his nomination four years ago to dispute this, insisting ,with no evidence of course, that his Republican support was “slipping” or some other verb that stuck you at the moment.
You’ve been consistently wrong.
Why you remain fixated on this chimera of yours is another example that you inhabit some alternate universe like you claim Trump does.
Oh don’t count so called “moderate” Nikki Haley among those Republicans that are moving away from Trump…
She’s all in!
Saying that she looks forward over the next hundred days to tell all about the great job Trump has done.
For no particular reason Haley has been spotlighted as some kind of anti Trumper.
Haley is getting her points in before Trump leaves the stage I’d think…
I’ve heard that on some FOX shows they are talking about a Democrat being President as a foregone conclusion and how Republicans will need some sort of check on the executive power that they have no problem being amok under Trump.
If that sort of talk becomes more widespread it’s clear that they are if not abandoning Trump, shifting to focus on House and Senate races they see as more winnable.
They are deluding themselves….
They seem to on the road to losing the White House AND Both House of Congress….
I thought they’d wait until Sept to man the lifeboat’s…
Although Republican support for Trump remains strong, as bdog said, the number of those identifying themselves as Republicans has shrunk. Cotton, Hawley and their ilk with inherit a Trump defined party with limited possibility of expanding its base, but, with its clearest purpose yet of asserting, controlling and maintaining minority rule.
Less than half the Republicans (46%) think the virus is a threat while eight in ten Democrats see it as dangerous. They will soon be changing the name of the GOP to the “Know-Nothing Party.”
Lots of talk yesterday about the VP pick. For the record, I want a woman of color who will challenge Pence to be in a room alone with her. We talk everyday about how horrible Trump has been (well one of us makes backhanded whatabout excuses for him), but in many ways Pence is more dangerous. He doesn’t even know what the “Devil’s Triangle” is.
So while we speculating on our VP pick, don’t bet the farm the Pence will be renominated. Desperate Don likes to keep changing the subject.
The Republican Party is rapidly becoming simply irrational.
I mean over half don’t see this as a “threat.”What world do these people inhabit?
Yet they seem quite upset about a City block in Portland Oregon?
Or they seem to endorse one of their elected Members of Congress calling a woman of color “a fucking bitch.”
I can understand their growing hysteria, but that’s a new low.
As best I can determine about these Republicans,they believe,mostly at the behest of their party leader Trump, that somehow this virus is the concoction of them Damn “libruls.”
Such was the party line over at Fox News where most Republicans receive all their information along with some talk radio nutjobs.All the doctors ,except a few medical whores Fox hires to spout off medical nonsense, have labelled it a major threat to life and health.No matter!Its them damn “libruls!”
Just pure hate and ignorance.
Another favorite of Republicans is that the virus will “disappear” after the Nov elections.
In other words the hated media is only telling us about 148,000 Americans dying of a disease most of the rest of the civilized world has gotten a handle on because it makes Trump look bad.
One dope even said something along the linrs of “well if we got the virus under control the media wouldn’t be talking about it at all”
So in other words they admit Trump has done a terrible job gandling the virus–they’re just mad the media is pointing it out.
Indeed, that seems to be their main objection to the media.
They report what Trump says ,most of which are lies ,insults and general lunatic type talk.
Apparently ,their position is that the media should not report what the President of the United States say.
Interesting concept.
Go figure?
I block in front of a Federal courthouse in Oregon of all places?
Heck even the FBI don’t want a part of it….
Hell back in the Vietnam War protest days these things went on all the time.
Like now they were said to be a harbinger of “anarchy and revolution.”
The difference of course was that they were much larger and much more widespread.
To insinuate that what’s going on in Portland is In any way comparable to this health menace that has wrecked the economy ,killed 150000 people ,and hospitalized and sickened millions more is beyond irrational., but that’s exactly what one would assume from watching or reading right wing media.
Its literally insane .
The Republican set aside of science as a liberal ‘plot’ is important to the party goals of maintaining minority power. If you dismiss science, you can dismiss climate change, pandemics, pollution and other issues and, therefore, oppose the reordering of priorities to address these issues.
I just canNOT see Trump being SO crazy and desperate that he’d jettison Pence….
Republican leaders and media associates play into ‘the science is a liberal thing’. The scary part is that many of them are highly educated and know what the reality is and still choose to gaslight the base to please their benefactors.
Republicans are less highly educated than they used to be. Increasingly, they are disproportionately uneducated white people.
In addition to the GOP being anti-science, I would also argue that they are against social science. I remember in college one of my economics professors argued that it was fashionable to be a conservative. Not true any more. Now the vast majority of economists are Democrats, and sociologists are also increasingly Democrats too, especially as the wealth and income distributions become become even more skewed than they were before, and as social mobility has become increasingly difficult.
Unlike the Democratic party which produces leaders that resemble the membership (more and more), the Republican party is made up of privileged white guys willing to manipulate and bait their gullible base for their own benefit and to maintain their privileged standing.
And they KEEP doing THAT RE!
It’s like the GOPer’s ON Obamacare telling reporters they hate it and it should be repealed?!
I agree RE on the shrinking around the edges….
Now if I can only get Jack to go along with us🤫….