A few days Trump TOLD Hannity that Joe Biden will be the next President…
Now we have a Politico piece that reveals that Trump DOES KNOW that things ain’t like it was 4 years ago,,,,
He was a New York City Real Estate guy trying to beat the odds….
This time he’s been the President of the United States for the last 3 1/2 years and it has been a good time that has gone sideways no, upside down….
The secret for President’s that Donald Trump seems to be finally waking up to is that American President ‘ride’ the things coming at them…
They do NOT control them…
And Donald Trump can’t ride anything….
He’s incapable of doing so…
He can’t even drink a cup of water with one hand….
Last time Hillary Clinton helped him get over….
Joe Biden is NOT gonna do that…
Trump is essentially running against himself….
We are seeing a Trump & Co in over their heads and scrambling….While trying desperately to NOT do anything that would get Trump pissed at them…
The party is thinking of today…
But how long will they do this?
Will they just hang in with Trump and go down with ship?
Donald Trump can just walk away from this come January 20 or even earlier …
Republicans looking to keep their day jobs don’t want lose their spots…..
In the end?
The party told President Nixon give it up….
LBJ came to the same place…
Donald Trump is almost in the same place…
The question is?
How does he go forward?
How long does his party people stick with him?
Cause the virus , the economy and the polls do NOT seem to getting ready to get better in the 4 months approaching November…
And all the noise about NOT leaving ain’t work with a wave Democratic win looking like its forming….
Donald Trump knows he’s losing.
The president has privately come to that grim realization in recent days, multiple people close to him told POLITICO, amid a mountain of bad polling and warnings from some of his staunchest allies that he’s on course to be a one-term president.
Trump has endured what aides describe as the worst stretch of his presidency, marred by widespread criticism over his response to the coronavirus pandemic and nationwide racial unrest. His rally in Oklahoma last weekend, his first since March, turned out to be an embarrassment when he failed to fill the arena.
What should have been an easy interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity on Thursday horrified advisers when Trump offered a rambling, non-responsive answer to a simple question about his goals for a second term. In the same appearance, the normally self-assured president offered a tacit acknowledgment that he might lose when he said that Joe Biden is “gonna be your president because some people don’t love me, maybe.”
In the hours after the interview aired, questions swirled within his inner circle about whether his heart was truly in it when it comes to seeking reelection.
Trump has time to rebound, and the political environment could improve for him. But interviews with more than a half-dozen people close to the president depicted a reelection effort badly in need of direction — and an unfocused candidate who repeatedly undermines himself.
“Under the current trajectory, President Trump is on the precipice of one of the worst electoral defeats in modern presidential elections and the worst historically for an incumbent president,” said former Trump political adviser Sam Nunberg, who remains a supporter.
Nunberg pointed to national polls released by CNBC and New York Times/Siena over the past week showing Trump receiving below 40 percent against Biden.
If Trump’s numbers erode to 35 percentage points over the next two weeks, Nunberg added, “He’s going to be facing realistically a 400-plus electoral vote loss and the president would need to strongly reconsider whether he wants to continue to run as the Republican presidential nominee.”….
It’s going to take Republican voters turning on him in a substantial way for him to exit the scene in my opinion.
Fat chance of that happening
Republicans have become so committed politically to Trump that by repudiating him they would ,in effect, be repudiating themselves.
As indicated earlier ,over 60% of Republicans now believe,totally contrary to every piece of evidence ,that the pandemics worst is over.
Lacking rationality , polls and the like probably have no effect on them either.
Well Trump is sure to turn this around now. He apparently is trying out new nicknames for Biden since “Sleepy Joe” doesn’t seem to be sticking. He recently mentioned “Corrupt Joe” in a Tweet and “Swampy Joe” is also being considered.
Nothing’s gonna stop him now!
Has it begun?
Some GOP Operatives Think Trump Could Drop Out
June 28, 2020 at 4:56 pm EDT
GOP operatives are for the first time raising the possibility that Donald Trump could drop out of the race if his poll numbers don’t rebound, Fox Business reports.
One “major player” described Trump’s current psyche as “fragile.”
Trumps psyche is “fragile.”
Gee these Einstein’s have finally figured that out.
I would be more impressed with some names being attached to such speculation.As long as all this “talk” remains anonymous then its difficult to take it seriously.
You even. heck out the Lincoln stuff Jack?
U know the GOPer group campaigning against their party leader with ads in the media?
The Lincoln Project includes no Republican officeholders ,nor any former ones.
It is made up of former Republican political operatives ,some of whom have actually left the party.
While I appreciate and support their efforts, they are not a significant faction in the Republican Party ,nor do they exercise any significant influence.
Some though have created a new career as resident “anti Trumpers” on some of the cable news shows.
Good work if you can get it.
I never said the Lincoln Project had current GOPer lawmakers in it…
THAT would be the kiss of death politically for anyone…
I’m still waiting for one, not two or three,One major Republican officeholder in this country to call for Trumps withdrawal.
Come on,Anybody?
Not Mitt Romney.Hes already announced that he “expects” Trump to be re-elected.
We anxiously await the Republican epiphany!
Senator Romney voted to remove Trump from office, something that has never been done before in American history by a Senator in the same party as a President.
That more than qualifies.
I wonder if Romney still expects Trump to be reelected.
That was an odd comment for him to make, all things considered. He needs to be asked again and answer that Trump is ruining his party and should step aside or face certain defeat.
Romney crawled back Scott….
Jack’s partially right….
GOPer’s in office do NOT call for their party leader to quit IN PUBLIC….
They knock him ….Then scurry back with something they can say nice…
The fringe GOPer’s and those who Indies that Trump got the job on could be gone if things remain the same as they are now in Sept/Oct….
I also think that in that case?
With Trump possibly below 40% come the early fall….
GOPer lawmakers will HAVE to decide if they stay with him or man the political lifeboats and cat aside…
These people are gonna be in worst shit then Trump….
He’ll fly away…
They will have to deal with Pelosi and Schumer as majority leaders in the Congress with a Biden WH and AG….
Gonna be a rough one…
But Democrats DO have top be aware of the 2010 Midterm vote and NOTE go TO FAR off the rail’s…
Biden as President will also mean some GOPer Senator’s working WITH Democrats ….
How about THAT?
Ole Lindsey become Chuck’s friend again?????
McConnell get the shit heel?
Donald Trump is getting DEEPER IN SHIT…
His party may not be able to do anything to stop him from going under
He certainly seems unable to save himself and actually may not care….