The physical and other pounding that seems to be never ending 5 months out form Election Day…
Trump’s Niece to Publish Tell-All This Summer
“Donald Trump’s niece, his deceased brother’s daughter, is set to publish a tell-all book this summer that will detail ‘harrowing and salacious’ stories about the president,” the Daily Beast reports.
“Mary Trump, the daughter of Fred Trump Jr. and Fred Trump Sr.’s eldest grandchild, is scheduled to release Too Much And Never Enough on August 11th, just weeks before the Republican National Convention.”
“One of the most explosive revelations Mary will detail in the book is how she played a critical role helping The New York Times print startling revelations about Trump’s taxes, including how he was involved in ‘fraudulent’ tax schemes and had received more than $400 million in today’s dollars from his father’s real-estate empire.”
Why Trump Is Right to Worry About Looking Frail
Jeff Greenfield: “The same man who ran for office by mocking the height and stamina of his rivals, who celebrates dominance as the cardinal virtue of leadership, whose 2016 campaign compiled similar slips by Hillary Clinton into a dark TV commercial accusing her of lacking the strength to serve as president, found himself looking like a longtime resident of Shady Grove Home For the Weary.”
“The images led to some elaborate online speculations and diagnoses, and for Trump, the attention clearly struck a nerve…”
“He might well be revealing his own insecurities. But he’s also right about one important thing: just how damaging such a picture of weakness can be. It may sound trivial, and it’s often unfair, but when a modern president, or even a candidate, exhibits physical weakness, it comes with a political cost.”
Still on this kick?
Trumps ego won’t let him voluntarily leave ,in my view.
As I said the other day I expect to hear a lot of “I was too good for the job” whining coming from Trump.
In the past I recall
prominent conservatives talk about retreating from the political arena after defeat at the ballot box.
Trump may ask his followers to do just that if he feels somehow wronged by the Republican Party (i.e. they didn’t bow enough to him)
Trump will contest election and say it was “rigged”, he will leave (eventually), start his own network (a la Roger Ailes) and, with Bannon’s help, consolidate a small, but vocal ultra-right nationalist movement similar to the ones in Europe.
A good Biden margin will have Trump with no choice but leave…
He will have no support….
A good Biden margin means the GOPer’s have lost the House and Senate…
Trump will be gone…
He will leave, but, unfortunately, will continue to whip up hatred and division. And will have all too many continue to follow him.
Yes indeed ….
But i’m hopping he’s so busy with people trying to get his money finally that he’ll shut up and just be a side show…