A graphic death of a unarmed black man by a white police office in Minnesota , a white woman calling the police because she was wrong with her dog and black male called her out for it in New York City, a President that offers more confrontation , people so scared of a virus they can’t see and a media screaming at them to hide in their homes, home with no jobs, no toilet paper to wipe their rears….
ALL this and more have gotten to a boiling point across America for Blacks who find their lives no different after 8 years of America’s first mixed/black President…That President under constant attack by his successor who hates Barack Obama and wants him put in jail along with the nations first serious white woman who ran for President….
This would appear to be about a cop killing a black man in a street in America…
But one could see so much more that is wrong with a America that has a President that is inept and actually trying as hard as he can to ruin a country that has existed for over 300 years…
It could be seen as a country rudderless and simply unable deal with a President and political party that has worked hard to lock out immigrants…To lock out foreign commerce….To support white nationalism and conservatism…
They are wrong in violence….
But the people in the streets….
And by now they are NOT just Black…..
They are Brown, Yellow and Yes White are protesting against police brutality ….
But more that that?
They are protesting against efforts to exclude them from an America that is their’s also…
Donald Trump will not lead us out of this…
He is incapable of caring for the country he is supposed to preside over…
There will be calls for Joe Biden to leave his basement and speak out and reach out….
There will be calls for Barack Obama to do the same…
We’ll see how this goes….
But in the long run?
Donald J. Trump needs to be gone from the nations Presidency….
To be replaced by someone who cares and will act for those who have…
And those do not…
Someone who respects the law….
Someone who will open up America and lead it to a better and safe place for all…
Not their supporters…
God help us ALL….
Right Now?
We need it….
It appears that the people have gone to the streets to let off steam and protest an America that has been under seige from ALL sides…..
This is the anti-virus, anti-cop and YES…The anti-Trump reaction….
We should have known this would come out from pent-up people….
I hope that this cools down quickly….
Protests are fine…
Violence and Looting is wrong…..
The protests are ACROSS the whole country as people come to the streets in LARGE Crowds…..
They have no regard for virus after effects warnings….
We ARE truly in deep shit and it will be Governor’s and Mayor’s grappling with this and they call out the National Guard Troops for assistance…
What come’s Next?
What does a President Trump do in reaction to this?
I agree James.
But it also appears that this murder of an innocent black man has brought in outside agitators from all sides of the political spectrum. The arrests mainly consist of out of state people.
The Republicans will quickly become the Law & Order Party again to deflect from their failures with the pandemic and the economic fallout from the shutdown. Trump is fanning these flames of hatred. He will do and say anything to be re-elected and his party is willingly complicit.
I just saw a post on twitter of a group of white guys going to store and smashing things up…I believe a group of blacks watched dumbfounded….
A group of white people showed up in Oakland armed with hammers and started destroying shit as people of color looked on confused and asked why they’re tearing shit up.
The thread on that twitter post goes on about possible Trump instigators…
Don’t know if this is true or not …BUT????
Morning People….
So yesterday we had a President order the gassing and forcible removal of Church personnel from a house of worship (before the curfew deadline) so he could stand in front of a place he has visited on rare occasions and hold a book he has never read.
And we still have people who will vote for him in November.
Does anyone think that the “uninspired woman” would have mismanaged this pandemic in such a way that not only 100,000 Americans are dead but 40 million are unemployed. Let’s not make the same mistake again, we need an adult back in the White House.
I fear the damage Trump will do over the next six months before we send him back to his tacky gold dump.
Morning All…
The people have gone to the streets dissatisfied with Congress and the Courts…
I image they will agin in November hopefully in celebration….
The Republican Presidential Convention probably won’t be in North Carolina…
When the state asked the Trump people if they would be following CDC social distancing policy for the event ?
They got a probable maybe….
The Governor of the state has said that is NOT good enough…
The Trump people are now looking at Vegas, Nev., Nashville, TN and Orlando, Fla….
Trump Says He’ll Move GOP Convention
President Trump said he will move the Republican National Convention out of North Carolina after the state and the GOP clashed over potential health restrictions due to the coronavirus, the Charlotte Observer reports.
Our next President is speaking today. We have to get this right. There is but one choice. Four more years of this thin skinned despot or an adult–Joe Biden–as President.
Choose wisely.
While I was taking a break,I checked in this morning to see what was being said With the tragedy in Minneapolis.,and I found this editorial by James.
It is well known that I have often been critical of much of what you write;however, I am moved to congratulate you on a well written, succinct and accurate description as to where we are as a nation at this time.
Indeed, I have nothing to add(unusual for me!) .This really says it all.
Thank You….
And it’s good to hear from you as always…..
Trump response this morning….
Jim Sciutto
“…the most vicious dogs and most ominous weapons…”
Quote Tweet
Donald J. Trump
· 1h
….have been greeted with the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen. That’s when people would have been really badly hurt, at least. Many Secret Service agents just waiting for action. “We put the young ones on the front line, sir, they love it, and….
Show this thread
I agree with Jack. Very well written James.
Thank You Scott.,.
I agree with everyone else here, well written and thanks for putting thoughts down to paper (figuratively of course).
Only thing I can add is: when your house is on fire, you need a fire fighter…Right now our house is on fire and all we got is a pompous arrogant dilettante
The Boston Globe
In this photo from Louisville, Ky., protest organizers surrounded an officer and joined arms to make sure the crowd did not touch him. (Michael Clevenger/Courier Journal via AP) More coverage of the protests around the nation: http://bos.gl/ynxd3gm
People will go home…
But they HAVE TO Vote come November….
These protest will be NOTHING without the VOTE to rid us of someone who doesn’t even pretend to care…
Anarchists don’t vote. They want to destroy every possible institution in America. They don’t believe in voting.
That IS what I’m afraid of….
Protestor’s showing up in the streets and NOT VOTING….
Anarchists need to go to jail….
You shouldn’t want the votes of people destroying and terrorizing. You should want the votes of the people who want to build America up and not the ones that are trying to tear it down.
Racism is clearly abhorrent. That should never stop being said.
What we are seeing though are people who claim they want to fight racism but are instead doing things that will create more racism. Many of them know the effect it will have too. They just do not care.
Also, these activities are going to drastically increase instances of Covid 19 in the days and weeks ahead. That puts all of us in some risk, but the damage will be disproportionately worse for disadvantaged African-Americans.
So many people will unnecessarily die and there lives will have been just as valuable as George Floyd’s and everyone else.
3 national cable news networks and 5 Chicago local news stations all covering this live. I wish I had the discipline to not watch.
It also seems like there are just a whole bunch of people out there, not part of any protest or attempt to do damage, but simply as onlookers. They think this is some sort of video game or “Escape Room.”
People have locked themselves away for almost 3 months…
They sure are gonna come out and watch the show in person…
What you may not see CG is different things going on at different levels…
What started out as protests against the Floyd action has grown into several different things going on at once…
I point this out in the thread post…
I add to the list several other things…
White liberals looking to join the protests…
Anarchists looking to tell shit up…
Crooks and looters looking to steal…
Media people looking to do their jobs, but sometimes being where they shouldn’t be..
Scared, tired and angry cops…
Good cops trying….
Bad cops….
And a absent President hiding from dealing with a wave of action he has helped create…
Maybe Republicans shouldn’t “want” the votes of racist cops and those who support them either huh? I mean who is ultimately responsible for “tearing down” in the last few days?
Interesting that CG was nowhere to be found when the only subject was Trump and Republicans floundering on Coronavirus and polls were showing Biden leading substantially both in national and many swing state polls (not to say that he still isn’t, but that isn’t the main story now).
Guess he was “busy”.
But now that he thinks there is a situation where Democrats are (in his mind at least) as much to blame as Trump he’s baaack!
This is such a ridiculous and inaccurate post for several different reasons. It is clear Scott is thirsty for attention for whatever reason.
Yes, I am very busy with work and will not be posting much during weekdays.
I get it that you are never going to say anything nice about Biden or his campaign. That’s fine. You are of far less consequence than George Floyd’s brother who has been very public in his praise of the peaceful protesters and condemnation of those who practice violence. He also detailed the difference between how he was treated by the leader of the Republican Party–Donald Trump, and the Democratic nominee Joe Biden. For him it is night and day, No “both sides”. https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/30/politics/george-floyd-brother-talks-trump/index.html
I have been very honest and fair in what I have said about Biden personally and his campaign both on here and in my own weekly Saturday blog ramblings. I am sorry you need to hear so much cheerleading to garner enthusiasm.
Have I not consistently said I consider him the favorite to win the general election?
Not sure what else I can do for you.
CG you were clearly trying to bait James. Who was merely saying those who are considering causing trouble should instead vote. You claimed he (a Democrat) shouldn’t “want” the votes of those types of people. Even though by James own comment he was encouraging them to change their ways.
I don’t expect you to answer this but should Republicans who you supported in the past and will again similarly not “want” the votes of the minority of law enforcement that are racist and those who support them?
As Jack has noted before every candidate has benefited from nefarious people who have supported them–even your beloved George W. Bush.
Biden does nothing to encourage violence or hatred. Trump encourages racist behavior. There is a difference.
I was not trying to “bait” james. What would be the challenge in that?
I think he agreed with the point I made. You should just leave it at that.
I would never want the votes of the people who marched and demonstrated in Charlottesville with the Tiki Torches, etc.
The main point I was making is that the anarchists you seeing creating mayhem on television are not going to be Biden voters. They do not believe in our democratic systems.
Democrats don’t hold the bag for this CG…
That is foolish…
Trump WILL try to hang it on them after he comes out from hiding….
Who said they did?
But these are issues that have been around long before Trump and will be around long after him.
There was civil unrest regarding police matters when Biden was President. People killed cops on the streets during those times. Thank goodness that has not happened this week, at least yet. This will still be a problem for society if Biden wins. There is nothing that he nor Obama himself could say that will calm these mobs.
when Obama was President
Well this White House went completely dark. Meanwhile our next President was out speaking to peaceful protesters.
To me the choice could not be clearer.
Do you really think Trump should have gone out to speak to protestors in Washington DC?
Trump HAS spoke this morning…
Pushing for Governors to get tougher with protestors…
Brushing aside suggestions that he try to express some feelings towards their grievance’s…
And reportedly sounding like he’s ‘unhinged’…
He’s had several days to address protesters. Whether in person or via video messaging. He’s done neither. His only public remarks were a quick presser on Friday that was all about punishing China for Hong Kong.
He’s not going to go out and speak to them personally, especially during a pandemic (Nixon tried that at the Lincoln Memorial one late night and was criticized for it.)
Trump’s Tweets are of course abhorrent as usual, but he did make several on camera remarks about the killing of George Floyd and he did “direct” the Justice Department to get involved.
This is a case of the less he says the better.
Biden going out in Wilmington (a city smaller than the suburb I grew up in), where he is stuck at home is fine, but you can be certain the photo op was highly advanced and controlled.
It should not be forgotten how much better we treat our protestors than what China has done to theirs in Hong Kong and elsewhere.
The problems have been in America from the jump…
American Indians…Black Slaves….
Irish, Italians, Germans ….
My point on this, which I had the same conversation with my wife a little while ago during our walk, is that it won’t just go away because of renewed protests …
The way to move the ball a bit is to VOTE for someone who WILL listen…
That is Joe Biden…
Of course N OT another 4 years of Donald Trump…
The change Sanders wants is IMPOSSIBLE…
So lets walk before we try to run…
When I was a teenager at my first job we’d sometimes shut the outside lights off a few minutes early so people would think we were already closed.
That seemed to be what the Trump administration was doing last night.
He clearly doesn’t want to be President anymore. Maybe he should resign?
You are going a little overboard here. If they shut off the outside lights early at the WH, that was almost certainly a Secret Service decision.
While Biden was out about?
The American President was hiding….
The Sanders people on social media are going after Biden for things he said decades ago about the Crime Bill?
They REALLY DO NOT deserve a ‘progressive’ VP pick….
They seem destined to sit out the election or?
As some have threaten to do?
Vote for Trump in protest…
Well there was no explanation of that from the President. You certainly have to see how the symbolism is being unchallenged.
Trump is now attacking the governors as “weak” in a call. He has been described as “unhinged”.
I’m not sure if our country can survive the next 6 months of this President much less four years.
But hey write in Mickey Mouse at this crucial point in our nation’s history because “both sides”.
What a joke you are.
Yet Scott has not a word to say about the Sanders people who are threatening to sit out the election, while being so thirsty for my attention.
A new week in the roller coaster of America…
James, for what it’s worth, I was a Warren supporter and then a Sanders supporter and I can tell you that I and everyone I know is voting for Biden. Some Sanders supporters do not support Biden, but a very large number of us who supported Warren/Sanders now support Biden. We are all on the same team and the Biden team knows that. If you are a Biden supporter, you should know that too. I guess it stirs the pot, but frankly it really stunts the sharing of ideas.
Thank You RE….
I KNOW there are those who WILL vote for Biden in the end….
And my comments do NOT apply to those seek to have change thru working the system and NOT tearing it down…
Social media does NOT represent the entire universe….
The only Sanders supporters I know are enthusiastically backing Biden..
CG if anyone who posted here were a Sanders supporter proclaiming their desire to sit out the Nov election you bet I’d harangue them.
Writing in a candidate who shares your values and beliefs (when one is not unfortunately available to vote for) is not “sitting out an election.”
There is no reason for the Sanders people to eschew Biden. He largely agrees with them on everything and has pandered to them in this campaign in the effort to secure their votes. In exchange for doing that, his campaign made sure to write off the votes of people like me as not needed. It was their choice.
Still though, in spite of that, I do not entertain the notion of voting for Trump. You are welcome.
Here’s the tweet I’m talking about…
Rachel “The Doc” Bitecofer Chart with upwards trendTelescopeBanana and Larry Sabato follow
Ryan Knight
Biden moments ago said we should train cops to shoot unarmed people “in the leg instead of the heart.”
This is so problematic. Cops shouldn’t shoot unarmed people at all.
How much longer are Democrats going to pretend that
’s cut out for this?
Check out the threaded comments…
Did Biden actually say that? Why would someone be trained to shoot an unarmed person?
Are these lefitsts saying they will not vote for Biden or are they just pointing out that he is a gaffe machine and there might be legitimate reason to be concerned about him as a candidate for that reason.
“A gaffe machine”
You mean like “it’s hard to put food on your family” or
“there’s a saying in Texas, maybe Tennessee–fool me once—won’t get fooled again”.
In light of Trump the gaffes of Biden and GW Bush seem pretty tame right?
Those are just malapropisms.
They were embraced by the candidate and the campaign as part of who he is. My talking GWB action figure says those lines.
They aren’t going to make a Biden doll that says “shoot unarmed guys in the leg” or “use the record player to teach your kids words.”
Does your doll say “you’re doin a heckuva job Brownie!”?
I just went to press its button for the first time in years to say what it would say and it’s not working anymore.
I think, like Cheney, it might need a new ticker.
Nowadays, someone is selling this thing. You see should the tv ads.
I hope you haven’t already laid out your $40 to beat me to the last Trumpy Bear (complete with Old Glory blanket and a Certificate of Authenticity) — the cutthroat competition to own one must rival that of the fights over the last shred of PPE. I was especially inspired by the patriotic 2-minute commercial.
Ain’t THIS the truth?
Benjy Sarlin
I can’t stop thinking that we have a rolling social, economic, and public health catastrophe and we have not yet entered hurricane and fire season
Funny thing: the State of Rhode Island (& Providence Plantations) just issued a Covid/Hurricane warning today (as if, even with protests but without violence, we needed a little something else to worry about).
Governor Gina Raimondo, Rhode Island Department of Health, and Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency Urge Rhode Islanders to Prepare for the Atlantic Hurricane Season in a COVID Environment
Cranston, RI— Governor Gina Raimondo advises Rhode Islanders to prepare for the 2020 Atlantic Hurricane Season, which begins June 1st and extends through November 30th. This year she is asking people to take into consideration protecting themselves from COVID-19 in their hurricane planning.
“The last thing anyone wants to worry about right now is a potential hurricane, but it’s critical that Rhode Islanders plan ahead and stay prepared,” said Governor Gina M. Raimondo. “We all need to take some time and think through strategies to protect our family, neighbors, loved ones and pets in the event that a hurricane comes our way this season. Rhode Islanders have demonstrated incredible resilience over the last three months, and I know that we can come together as a community in this effort.”…
Cops do NOT shoot to wound people….
Biden’s comments I believe where NOT meant as it is explained in the tweet….
It’s your right to do but it’s definitely sitting out the election.
You are writing in someone who didn’t run and is not part of a draft movement.
What defines a “draft movement?” I can create my own movement.
The only way I could “sit out” the Presidential election anyway, is if it were a member of the Electoral College who didn’t show up in my state capital at the assigned time.
You can call it what you want. Dozens of people each election start one person “draft movements” for Donald Duck.
Things we do not need-
1. Presidents name Donald
2. Presidents who can’t keep their pants on
Both relate to our current President CG?
#2 relates more to Clinton
Just drove past about 100 people parked and standing in a parking lot around my way protesting….
Cops had one lane blocked off…
People has masks and signs…
People beeped their horns as they passed….
So did I….
I’m not an anarchist, but let me say that (as with many other political and philosophical labels) the word covers a huge range of beliefs.
For every Antifa type who identifies Anarchism as his or her reason to provoke chaos in order (somehow) to smash the oppression of government, you’ll probably find two or three anarchists or libertarians (or anarcho-pacifists or anarcho-libertarians) who have exactly the opposite belief — that government is oppressive because it ultimately rests on force but that such force can only be righteously removed with peaceful organization, expression, education, protest and (for some) civil disobedience.
An example on the left would be the late Paul Goodman, and, on the super-libertarian “right”, the late Karl Hess.
One of the main reasons that Occupy Providence never experienced or incited the violence seen around Occupy Oakland (disrupted by a couple of hundred Antifa types who called themselves anarchist) is that many of Occupy Providence’s leaders were anarchists and pacifists who were willing to commit (if necessary) mass civil disobedience but very much wanted to avoid violent confrontation with the police (who on their own part exercised a commendable patience).
I read today the saying that we are experiencing 1918, 1929, and 1968 all at the same time.
Let’s not hope it’s not also 1860 or 1861 again.
See what happens when you elect a Republican President through the Electoral College without a majority of the popular vote?
That hasn’t happened recently?
Just in my lifetime we did that twice and got the Iraq War and the current shit show as parting gifts.
Let’s not do it again shall we?
Tonight’s debate between Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and his challenger in the Sept. 1st primary, Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy III — report and full one-hour video:
Markey seems on his way to retirement….
posted this on another thread, but figured it was good here too…
I am not sure Trumpism will die with Trump…There will come a new standard bearer of that flag once he falls to the wayside…going to use a Marvel Reference, cut the head off Hydra and two more appear…this group of angry and exploitive right leaders will continue to re-appear…and will learn from Trump and use what was effective and not use what wasn’t effective…I am actually scared of the next trump…because in many ways Trump’s character of narcissism was built for his brand of politics, imagine someone actually trying to do what Trump did, they will be thoughtful (not in a good way, but more. megalomaniac way) and push that agenda further…
Not since Bush the thirds second election and his father’s election has a republican won the presidency with a majority of the popular vote…the incumbent term of GW the 3rd doesn’t really count in my mind since he had stumbled through 9/11 and then created two wars…but the economy was humming and patriotism was high and the Democrat was a bore…so that one is a statistical outlier… my main point is, Republicans have a hard time winning the majority popular vote but can win the election based on the electoral college…
I don’t feel the need to respond to most of this. People are entitled to their opinions, but this “created two wars” thing is always something that makes me shake my head?
Did he create the situation in Afghanistan where the Taliban was hiding bin Laden? Would you have voted against that in the U.S. Congress? If so, own up to it. Did you feel that way in 2001? Only Barbara Lee did.
Also, since it was remarked upon that GWB got us into Iraq, I also think it is highly likely that Al Gore would have done the exact same thing, had he won (which he didn’t), probably a few months earlier.
Also, politics often comes in cycles. Trends come and go and parties go up and they go down. Democrats overall did very poorly in the popular vote in the years after 1964 and before 2008, only breaking 50 percent, barely, just once, and losing two 49 state landslides as well.
Fair enough CG, the Afghanistan War was something that probably had to happen, but Iraq not so much…so I stand corrected, created one war…
Also I wasn’t really attacking W…I was merely pointing out that Republicans rarely can win a majority of the popular vote in this country…and to be truthful, W one the first election by a few thousand votes in a state run by his brother…so yeah that doesn’t seem at all manufactured…just saying…
Bush II and Trump prove that in these times they are minority America President’s…
Right NOW?
Biden is leading in what forecaster think will be the popular AND Electoral vote….
I don’t know why you people are all attacking Dubya these days. You should focus on the big picture. I also do not understand the comparison. At the moment where his leadership was called for the most, GWB had approval ratings near 90 percent. He also won his reelection and served eight unimpeached years.
He also just released a very powerful statement:
The film of several Republican Senators who can’t even respond as to whether Trump’s clearing of protesters was an abuse of power just shows you what a pathetic party this is!
They scurried like the weasels they are.
So CG seems to think they’ll all disown Trump if he is defeated and will block him and his kids on Twitter, etc.
Maybe. They sure did turn tail and run on GW Bush. But then again Bush was also largely disowned by conservative media that runs the Republican Party and whatever passes for the “conservative movement” these days.
Rush Limbaugh may not be long for this world, but what about the other cretins in right wing media? As long as Trump’s minions follow Trump on Twitter and whatever media company he creates after defeat what will they all do? Ignore them? There’s a lot of money to be made.
I am the first to say that I do not know for sure what will happen to the party in the future, etc. Perhaps it will never be what it once was, but assuming Trump loses, I think people turn on him right away, as you point out happened to other past leaders who presided when the party lost.
The political class (and the consulting/option classes, etc) will look to what kind of positioning or image will give them the best chance in the future of winning. I know for sure that after 2012, very few inside the party thought that Trumpism would have the appeal it did or be what they got stuck with in terms of having to defend or capitulate to. I think Trump is sort of a singular figure in politics though. Even if he retains loyalists, it’s not like he is a young man. The main thing is though that if he loses, the luster comes off. People support him because they think he is a winner who never loses, and they need to live vicariously though him, etc.
I bet Dubya is more popular here than on the conservative Republican site you visit.
He’ll be even less popular when he endorses Biden. Of course after all the damage Bush did to the Nation an endorsement is the least he can do.
I don’t think our friend Corey wants to admit that even in defeat Donald Trump, assuming he doesn’t go to jail, will hold sway with the millions of racist Republicans who gave him their party nomination. None of the current crop of Republicans and their “Profiles in Courage” will want to risk the wrath of Trump. He’ll reek havoc within the Party for years to come.
So no, it won’t be the polite dog whistle party it used to be, those days are over.
Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump makes noises about wanting to run again in 2024 if he loses. And unless Rush Limbaugh has smoked his last cigar and framed his last Hispanic maid he’ll demand that the Republican Party owes it to him, because I’m sure it will be that the party and those without any real power it anymore will be blamed for Trump’s loss.
MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt asked Republican senators for comment on President Trump’s clearing of protesters for his photo op at St. John’s Church last night:
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI): “Didn’t really see it.”
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT): I didn’t watch it closely enough to know.”
Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH): “I’m late for lunch.”
Profiles in courage.
Do they all want to be grabbed by Trump? They sure are acting like what he grabs.
Ted Cruz–who didn’t defend his wife when Trump called her ugly or his father when Trump said he murdered JFK–is in pure ass kissing mode saying what a wonderful moment the bible photo op was.
It will serve that turd right when Trump doesn’t even acknowledge Cruz’s nose right up his orange ass.
Could protests be slowing down?
Could Trump have managed to screw something else up like he ALWAYS does ?
What happened to the thread about the primaries? It seems gone.
Anyways, the biggest winners of Steve King being ousted in the primary may be the House GOP Baseball team.
There is now virtually no chance that the ex minor league pitcher, running again for the Democrats, gets elected.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) “acknowledged that he is holding up a bill with broad bipartisan support that would make lynching a federal hate crime, saying he fears it could allow enhanced penalties for altercations that result in only ‘minor bruising,’” the Washington Post reports.
“Paul’s objection halted a measure that appeared on the verge of getting to the president’s desk earlier this year after more than a century of stymied attempts by Congress to pass anti-lynching legislation. And it comes amid a nationwide convulsion over the treatment of black Americans by law enforcement officers.”
5.5-magnitude earthquake strikes near Ridgecrest and shakes parts of Southern California
A magnitude 5.5 earthquake was reported Wednesday at 6:32 p.m., 10 miles from Ridgecrest, Calif., according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The earthquake occurred 26 miles from California City, 52 miles from Barstow, 62 miles from Rosamond and 64 miles from Tehachapi.
New Open Thread coming ….