Donald Trump IS losing his support….
With the prospect of his coming unemployment?
People will begin jumping ship….
There will be more….
Tucker Carlson, the Fox News host, expressed dismay at President Donald Trump’s leadership on Monday, criticizing the president’s handling of mass protests that have engulfed cities across the country and singling out an influential member of his family.
Carlson, who often uses his show to ardently defend the president and attack Trump’s foes, lambasted the nation’s leaders across the political spectrum for letting protests get out of hand. He also went after Jared Kushner, saying “no one has more contempt” for the president’s supporters than Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser. He accused Kushner of breaking starkly from Trump’s platform and talking Trump out of taking decisive actions.
Demonstrations have sprung up across the country after the death of George Floyd, a black Minnesota man who died after a white police officer pushed his knee into Floyd’s neck as he lay on the ground, and held the position for over eight minutes.
Protesters in Washington have since repeatedly gathered in Lafayette Square, across from the White House, facing off with heavily armed law enforcement officers. A Fox News reporter was also chased out of the area by protesters, which Carlson vehemently condemned.
Amid heated altercations between protesters and the Secret Service and local police, the White House temporarily went on partial lockdown last week, and Trump reportedly took shelter in a White House bunker.
“If you can’t keep a Fox News correspondent from getting attacked directly across the street from your house, how can you protect my family?” Carlson said on his show. “How are you going to protect the country? How are you trying?”
He continued: “On Twitter the next morning, the president reassured America that he and his family were just fine. The federally funded bodyguards had kept them safe. He did not mention protecting the rest of the nation, much of which was then on fire. He seemed aware only of himself.”
Carlson also evoked Nero, who — according to legend — fiddled idly as Rome burned…
image…Fox News.Com
Gonna see more of this for now…
Will they stay with this or hold their noses come November?
Molly Ball and 18 others follow
Matt Lewis
Something changed last night. I am hearing from conservative friends and relatives in states like WV, VA, and SC who are finally done with Trump. One is writing in “Romney-Mattis.” Another one is voting Biden. He just told me, “I want him [Trump] crushed.”
You are conflating two things.
Carlson seems to be saying that Trump is not being tough enough on the people in the streets.
It’s almost like it’s a contrary message designed to give cover to the White House…
On the other hand though, the person writing in Romney sounds pretty smart.
No I have it right….
Carlson thinks Trump IS stupid for what he did….
But the Fox host IS trying to cover his ass also…
Ok CG….
I guess u ARE right by the NY Times read….
In a rare challenge to President Trump on prime-time Fox News, the host Tucker Carlson expressed dismay on Monday at the president’s handling of demonstrations against racism and police brutality around the country — urging Mr. Trump to be more harsh, not less, in cracking down on protesters.
Mr. Carlson, a conservative media star whose voice carries influence with Mr. Trump, starkly accused the president of weakness and warned that his ability to restore order would be “the singular test of his presidency.”
“If you can’t keep a Fox News correspondent from getting attacked directly across from your house, how can you protect my family?” Mr. Carlson said, referring to a Fox News reporter, Leland Vittert, who was swarmed and chased by protesters near the White House over the weekend.
He added, “How are you going to protect the country? How hard are you trying?”…
The one voting Biden sounds smartest of all. Especially after gearong our next President’s speech in Philadelphia today.
There could not be a starker contrast between Trunp’s shameful stunt yesterday and Biden’s cool collected professionalism.
Couldn’t be prouder today to stand clearly on one side of that line.
I thought Biden’s speech was pretty good for the most part. But I also remember how much I was impressed with some of Obama’s speech when he was President, but the rhetoric really never matched the action. Obama did much to divide us as a nation, and while not as bad in that realm as Trump to be certain, cannot get a pass.
Hopefully, Biden means it more than Obama did. For now it seems clear that those who hold sway their party have a general contempt for conservatives. All sorts of people need to get past prejudices. I hope Biden starts with not acting defensive and childish when confronted with tough questions by citizens.
What did Obama do to “divide us as a nation”?
As for “contempt” don’t conservatives share some of that too? I mean the vast majority of those who describe themselves as such support a candidate who spread conspiracy theory about Obama having a fake birth certificate.
George Will has it right. Give Trump and the Republicans a massive defeat and we can get past a lot of this.
I know you disagree with Will on that though.
I’m not saying Obama was perfect in how he responded. But he didn’t do anything besides be the first black President to actively divide our country.
Could he have done more? Sure. But compared to Trump he’s MLK squared!
Obama gave unifying speeches in big moments while virtually every other time he condescendingly questioned the motives and patriotism of everyone who disagreed with him. Even Congressional Democrats conceded he talked the same way to them when he was challenged and they did not appreciate it.
Lets remember…
Obama came in with a wind at his back…
But the American political system works on compromise if you do NOT have a outright majority and even then as Trump and GOPer’s know ya can’t ways get ur way….
TRHAT is how the guys put things together….
They did NOT want a King…
If they hadn’t made shit so hard?
Trump would be ruling like Putin now…
You just have a different perspective about the Obama years. If I bad to bring up just one specific that could be researched, I would say go watch the video of the 2012 VP debate. Biden was sent out there with a specific agenda and plan of action. I fully understand that is the way politics works, but see who he reminds you of that night.
I didn’t support the candidate who spread the conspiracy theory so that does not apply to me. I think even worse than spreading a conspiracy theory about a fake birth certificate is spreading or relying on a totally unfounded conspiracy theory regarding rape trains.
I understand George Will’s point about down ballot Republicans. In theory, they do deserve to those for the complicity and there are certainly some if not a lot that I could not bring myself to vote for. However, we live in the real world. I am “rooting” for Biden to win because I want Trump to lose and I fully expect, with much reason to back it up, that the agenda he would pursue would be very much against my beliefs and values. Thus, there will need to be some semblance of checks and balances on the governing party, while at the same time, hopefully Republicans make an effort to repent for and move on from the Trump era.
Generally speaking, one party rule is not good for democracy.
I agree about one party rule. But we won’t have Hogan Republicans and Baker Republicans as anything other than outliers until Trumpism is routed from the GOP.
Until then, no mercy.
Once Trump is routed, anyone with a brain on the right will dump him and move to the next battle. You will continue to have ideological difference with them no matter what, which is why you want them to be defeated, and that of course, is fine.
Well Jack and I have disagrees with you in the past on the influence of Trumpism in the Reoublican Party. We think it will take much more than just defearing hkm. You disagree.
Sorry for the typos. When you are on a mobile device all of these replies are difficult to see.
Hopefully everyone understood what I meant there.
Don’t worry about typo’s… we ALL have’m…
I’m leaning with CG on this…
Trumpism I see as a temporary disease
Obama IS a much better speaker…
And remember each speech was a historic milestone….
Obama IS a lesson in NOT expecting Joe Biden to get but so far…While is why people are in the streets…
Sanders wants MORE….
But the reality is it comes in baby steps….
But Biden’s would be forward…
Trump has been attempted leaps backwards
I am not sure Trumpism will die with Trump…There will come a new standard bearer of that flag once he falls to the wayside…going to use a Marvel Reference, cut the head off Hydra and two more appear…this group of angry and exploitive right leaders will continue to re-appear…and will learn from Trump and use what was effective and not use what wasn’t effective…I am actually scared of the next trump…because in many ways Trump’s character of narcissism was built for his brand of politics, imagine someone actually trying to do what Trump did, they will be thoughtful (not in a good way, but more. megalomaniac way) and push that agenda further…
You can lean away James, you and Corey Ray are engaging in wishful thinking.
The Republican Party created Donald Trump after a 50 year old racist campaign to win and keep the White House. That’s a fact.
Where other Republicans used dog whistles, Trump uses a bullhorn. He spent years vilifying our first black President. He won the GOP nomination with a racist campaign. When he loses in November he won’t go away and he’ll keep feeding the racist base of the Republican Party.
The Party deserves him and he, like Hoover, will be hung around the neck of future Republican candidates from President on down for years to come.
His incompetence and the Republican Party’s silence has killed over 100,000 Americans and 40 million unemployed.
He won’t go away and either will those who remind all Americans of who enabled this dangerous Administration.
H. Keith, Ray isn’t even close..
And if there is anyone here who would know about dog whistles and engaging in overt racism in political campaigns, it would be the notorious ex-Chicagoan above.
Just how tight were you with John Burge when you were working for the States’ Attorney?
I do NOT agree with you Keith….
I think that the Trump brand will be done 10 seconds after the AP calls for Biden….