He was at a Ford Plant yesterday…
Going in he was strutting he wouldn’t wear a mask like the rest of Americans and others around the world…
He lied….
We have the proof ….
President Donald Trump has a face covering with the presidential seal on it, but he refused to wear it Thursday on the public part of his tour of a Ford plant in Michigan despite factory policy.
The president was given a mask by Ford. He was photographed wearing a mask at the plant, and a source familiar with the matter confirmed the authenticity of the photo.
“I wore one in this back area, but I didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it,” Trump told reporters during an appearance at a Ford plant in Ypsilanti that is making ventilators to combat the coronavirus.
He then displayed the black face covering, which has the presidential seal in the corner. “I think I look better in the mask,” Trump said before offering a different explanation for why he wasn’t wearing it. “I’m making a speech, so I won’t have it on now,” he said.
He then said he didn’t need a mask because he’d been tested earlier in the day, as were the people he was meeting with…..
image…NBC News/Anon
All Trump does is Lie.
He is ,by far, the most notorious Liar in the country.
A new Yahoo News/YouGov poll finds 44% of Republicans believe that Bill Gates is plotting to use a mass coronavirus vaccination campaign as a pretext to implant microchips in billions of people and monitor their movements. Just 26% of Republicans correctly identify the story as false.
In contrast, only 19% of Democrats believe the same spurious narrative about Gates while a majority recognize that it’s not true.