It’s down to hoping for a miracle ?
While the 2016 polls had Trump up and down against Hillary Clinton and even leading her for a short time before September?
The trend this year is NOT showing the same thing….
Donald Trump has NEVER been ahead of Joe Biden in the national polling….
Trump is trailing Biden even in Red States, not by much, but still trailing or within the margin of error…..
Things ARE clearly different from the last go around for Trump..
Republicans are putting their mistrust in polls as former Vice President Joe Biden widens his lead over President Trump nationally and in battleground states.
Trump lags Biden in national surveys by almost 10 points and trails him in battleground states like Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Meanwhile, Biden is making inroads in some GOP-leaning states like Georgia, where one poll has him running neck and neck with Trump.
With the realization that Trump is unlikely to change up his leadership style between now and Election Day, GOP senators are banking on a repeat of 2016, when polling suggested Trump would lose to Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.
Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), who is up for reelection in a state where polls show Trump and Biden in a dead heat, said polls are likely off.
“I think they’re in all likelihood underreporting support for the president. That’s what we saw in 2016,” he said, noting that most polls still accurately predicted the popular vote.
“I’m always a little skeptical when I see a poll,” he added.
Trump’s approval rating stood at 40.5 percent on Monday, according to an average of polling compiled by the website FiveThirtyEight.
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) also voiced skepticism about a recent poll showing Biden and Trump in a dead heat in Iowa, a state the president carried by 9 points in 2016.
“Because of previous years’ poll being wrong, I think it’s legitimate to question. I don’t know whether they’re accurate or not,” he said.
A Des Moines Register poll published this month showed Trump leading Biden by only 1 point, 44 percent to 43 percent.
Polls around this time in 2016 also showed the presumptive Democratic nominee, Clinton, leading Trump in Iowa.
“I’ll just remind you what the polls looked like in the last presidential election,” said Senate Banking Committee Chairman Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), who noted that surveys showed Clinton with a commanding lead over Trump at the same point in the election cycle four years ago. …
Nate Cohn
Biden+10, 54-44, per Pew Research. They had Biden+2 in April.
Here’s anpther poll the GOP won’t want to see. Only 19% of Republicans are happy with the ditectiin of the country.
Not a good place to be for a party looking tp hold on to the White House and Senate.
Will they continue on to vote for the guy screwing things up?
A new Pew Research national poll has this stunning finding: The percentage of Republicans who say they’re satisfied with the direction of the country has dropped below 50% — all the way to 19%….
Erik Erickson
At this point, I think there are still Trump voters who won’t admit they’re Trump voters for fear of blowback, but I think there are as many or more Trump voters who are no longer really sure about him who also won’t admit that for fear of blowback.