Over @ FiveThirtyEight they think the media reports of Joe Biden’s voter problem is NOT much of a problem at all…
Some Democrats are worried about former Vice President Joe Biden’s ability to appeal to younger voters. After all, the presumptive Democratic nominee struggled immensely to win young voters in the primary: From the Iowa caucuses through the March 17 primaries, Biden won just 22 percent of the vote among those younger than 45 years old, according to the exit polls,1compared to 51 percent among those 45 and older.
Yet for all the concern, Biden isn’t actually doing that much worse among younger voters than Hillary Clinton did in the 2016 election. Looking at data from about 90 national polls conducted since April 1, Biden’s margins among different groups of younger voters is about the same — or just a tad worse — than Clinton’s margins were four years ago. (Pollsters don’t use the same age brackets, so there is some overlap in the different age groups.)
Biden’s young voter support only slightly trails Clinton’s
Comparison of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 vote margin and the average margin in national head-to-head polls between Joe Biden and President Trump since April 1, by different age groups
18 to 29 | +22.9 | +24.1 | +1.2 |
18 to 34 | +21.7 | +19.0 | -2.7 |
18 to 44 | +16.7 | +16.1 | -0.6 |
30 to 44 | +12.1 | +10.9 | -1.2 |
35 to 44 | +8.8 | +9.6 | +0.8 |
35 to 49 | +7.9 | +5.9 | -2.0 |
So, he is behind Clinton’s showing in this demographic but yet you insist it is not any kind of matter of concern?
It would be a problem for Biden if Trump and the Republicans didn’t take a dump on the senior vote telling them they need to die for the economy.
Biden is tied with Trump in Texas now.
See if you can find something you can extrapolate that makes him and the Democrats look bad out of that.
I’ll give you time. I’m sure you’ll find it.
I don’t care where Trump is trailing or close to trailing. I want him to be down in the polls. I want him to quit. I have since he came down the escalator.
But at the same time, you guys should not get too cocky.
I’m not getting cocky. 2016 was a wake up call.
I’m fighting to the end.
As to the youth vote, third parties took a larger share of that in 2016 than they did with older demographics so comparing Clinton and Biden on that may be apples and oranges.
You want Trump to quit?! About as realistic as Biden resigning after elected. You really are something today.
You want him gone, but you won’t vote against him where it will count.
I wanted him gone and told anyone I could to note vote for him, but you went ahead and won a bunch of votes for him in Ohio because you went on misogynistic rants against the local women there, which is something Trump would probably do himself.
Keith simply reported on what he experienced canvassing there.
Are you actually mocking him for getting involved in our political process?
He bragged that he fought with the women and called them fat. He might as well have been wearing a red hat.
Scott is correct. I never bragged about anything. But, I was appalled that a woman, simply because she saw me on the street with a Clinton T-shirt, would take upon herself to begin to call names and tell me that “Trump could grab her pussy anytime he wanted.”
I was out canvassing, not sitting at my work computer blogging, and I intend to be out again helping Biden. In fact, I am already raising money for him.
It is true, however, that the woman who decided to verbally assault me in Ohio was morbidly obese. I find that many older Republican woman are these days. But, I would never have called her fat to her face. It would, however, have been difficult for Trump to have found it. Not that he would have touched her.
This is a distraction from the fact that Corey cannot come up with a moral justification for his tacit support for Donald Trump. His defense today was that he talked other people into not voting for him. Really?
Corey, you can’t even get your own parents not to vote for Trump. And, since we are on that topic. What is it Corey that your parents like about the man? Why would they, after his incompetence has killed over 100,000 Americans and there are 40 million of their fellow citizens unemployed, still vote for this man?
Can you justify that for us Corey?
It would only be 1 of the 2 parents H. Keith. Let’s be factual.
I can’t justify anyone voting for Trump, though not for the cartoonish way you describe a situation. but it is people’s right to do so. Many good people will. I will see what I can do. There’s still five months.
Now, if you are still going to canvass as a senior citizen, I hope you will take an honest look at both your personal history and your personality traits and try very hard not to interact with people on the other side. Sure, I know it might be frustrating, but if someone disagrees with you or tries to argue the other side in these personal encounters, just smile at them and move on. Focus on getting the Hard D’s out to vote. Thankfully, they won’t have to rely on you to gather signatures.
Thanks for the advice Corey Ray.
I do intend to canvass for Biden and hopefully help to get him elected.
I like everyone else on this comment board want to be part of the solution in this time of crisis. You, however, appear to be determined to help Trump in his re-election effort. No amount of moral pontificating can change that unless you’re willing to vote for Biden.
That’s just a fact.
A lot of fantasy tossed around on here yesterday Keith.
CG dreaming of Trump quitting, of Democrats asking Biden to quit.
I guess when you quit on being involved in the future of our Republic at the time when it needs it most you look to other signs of people giving up.
But they aren’t. Trump isn’t going to quit. He needs to be beaten. Republicans who enabled him need to be beaten.
Joe Biden does not have the same kind of following among Democrats that Obama did. But I see that as a good thing. CG often remarked correctly that Democrats did not do enough during the Obama years to elect our own that were not named Barack Obama. Biden I think recognizes that, and that is why he is building a bench and working with his former rivals like Warren and Castro.
If CG were consistent he would recognize that as
a strength Biden has that Obama–for his inspirational flourish–did not.
But that would mean giving him credit, so instead he makes up foolish stories about Democrats who will want Biden to resign to make way for his VP.