Last time?
Donald Trump gave them Hillary Clinton’s emails as red meat….
FBI Director at the time James Comey just made things juicer…
This time ?
Donald Trump has already started throwing bait to the media to pick on and feature to HIS advantage…
His bull shit doesn’t have to be true…
It doesn’t matter…
Media editors do NOT care….
I mean ANYTHING that is crazy, BIG, and comes out of Trump’s mouth WILL be breathless reported…
Gotta have access…
So we’ll just feature stuff we KNOW is bull shit so HE reads it and lets our people have acess…
Of course Joe Biden, The DEMOCRAT won’t get the same thing…
He’s NOT the President and he HAS to rise to a different standard….
Black folks can smile at that one…
He we go folks…
Donald Trump,….
Lies, crazy stuff, break the norms and rules in all his glory has begun his throw downs at Biden first, now Barack Obama and soon to be ANYONE who knew Obama….
The barbs will negative, nasty and boisterous …
And you will find them on the front page of the media ….
Good or BAD…
Don’t matter…
And the media can’t stop eating it up…
Donald Trump would like to ride it one more time…
The linked piece below focuses on Trump’s continual effort , and the media ‘s help , to escape ANY responsibility for ducking a leadership role in his non-virus response, lying and the resulting economy bottom falling out….
Well, don’t look now but this is happening again before our eyes. Its name this time is “Obamagate.” That’s a moniker that, in President Trump’s outraged tweets, is rendered in all capital letters, but let’s not.
This vaporous, apparently made-up offense, according to Trump, is the political crime of the century — and, heck, last century too, because he claims that it makes the 1970s Watergate scandal look like child’s play.
As best as he’s even attempted to spell out, it supposedly involves a deep-state conspiracy by the former president and his allies to undermine Trump by being informed of the identity of the private citizen having covert and legally questionable discussions with the Russian ambassador — a citizen who turned out to be Trump’s national security adviser designate Michael Flynn.
Despite the fact that this practice is legal and normal, the nonscandal around it is getting plenty of attention.
On Chris Wallace’s Sunday-morning interview show — usually an island of relative sanity in the hyper-partisan, pro-Trump world of Fox News — a bottom-of-the-screen chyron read: “Is ‘Obamagate’ an Effective Campaign Strategy?” And Trump water carrier Karl Rove was allowed to opine that there were “some very serious questions that need to be answered. . . . It does stink.”
Nor was it ignored on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” where host Chuck Todd — while acknowledging the subject’s ultimate emptiness — kicked around its potential political fallout for a while with White House correspondent Peter Alexander and others….
The MORE Trump attacks the media directly?
The MORE coverage he gets….
….No longer does a conspiracy theory require an actual conspiracy behind it before it can take flight. It needs only a few taps on Trump’s smartphone or an unhinged Instagram post by one of his sons Don Jr. or Eric.
As the president is being forced to face the very real prospect of his defeat this fall, he and his wanton princelings are growing more desperate, reckless and untethered from any evidence. There is “OBAMAGATE!,” which Trump claims is “the biggest political crime in American history, by far!”
When pressed, Trump cannot cite any specific criminal statute that his predecessor may have violated. “Obamagate” is a nonsense word that Trump invented and keeps proclaiming over and over, like a toddler screaming “whee!” as he goes down a slide. Given Trump’s obvious pride in having coined the word, I’m surprised he hasn’t trademarked it, as he did for “Make America Great Again.”…
What exactly do you suggest as a remedy to this?
That the media not report it?
What?Are you opposed to freedom of the press.
Trump is President.He was elected .Do I like it?Of course not.
And who eats this up?Republicans of course, along with these a healthy dose of so called”independents” who vote almost exclusively Republican .
There’s an old adage that we deserve the government we get.
So,for now?This has nothing to do with the “media,”you and the Republicans notwithstanding.
It’s all about the American people.
They voted for this .Theyve got it.
The covering of the daily Trump virus/campaign stuff was unnecessary….
The Obamagate coverage should NOT be screaming across the airways….
Just reported…
Stories of Trump lies should NOT run for days…
Stories about OTHER things that are STILL going on inn American and the World should NOT be shoved aside for things to make Trump happy he planted in the press…
I am NOT saying do NOT report the news…
I AM saying get off the Trump train and do your job media….
It isn’t just ALL about an inept President…
We ALL know THAT …Even the GOPer’s….
Everyone knows that when a President says something the media will report it.
That’s nothing new.
The problem is there has never been a President like Trump .He lies constantly and makes it up as he goes along.However, the basic standard is still the same .The President talks.The media reports it.
There is absolutely nothing new here.
And ,just as I thought, you have nothing new to offer,just venting about the “media” much like your bete noir,Trump, and the Republicans do.
The media is just reporting things you don’t like ,but instead of “blaming” them?More thoughtful people put the blame for this where it belongs….
Donald Trump and his fellow Republicans.They are the problem, the whole problem, not the media.
No problem with reporting the ‘news’…
Just the decibel level for Trump politicking Bull Shit…