NOT for us Americans…
And NOT for the rest of the planet…
Donald Trump has just repeated what he has done as a weasel real estate guy…
Build a hollow perception of success…
Donald Trump is NOT a leader…
Newer was…
Never will be…
The question is?
How long will the world have to suffer with him as a inward driven American President?
The United States has scaled back its role on the world stage, taken actions that are undermining efforts to battle the coronavirus pandemic and left the international community without a traditional global leader, according to experts, diplomats and analysts.
The US — usually at the head of the table helping to coordinate in global crises — has declined to take a seat at virtual international meetings convened by the World Health Organization and the European Union to coordinate work on potentially lifesaving vaccines.
Former world leaders warn that the Trump administration risks alienating allies by politicizing the deadly pandemic with its push to punish China and have other nations choose sides.
The administration’s decision to halt funding for the WHO, the world body best positioned to coordinate the global response to the raging pandemic, has appalled global health officials.
On Friday the US blocked a vote on a UN Security Council resolution that called for a global ceasefire aimed at collectively assisting a planet devastated by the outbreak. The US did not want any reference to the WHO in the text and rejected a compromise version that didn’t directly mention the organization — and instead cited the UN’s “specialized health agencies,” according to two diplomats familiar with the process.
The US has similarly blocked expressions of global unity at G7 and G20 meetings due to anger about China and the WHO.
Incredulity and sadness
And where US presidents have in the past offered a steadying voice, observers from the Asia Pacific to Europe expressed incredulity, amusement and sadness at President Donald Trump’s briefings on the virus, saying they are deeply damaging to the US image abroad.
US officials push back, touting both funding to fight Covid-19 as well as work Trump is doing through the Group of Seven and bilaterally — leading more than 50 calls with world leaders. But experts say funding without full global coordination can slow overall progress.
But as with Hillary Clinton?
Joe Biden MUST win an election to get the chance to put the country try and rest the world back together again in way other American President’s have for almost a century…
image… Vucci AP
New Open Thread is HERE…
Justin Amash won’t run. Pity.
Wise move by Amash. No one in their right mind is voting 3rd party this year.
Amash Will Not Run for President
Rep. Justin Amash (I-MI) said on Twitter that he will not run for president this year after saying last month that he would seek the Libertarian Party’s nomination.
Said Amash: “After much reflection, I’ve concluded that circumstances don’t lend themselves to my success as a candidate for president this year, and therefore I will not be a candidate.”
“Mourning in America”, the recent President-enraging commercial from the Lincoln Project of Never-Trumpers (e.g. the better half of Mr & Mrs George Conway).
Morning on this fine Mother’s Day!
Fauci is going to tell the Republican led Senate that his bosses push to have the governors open is too soon…
The media is gonna feature this as a expert fly against a giant …Predicting the roof falling in again…
The reopening’s ARE gonna continue
There will be spikes…
Biden wins the Nebraska Democratic Presidential primary….
Updated AP Delegate count…
Buttigieg ..26
Morning People…
Have been noticing increasing media “analysis “ of how this pandemic will effect the presidential election.
Most,of course, see the whole thing as a negative for Trump.Probably so.
However, as you read a lot of them the one must remind oneself., the situation today may have absolutely nothing to do with the situation come November.
Will it be better?Decreasing cases, decreasing deaths?OR…
Increasing cases ,a horrible and increasing death toll?
Despite some rosy forecasts by the likes of the almost always wrong Jared Kushner ,Larry “Blow” Kudlow and of course Trump himself, the more sober analysts within this administration concede that this will be a very bad year with little in the way of good news till next year.
Accordingly,the economy won’t help Trump.
So ,in my view, it does come down to the pandemic ,but not the pandemic of today, but that of about six months from now.
Trump has had things come home to him…
Several of those close around him are taking virus times outs including Fauci….
Virus isn’t a abstract…
Been saying this awhile now
From Politicalwire
“Third Party Vote Share Should Be Lower This Year
Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball: “Despite — or perhaps because of — the relatively high share of the vote third party candidates received in 2016, we expect the two major parties to have a better showing in 2020.”
“Voters generally feel better about their major party nominees this year than they did in 2016, leaving third party options with less of a raison d’etre.”
Also important: “The field of third party candidates this year doesn’t seem especially strong, and even when prominent names have launched third party bids recently, they’ve struggled to gain traction — even in their home states.”
Morning People…
So far this is a political
media day…
Not virus….
So there’s a new Rasmussen poll showing 23% of Republicans wish Trump wasn’t their nominee. Not much to see here as if there were any real desire to replace Trump at the top of the ticket one of the GOP challengers would have gained traction
However I do think this could affect some turnout particularly in the suburbs. A drop off of Republican voters or those that leave the Presidential level blank or cast a third party vote. Overall though? Not a big deal.
Yes Scott
It just shows that Trump actually DOES have some Parry members that ARE NOT happy with him….
Not happy with him but will either still vote for him or not vote. Almost none will vote for Biden. Though without Hillary Clinton–who was hated viscerally by the GOP for almost 3 decades–more might feel it is “safe” to withhold their vote for Trump.
Yeah that’s the way I see it.
Just because a Republican says he would “like” another candidate doesn’t mean he will not vote for Trump.
There may be a few who just wont vote for president or vote for someone else but few for Biden.
I just read an interview with Mike Garcia ,the newly elected Republican from California.
Here we are in the midst of the worst disaster to befall this country in our lifetime and do you know what he talked about?
Being “pro growth” and cutting taxes.
Thank God for this guy!
Keith thinks he’s got about 7 months in office…
That’s all…
Dem’s gonna have adjust to the demographics and get out the vote in the district
Trump is now going all in on his Obama conspiracy theories.
That will keep his Republican base happy. But not sure how it helps with the independent Obama-Trump voters that put him in the White House.
I think it helps Biden….
Obama is WTF MORE popular then Trump….
This is also putting Graham in a bad place….
I’d think….
He can’t afford to have Trump put him in a aspect going after the national only black President when. he’s from SC and running for re-election…
Jack should weigh in on this…
I think that Graham’s reluctance to get into subpoenaing an ex President is more tied into a sure legal battle over seperation of powers and executive privilege than his concern about S.C. politics.
Further, as I alluded to earlier, Graham is sending a blunt message to Trump ,who very well be an ex President in eight months ,that a likely Democratic House would eager start dropping subpoenas on him on Jan.21 2021.
The last President that I remember appearing before aCongressional Committee was Gerald Ford who did so voluntarily back in the 1970s .
I believe that Graham’s Demo challenger Jaime Harrison is doing well amid an influx of money and will probably do much better that Graham’s recent challengers.Still, in my view, a Harrison victory would indicate a massive landslide against the Republicans nationally.Not impossible,but,given the split in the country at this time?Not likely either.
Thank You Jack….
Law Firm Hackers Claim to Have Dirt on Donald Trump, Up Data Ransom to $42M
UPDATED: The cyber-extortionists who stole a trove of private data from entertainment law firm Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks now have a new target in their sights: President Donald Trump….
Post time again!
Morning people…
This is BAD for the Office of the Presidency…
But then?
So is Trump, eh?
Tough decisions coming to people, even in NY….
Companies and businesses ARE reopening ….
I know Cuomo has his time table…
But I hear from friends that people are being told they are expected to come back…
Tough for those who have young kids…
But there ARE those who ARE working now and those who worked for the last few months….
No easy answer/solution for some on this…
Health/Worry or Job?
Firstly, I was not going to vote for Amash. I also expressed doubts he would even win the Libertarian nomination, and that insular politics of that small party probably is the main reason he decided not to go forward and potentially embarrass himself.
However, the views expressed that his being on the ballot would only help Trump at the expense of the Democrat is just completely off base in my view. He would not have gotten a ton of votes, especially from those who would otherwise vote for one of the major party candidates, but whatever votes Amash did get was more likely to come from Trump than Biden. Even if this was just based in his home Grand Rapids, Michigan region, it could have potentially had an effect in hurting Trump.
I think this is a case where nervous Democrats were unable to see the forest for the trees and should have welcomed Amash running and winning anti-Trump votes on the right. Instead, some of those people will now reluctantly stick with Trump.
Of course CG thinks the Democratic response was the wrong one.
Exactly how would Democrats have “welcomed Amash”?
It was his choice and in a year with less appetite for a third party Presidential candidate than before he apparently decided that *if* he were to get the nomination receiving a fraction of Johnson’s 3.5% in 2016 wasn’t worth it.
I agree.
I never saw Amash as much of a factor one way or the other.
You can argue this either way I guess.
Actually,though, he was such a non factor that it probably isn’t worth much discussion at all.
People on your side Scott were openly saying that Amash could only hurt Biden and help Trump in whatever votes he got.
I disagree. I think however many votes he would have got, would have come from twice as many otherwise Trump voters than otherwise Biden voters.
The concept of all these angry Bernie Sanders supporters gravitating towards a Pro-Life, ultra small government libertarian (Amash’s wacky foreign policy views aside) is not realistic, and if nothing else, speaks to a large chasm among Democrats.
Yawn. You think everything speaks to a “large chasm among Democrats”
I can only speak for myself and not “my side”. But I held the opinion that Gary Johnson being such a strong advocate of pot legalization caused him to draw more Democratic votes than Amash had the potential to do. I said several times I did not think he would be a factor.
However, as someone who so adamantly wants to remove Donald Trump from office that he quit his party over it you think he’d realize there is one way to make that happen. And it’s not running a quixotic third party effort. It sounds as though he did figure that out in the end.
Amash may soon return to the Republican Party
Often that happens with Libertarians.Roger MacBride, the party’s presidential candidate in 1976 returned to the GOP and founded the Republican Libertarian Caucus.David Koch of Koch brothers fame was the party’s VP candidate in 1980 and later became a major contributor to the Reps .
More recently Bob Barr the Georgia Republican Congressman became the LPs presidential candidate In 2008 .He soon returned to the GOP and ran again for Congress,unsuccessfully.
And,of course there was Bill Weld the 2016 VP candidate,who tried to challenge Trump this year.
Republicans seem to like flirting with the Libertarians but usually wander back to their natural home.When Trump exits the scene, look for Amash to do the same,particularly if he wants to return to elective politics.
David Durenberger, a former Republican Senator from Minnesota, has endorsed Joe Biden for President.
Morning people…
Morning People….
According to PoliticalWire Karl Rove is now advising the Trump campaign.
His 2012 election night freakout on FOX News when Romney lost Ohio was pretty damn funny. I hope something like that happens again.
Trump going backwards ….
Lewandowski also….
Maybe CG will have a candidate after all–From Politicalwire
“Fuck. I might just win.”
— Vermin Supreme, on Twitter, after Rep. Justin Amash (I-MI) announced he was abandoning his bid for the Libertarian Party presidential nomination
His candidate has always been Donald Trump, he simply doesn’t want the stink of actually casting a vote for him. But, he supports Trump and the Republican Party, always has and always will even though they are, once again, in the process of destroying the American economy.
Ken Osmond, who played Eddie Haskell,everybody’s favorite smart aleck ,on the iconic early sixties comedy Leave It To Beaver has passed away at age 76.
When I was a kid in the early 80s “Still the Beaver” was one of the first series reboots. Thanks to my parents watching that show we went back and watched the old reruns of Leave it To Beaver.
I remember my mom saying there was a rumor Ken Osmond died in Vietnam and she was surprised when he popped up on the reboot. Turns out he had given up acting for awhile to be an LAPD officer.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average jumped 911 points (or 3.8%).
Oregon has a primary tomorrow …
Morning folks….
Oregon Primary Today…
North Carolina: Trump vs. Biden East Carolina U. Trump 46, Biden 43 [ Trump +3]
North Carolina Senate – Tillis vs. Cunningham East Carolina U. Cunningham 40, Tillis 41 [Tillis +1]
North Carolina Governor – Cooper vs. Forest East Carolina U. Cooper 51, Forest 36 [Cooper +15]
A new Civiqs poll in Georgia finds Joe Biden edging Donald Trump in the presidential race, 48% to 47%….
MOE teritory though
Oregon Primary…..
Former Vice President Joe Biden won Oregon’s presidential primary Tuesday, the latest notch on his belt on his march to the Democratic 2020 nomination.
The race was called by the Associated Press minutes after polls closed at 11 p.m. Eastern time. Biden won with roughly 70 percent of the vote with just over 40 percent of precincts reporting.
The former vice president will take the lion’s share of Oregon’s 61 pledged delegates after besting Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in the Beaver State.
Morning People…
Rasmussen–which is famously favorable to Trump and Republicans–has Biden leading Trump 48-43 with 8% undecided and 1% “Someone else”.
Yo Scott?
I’m beginning to think Trump doesn’t want to win in November….
He, he, he….
Maybe, maybe not. But Republicans desperately want him to win. Which is why they all should lose.
A new Rasmussen Reports survey finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump nationally, 48% to 43% with 8% still undecided….
The REAL bad thing in this poll is Biden leads in economic confidence , which is opposite the results in other polling…
Bad economies cancel President’s re-election chances…
Morning All!
post coming on Biden people announcing Klobuchar to be vetted for VP pick,..
Trump-Pence: The Ticket That Seems (Almost) Certain for a 2020 Reprise
— History, and the president’s own public statements, suggest that the Trump-Pence ticket will stick together in 2020.
— The last time an elected president running for reelection changed his running mate was Franklin Roosevelt way back in 1944.
— But there are some reasons to believe that Trump could revisit his running mate choice between now and the Republican National Convention…
Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball…
Morning All….
In an obvious suck up to the religious right Trump wants churches to “reopen now” and claims he can override governors to do so.
Minutes later WH spokesman Kayleigh McEnany adnitted he has no authority to override governors.
This is hilarious!
Joe Biden launched a new digital ad charging that President Trump has reacted to the coronavirus pandemic like a “deer in the headlights” and has been “too scared to act, too panicked to tell the truth, too weak to lead.”
The narrator continues: “Panicked at the thought of what a stock market collapse could mean to his re-election, he failed to act and the virus got out of control and shut down the nation and crushed the economy.”
Morning All
Here in SC ,and I suspect this may become an issue in other states, there is a problem with getting enough poll workers to man the polls for the June primaries.
The problem has become so acute that the Governor is considering ordering the services of the State Guard, a volunteer force seperate from the National Guard ,that Is used mostly in emergencies.
The dilemma highlights the need for such measures as absentee mail in voting and early voting .
Here in NY we just got mail-in ballots ……
I’ll be having a post on the push for Elizabeth Warren for VP later….
And of course something on Biden….
Jo Jorgensen,a Clemson University Psychology Professor, has won the Libertarian Party presidential nomination.
Jorgensen ,well known in LP circles but virtually unknown nationwide, is not expected to be any factor in the race .With little funding and without a nationally known figure heading the ticket,the LP is unlikely to draw anywhere near the votes that Gary Johnson and Bill Weld did last time.
I can’t think of a single third party candidate this time around that has any kind of national name recognition.
Vermin Supreme came in third place for the LP nomination
Morning People…
Finally (largely due to chance) found a list of U.S. Senators up for re-election this year and/or retirement next January. This is from the 2018 Congressional Directory, so some entries have changed.
[33 Senators in this group: Republicans, 21; Democrats, 12]
Name Party Residence
Alexander, Lamar …………………………………….. R. Maryville, TN.
Booker, Cory A.1 ……………………………………… D. Newark, NJ.
Capito, Shelley Moore ………………………………. R. Charleston, WV.
Cassidy, Bill …………………………………………….. R. Baton Rouge, LA.
Collins, Susan M. …………………………………….. R. Bangor, ME.
Coons, Christopher A.2 ……………………………… D. Wilmington, DE.
Cornyn, John ……………………………………………. R. Austin, TX.
Cotton, Tom …………………………………………….. R. Dardanelle, AR.
Daines, Steve …………………………………………… R. Bozeman, MT.
Durbin, Richard J. …………………………………….. D. Springfield, IL.
Enzi, Michael B. ………………………………………. R. Gillette, WY.
Ernst, Joni ……………………………………………….. R. Red Oak, IA.
Gardner, Cory ………………………………………….. R. Yuma, CO.
Graham, Lindsey ………………………………………. R. Seneca, SC.
Hyde-Smith, Cindy3 ………………………………….. R. Brookhaven, MS.
Inhofe, James M.4 …………………………………….. R. Tulsa, OK.
Jones, Doug5 ……………………………………………. D. Birmingham, AL.
McConnell, Mitch …………………………………….. R. Louisville, KY.
Markey, Edward J.6 ………………………………….. D. Malden, MA.
Merkley, Jeff ……………………………………………. D. Portland, OR.
Perdue, David …………………………………………… R. Glynn County, GA.
Peters, Gary C. …………………………………………. D. Bloomfield Township, MI.
Reed, Jack ……………………………………………….. D. Jamestown, RI.
Risch, James E. ………………………………………… R. Boise, ID.
Roberts, Pat ……………………………………………… R. Dodge City, KS.
Rounds, Mike …………………………………………… R. Fort Pierre, SD.
Sasse, Ben ……………………………………………….. R. Fremont, NE.
Shaheen, Jeanne ……………………………………….. D. Madbury, NH.
Smith, Tina7 …………………………………………….. D. Minneapolis, MN.
Sullivan, Dan …………………………………………… R. Anchorage, AK.
Tillis, Thom …………………………………………….. R. Huntersville, NC.
Udall, Tom ………………………………………………. D. Santa Fe, NM.
Warner, Mark R. ………………………………………. D. Alexandria, VA.
Footnotes (too long for this post) can be found on page 352 (corresponding page 327 of the printed edition) of this PDF:
I smell a post ….
Thanks DSD!
A new poll out of Utah shows Trump only leading there by 3 points.
I expect in the end Trump will win the state but by an unimpressive margin. With no McMullin in the race he will probably get just over 50%, but being unable to win Utah like the usual GOP nominee does by 20 or 30 points certainly spells trouble for him in neighboring Arizona.
Hopefully Romney does the right thing and endorses Biden this fall.
Morning People…..
He, he, he….
THAT would be something, eh Scott….
I think ole’ Mitt waits for the Oct polls to make up his mind….
Bad polls will give a LOT of GOPer’s a hesitation on the endorsement thing….
Everybody for THEMSELVES????
Some in tight races gonna have to figure out how do the dance of both sides, eh?
A new 2 News survey in Utah finds Donald Trump leading Joe Biden in the presidential race by just 3 points, 44% to 41% with 8% supporting a third-party candidate and 5% undecided….
This looks like a good read–and an argument that the “conservative” movement has problems beyond Donald Trump
“David Frum, the former speechwriter to George W Bush who helped coin the phrase “axis of evil,” concludes in his new book, Trumpocalypse, that 21st-century conservatism has “delivered much more harm than good, from the Iraq war to the financial crisis to the Trump presidency,” the Guardian reports.
David Frum, the former speechwriter to George W Bush who helped coin the phrase “axis of evil,” concludes in his new book, Trumpocalypse, that 21st-century conservatism has “delivered much more harm than good, from the Iraq war to the financial crisis to the Trump presidency,” the Guardian reports.
The book is out today….
The problem is we have TONS of books that have down in print Donald Trump’s fuckedness….
He’s STILL the President….
Trying to get another four year’s…
He has been an insightful critic of Trump and the Right. I wonder what he would say about Trump’s declining numbers with voters over 65. Would he think an improving economy in the Fall would overcome this decline? I would think a good portion of that support is gone for good in Florida, Arizona, Pennsylvania and other areas with large blocks of older voters. The argument would be that Trump cannot, as much as he is going to, take credit for economy that had nowhere to go but up. But the horrendously mismanaged health crisis is of his doing. Can older voters trust him with future crises?
Morning People!
NY moves to Phase I opening….
Traffic is back….
No major retail though….
And masks….
Gloves disappearing ….
Crazy times …..
RIP Sam Johnson
RIP Rep. Johnson.
A good man.
Too bad his party stands behind a nominee who retweets someone who said “the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat”
There is absolutely no “both sides” here.
Joe Biden would absolutely never retweet anything like that.
Republicans need to lose across the board to get the message.
Anderson Cooper (who works for CNN) along with his “expert” Andy Cohen, was not sure that Florida has two time zones.
I learned that in my supermininal Election Day effort (organized through for John Kerry in 2004, making GOTV calls to Florida from RI when there was no point in calling voters where the polls had already closed.
Trump shares video of supporter saying “the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat”
MAY 28, 2020 / 12:28 PM / CBS NEWS
President Trump on Thursday retweeted a video of a supporter saying that the “only good Democrat is a dead Democrat.” The man in the video is a New Mexico politician who faced calls to resign after making the remark earlier this month.
Mr. Trump at midnight retweeted a video from Cowboys For Trump featuring the group’s founder, Couy Griffin, who is also the Otero County commissioner. The clip shows Griffin speaking to a crowd of supporters.
“I’ve come to a place where I’ve come to the conclusion that the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat,” Griffin says in the first seconds of the clip, drawing cheers and applause….
Trump tweets ‘when the looting starts, the shooting starts’. Twitter adds ‘glorifying violence’ warning
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump on Friday called protesters in Minneapolis “thugs” and said that “when the looting starts, the shooting starts” — drawing another warning from Twitter for his rhetoric. Trump tweeted after protesters outraged by the death of a black man in police custody torched a police station.
Earlier Thursday, Trump said, “I feel very, very badly” about George Floyd’s death while handcuffed and in the custody of Minneapolis police. “That’s a very shocking sight.”
It was the kind of personal statement expected from a president in response to the disturbing video of a black man gasping for help as a white policeman pinned him to the street by the neck. But it was a very different tone for Trump, who has often been silent in the face of white-on-black violence and has a long history of defending police.
Trump’s language got more aggressive as violence boiled over in Minneapolis on Thursday night. “These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen,” he tweeted. “Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!”
Twitter added a warning to Trump’s tweet about the Minneapolis protests, saying it violated the platform’s rules about “glorifying violence.” Earlier this week, it applied fact checks to two of his tweets about mail-in ballots….
How utterly out of character for the current master of the White House !! I’m completely astonished.
And cowardly Republicans say nothing. Just as they say nothing to his quote from the racist 1960s Miami police chief about killing American citizens who damage property.
Tim Scott sure had a lot to say about Biden’s little flub, but can’t be bothered to denounce Trump for this.
It’s the words Trump uses to denigrate others that are the ones that always best apply to him and his followers. It’s almost like he’s looking in the mirror when he says them.
Good point RE….
Trump HAS aways been aggressive in these situations…
Remember the rallies?
‘Take them outta here’
Backing violence from militant white nationalist groups….
It IS his way….
And he’s the President no less?
ANYTHING to add to the chaos that would divert attention from his miscues….
Stoking violence and division both as a diversion and as strategy to solidify his support may not work as well as it did before. He is seen as hapless and unable to manage anything with any shred of ability. I don’t think some of his supporters want to see chaos unfolding which will just add to the uncertainty that already exists.
I agree and hope NOT….
I wonder what Republicans will think when Trump dismisses Congress…or, on second thought, they may not even know the difference.
Trump job approval dropping since I last updated the sidebar a few days ago…
We’ll see what the protests do to his numbers if anything as a distraction….
Trump was trailing Biden by 5 in the latest Minnesota poll…..
Racists and those who want to shoot protesters are already Trump Republicans anyway. Biden has shown compassion and anger at the murder of George Floyd, and has not championed any looting or lawlessness among a few of the protesters.
I doubt this moves the needle much, if at all.