The ex-Vice President moves to assure America that putting him in office will move the country to healing long time racial and other issues….
The current President will NOT go there….
“When peaceful protestors dispersed in order for a president – a president – from the doorstep of the people’s house, the White House, using tear gas and flash grenades, in order to stage a photo op — a photo op — at one of the most historic churches in the country, or at least Washington, D.C., we can be forgiven for believing that the president is more interested in power than in principle,” the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee said.
Biden added that Trump appears “more interested in serving the passions of his base than the needs of the people in his care.”
“For that’s what the presidency is: a duty of care — to all of us, not just those who vote for us, but all of us. Not just our donors, but all of us.”
The remarks were delivered at Philadelphia’s City Hall. Philadelphia was also where Barack Obama delivered a heralded speech on race relations more than 12 years ago, titled “A More Perfect Union.”
Biden launched his speech by speaking to the nation’s concerns over police brutality, starting by paying homage to George Floyd and repeating his final utterances — “I can’t breathe.” Floyd, an unarmed black man, died after a police officer knelt on his neck in Minneapolis….
I heard the speech and found it rose to the moment and was from the heart. His tone was determined, calming and presidential. What a contrast.
Thank You RE….
Joe Rising to the occasion!
Here’s the speech….
Several Bush 43 alum are forming a Super PAC to elect Joe Biden President
President Trump escalated his attacks on Joe Biden on Monday, lashing out at his rival as protests and riots spilled into the streets and turned violent for the third straight night.
“Sleepy Joe Biden’s people are so Radical Left that they are working to get the Anarchists out of jail, and probably more,” Trump wrote in a Monday morning tweet. “Joe doesn’t know anything about it, he is clueless, but they will be the real power, not Joe. They will be calling the shots! Big tax increases for all, Plus!”
To Democrats, Trump’s tweet signaled a kind of desperation.
Trump has seen the former vice president surge in a number of national and swing state polls as views sour on his handling of the coronavirus crisis.
Now, just as Trump was criticizing Biden for taking the votes of African Americans for granted, he has been accused of fomenting racial strife with a series of tweets starting early Friday morning that appeared to threaten those protesting the latest killing by police of an unarmed black man with violence.
“He’s clearly trying to do his usual move of stoking racial and political divisions for his own political gain to distract from his inaction on the pandemic, recession, and now the protests,” said Democratic strategist Eddie Vale. “The problem for him is it’s no longer 2016 and Americans have now lived through years of his failures and it’s a lot harder for him to keep blaming everyone else after declaring I alone can fix it.”…