There is really no way to enforce this…
But it IS a message to the governor’s of those high virus states …..
They need to stop dancing and order mask usage….
We do not was a re-infection back in the North East….
It’s sad that the N Northeast states have to try to get the rest of the country to handle the situation …The President is working against this…
The governors of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut announced Wednesday “a joint travel advisory” asking visitors from states with higher transmission rates of the coronavirus to quarantine themselves for 14 days when they visit the tristate region.
New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, hosting a news conference with New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy and Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont, made the announcement as a precautionary step to maintain the gains of these states in beating back the spread of the COVID-19 virus after a monumental health crisis.
“It’s only for the simple reason that we worked very hard to get the viral transmission down,” said Cuomo, acknowledging this was not to say that there is anything “malicious or malevolent” with those travelers….
The governors of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut announced that visitors from states with high coronavirus infection rates must self-quarantine for 14 days on arrival, Reuters reports.
Those states are Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, Utah and Washington….
Some states and counties are delaying and even reversing reopenings as virus cases mount in the South and West. Experts say more opening and closing could go on for months….
Here in S.C. our clownish Republican Governor Trumpite Henry McMaster steadfastly refuses to mandate mask wearing or much of anything else as cases continue to explode.
Amusingly ,harking back to Gerald Fords well deserved mockery for encouraging the wearing of WIN (Whip Inflation Now) Buttons in the mid 1970s,McMaster wants restaurants to display a Star that he will bestow on those who adopt his “recommendations .”
The time for “recommendations” is long past Hank.We are in a full blown epidemic.Its time for real action.For Godssakes end that goofy Right Wing claptrap and show some leadership.
It’s that people are shown leadership to buy into wearing the masks which have almost single handily driven down cases here in NY…
EVERYONE wears them going inside or being close to others ….
Infection rate here is 1%
It works….
North Carolina now joins Texas in requiring masks be worn in public….
Washington state now says wear a mask in public…
Texas is slowing its reopening…